Someone sent me an article written by their "friend" who had twisted Scriptures and put forth lies in order to justify the rebellion of matriarchal authority in the Church. In spite of the error of the article, my highest concern was for the person who sent it to me. I let them know that I would never call any person who could so deliberately pervert God's word a "friend".
Similarly, another person had a "friend" on Facebook who was forwarding vulgar and perverse items under the guise of them being "funny". However, the truth is that such persons merely delights in perversion and finds amusement in that which is vulgar. The things which are offensive to God is entertainment to this "friend".
In this day and age, it is common to call everyone a "friend", especially on many of the popular social networking sites. However, we must be very careful who we let into the inner circle of our lives. Not everyone we meet is sent to us by the Lord, but some are sent by Satan in order to derail us from the things of God. We can be so concerned about offending others by not referring to them as friends, that we wind up endearing to ourselves those who are the enemy of God.
To understand the importance of this topic, here is an audio sermon by Min. David Wilkerson entitled, "Your Friends Matter to God."
- Your friends reflect what is in your own heart.
- A friend is someone you with whom you have a close affinity and are in agreement with.
- It is a supernatural and spiritual truth that birds of a feather flock together. People who have the same spirit (whether good or bad) will supernaturally gravitate to each other.
- One of the most subtle tactics of Satan is to send an agent of Hell to Godly, tender-hearted Christians as a friend.
- David committed to God that his closest companions were those who reverenced and obeyed God.
- You had better examine your friendships by the Spirit of the Living God because you need to know whether they are really of God or whether they have been planted by the enemy to destroy you.
- Backbiting against Godly people, Godly leadership, and even one's spouse is a sign that such persons are not sent to you by God because they are filling you with poison.
- Someone who is really of the Lord will provoke you to righteousness, will speak honestly about your unChristlikeness, pray with you when you are down, and encourage you to be more like Jesus.
- A Godly friend will always stand on God's side, not just your side.
- There are three consequences for keeping unGodly friends:
- You get pulled into an unGodly war which is not your business
- You lose your spiritual discernment
- You end up with war in your own home
- Your friends reflect who you are.
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