Sunday, January 1, 2012

Santa Muerte

A man in Mexico holds the Angel of
Death, who is considered a patron
saint by many Mexican Catholics.
Yesterday, Dr. Scott Johnson sent out an update addressing Santa Muerte, the patron "saint of death" and how this worship of death permeates the Roman Catholic Church (RCC).  We touched on this previously in the article about Halloween and the RCC's "All Saints Day" holiday, but Bro. Scott goes into more detail about how open and pervasive this worship of death is.

Not only is this the spirit behind all false religion, it is the spirit which weaves together the very fabric of the worldIn light of the dream I had the other night about the grim reaper, I felt this was important to post.

In addition to addressing the worship of this spirit of death, Bro. Scott also examines:
  • The RCC's historic practice of worshiping of the dead, including memorializing skulls, bones, and other relics as objects of veneration.
  • Who is Azreal, the angel of death
  • The Inquisitions and how Christians were massacred by the RCC and their bones & skulls kept as trophies to these conquests.
You may access the message via the following links:

Audio of the Message

PDF of the message

The bone house in Hallstatt, Austria where the Catholic Church
massacred Miners during the reformation, took their skulls up
from the grave, exposed them to moon light, and decorated them.

The Roman Catholic priests in Hallstatt killed Christians
cut the heads off thier bodies and decorated some of those they had beheaded.

A Catholic altar set up to honor Santa Muerte.

Mexicans parade in the streets with idols of their patron
"saint of death", the grim reaper.

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