Saturday, January 21, 2012


"While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage."  II Peter 2:19

We have spoken before about the absurdity of the "pro-choice" platform.

How it's legalization was rooted in the eugenics movement, which seeks to reduce the world population by exterminating all "undesirables" from the world.

How it is in actuality the masking of wholesale murder as a means for destroying the family unit and destabilize society under the guise of protecting 'women's rights'.

However, the following videos have to be some of the hardest to watch that I have ever seen.  As difficult as they are to watch, they document a "procedure" that thousands of women undergo each day.

As stated in the video, abortion staying hidden allows it to remain tolerable.

If there is any doubt about what "choice" the people who support abortion want you to choose, this settles that question once and for all.

The following video is the documentary "The Silent Scream" hosted by Dr. Bernard Nathanson (an obstetrician) as he explains the suction abortion procedure, followed by an actual first trimester abortion as seen through ultrasound.

This next video chronicles the stages of life that a baby goes through from conception to birth.  It then shows actual results from an abortion in comparison.

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