Calling All Women
I was reflecting on some comments this morning regarding the desperate need for men to take their God-assigned place as leaders in the home & church. In discussing this topic, it is not uncommon to hear folks (particularly women) say something like, "If only the men would stand up and take their place."
Yet as I was dropping off the kids this morning, God reminded me that the word Eve means "life". In fact, women were designed by God to be a life-giving force to those around them.
"So," God said, "If there is death in the church, maybe it is because the women are not in their place?" Now you know I almost had to pull off on the side of the road for that one! LOL
The point is not to place blame, and neither is that why God brought this to my attention. The bottom line is that everyone needs to do what God has purposed us to do. There is no such thing as sitting around and waiting for someone else to get it right. We each need to be about the Father's business.
To be honest, many women who talk about how "men aren't doing what they are supposed to do" are simply using that as an excuse to justify their own rebellion. When I used to pray for my husband to be saved, God would immediately counter with, "But are you prepared to submit to him when I do?" Of course I would quickly answer, "Yes, Lord."; although honestly I was becoming quite frustrated with His continuing to question me in that area.
But God knew my heart...even more than I was willing to know it. He knew that I needed to be worked on internally in order to be a woman who could support a Godly man. God had to wash away all of that, "strong, independent woman" craziness that my upbringing and my education had instilled in me. He had to eradicate the subconscious fear, resentment, and distrust of men which permeated my interactions with them due to a lack of experiencing true manhood in my life. He had to deal with that spirit of Jezebel who was a witch & a whore, desiring to use manipulation and even sex to control a man and get him to do my bidding.
Yal, and be reminded here, I am talking about a woman who was SAVED! Some might say, "Well, that was just YOU." However, I would beg to differ. Bring up a woman's call to submit to her husband in almost any arena and you will be sure to see sparks fly. If they don't start trying to explain away that command, they will start pointing out how the men are not doing what they are supposed to. Anything but deal honestly with the issue at hand.
Let's be real, please? Many women, including "Christian" women, have no idea what it means to be a woman and are not interested in being one! Deep down inside, they do not want men to take a God-ordained place of leadership in the home or church because they don't want or know how to submit to it. They don't want to stop being the "Queen Bee."
However, as I continued to reflect on God's words this morning, He reminded me of Queen Esther. The first time I read the Book of Esther, I felt that this was my personal story. Something about Esther just spoke to me and this book gained a special place in my heart (hence the underlying Scripture for this blog).
As I read through the Book of Esther on Monday, God kept bringing my attention back to Esther's Hebrew name: Hadassah (which means myrtle). I could not understand at the time why this was important, but after the conversations this morning about men, now I understand.
Myrtle is used in Zechariah as a type of God's people in a lowly and depressed state having experienced the oppression of Babylon (Zechariah 1:8-17). In the midst of the myrtle stands a picture of Jesus Christ, interceding for His people and preparing to bring forth mercy & deliverance as He ushers in His everlasting dominion. This is also a picture of the end time church, which too has been oppressed in spiritual Babylon.
In Esther (Hadassah), we see a beautiful example of womanhood, but we also see a true woman's response to demonic attacks against God's people: Intercession. When Satan (through Haman) determined to kill off the Jews, Esther called a fast. She sought - at the potential expense of her own life - to intercede for her people; to fast & pray for God to raise up deliverance on their behalf. Remember too that Esther's husband was not a Jew; he did not serve God. Yet, Esther knew that God was powerful enough to touch even the coldest heart and soften it.
Women with a heart after God will not complain about what their husbands - or men in general - are not doing. They will be driven into prayer and fasting before the Lord so that the men will be given the strength & will to fight.
And what happens when Esther fasts and intercedes before the King? A decree comes forth for Haman's plan to be overturned. Instead of being the victim of his evil schemes, God's people are now equipped & commanded to take avenge themselves against every adversary. Like in Zechariah, once these intercessions come forth, the people prosper as the Lord comforts His elect once more and gathers them again unto Himself (Zechariah 1:17).
How many women are going before the King, interceding for God's mercy & deliverance to be poured out on in the church? When tempted to murmur against men, who instead will lift up a prayer on their behalf? Who is willing to humble themselves, seeking God to be molded into a virtuous woman, regardless of what a man is or is not doing?
I sincerely believe that if more women would take seriously their calling to be what God has designed us to be, we will begin to see great revival (life) in the church again. This is not about making men beyond reproach or lifting them up on some pedestal; it is about women deciding to be and do what God has called for us to be and do...and trusting God to take care of the rest.
In the following message by Pastor Zac Poonen, he discusses the responsibilities of both the husband and wife in marriage. While it is a good message, I include it here specifically because he also touches on how our blaming each other instead of each taking our own proper roles will result in us missing out on what God has ordained for us: Responsibilities of a Husband and Wife.
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