Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tommy Jordan For President?

Tommy Jordan responding to his daughter's rant on
Facebook about chores.
Yesterday, someone asked me who I was voting for in the presidential election.  Truthfully, there is no one I would vote least that is what I thought before today.

In the news lately, there has been much talk about North Carolina father Tommy Jordan who made a video response to his daughter's disrespectful posting on Facebook.  Now I will warn that the language in this video is appalling.  Yet, I also know that this is how many teens are speaking today...and believing they can do so outside of their parents' earshot through social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter...

Now there is a major outcry from some saying how the Dad has, "Completely ruined his 15-year old daughter's life now.Really?  Since when does social networking become the essence of one's "whole life"?  If they are speaking of how things linger and follow you on the Internet, then most assuredly the profanity-ridden rant she posted against her parents did very little for establishing her as a person of character.  If she feels free to openly post such disregard for her family and herself, then I sure see no problem with him responding in kind to express his displeasure and disappointment.

Maybe his actions will even serve to help save his daughter's life.  Many young people these days live in a bubble of delusion thinking that life centers around themselves and they have no comprehension of responsibility, accountability, or hard work.  Why?  Because in a society that is all about self-gratification and self-fulfillment, many kids are given everything they want; personally having to earn nothing.  As a result, they expect that the world owes them something and are filled with a lifestyle of indulgence that does more harm than good.  How can we ever expect such persons to understand and embrace the walk with Christ, which is based on self-denial and service to others?

In a Freudian-drunk world, the "rights" of children - a right to privacy, freedom of expression, and to "do as thou wilt" - are seen as paramount while the parent attempting to correct a child is seen as unjustly restrictive.  This attitude endorses the child's rebellion because the world is Anti-christ.  It promotes a spirit of anarchy which will see our children damned to Hell, and is reinforced by the education system, the media, and society at large. 

Some of the complaints in the media?

He reprimanded his daughter openly.  Well, she had no qualms expressing her contempt publicly, so she can take her correction publicly.  He didn't embarrass her, but she embarrassed herself by her own actions. 

He shot up the laptop.  So what?  It is an inanimate object and his own possession.  There are times I have thrown a toy into the trash when my children continue in disobedience to get across to them, "I do not care about this stuff.  This junk does not matter.  I care about you and your listening to what we say."

His reaction was "violent".  It should be noted that any "violence" demonstrated (a swift & intense force) was not directed to the daughter, but to the method of her rebellion.  How do we think the Father treats the idols in our lives?  He doesn't gently move them out of our way, being sure that they are kept intact; He demolishes them.  Am I comparing this man to God the Father?  No.  I am pointing out that "violence" in and of itself is not an unGodly trait.  When God is confronting the idols of this world, even He will often respond violently (Matthew 11:12; Revelation 18:21); not in a way that has disregard for life and is harmful towards men, but in an unwavering stand for that which is righteous.  To understand more on this subject, read the book "The Christian Soldier: Heaven Taken By Storm" by Thomas Watson.

He put her on punishment indefinitely.  Well & good!  What is the purpose of correction afterall if not to be rehabilitative?  Until she begins to be grateful for the sacrifices of her parents and learn the importance of being respectful to others, why should she continue to be indulged?

Now clearly I am not really advocating this man for president, nor am I holding him up as a model parent.  I don't even know him.  Yet it is refreshing to see a parent who cares enough about his children not to wink at their rebellious attitude and think it is "cute" or "just the way kids are".  One who is not afraid to take away society's JUNK (TVs, Ipods, phones, video games, computers, etc.) - and let the child know just how little they think of it - when they see that the child's mind is being eroded away.  One who desires to confront the skewed, self-seeking attitude of this world so that his child can get a reality check about that which is truly important in life.  If even one person running for president had this much guts, intolerance for insolence, and commitment to hard work, just maybe I would believe half the lies they spew.

Those who really love their children will not sit idly by as they become spoiled by the seed of rebellion, but will chasten them so that they can become responsible adults.  Yes, such persons will still need to turn in faith to Jesus Christ, but at the very least they understand the importance of disciplined living which is a key preparation for walking in salvation.  If we leave our children to the whims of this world, then we are signing off on their destruction. 

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