Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Babylonian Mystery Religion in Sistine Chapel

In the last message we posted from Pastor Mike Hoggard, he was addressing the Mother of All Secrets, which I still happen to believe is one of the most important lessons for Christians to hear.  So if you have not watched it before, please do so.

However, in his recent Watchman broadcast, Pastor Hoggard delves into the mystery religions of Babylon (i.e., Roman Catholicism, Kemet, etc.) and how it is rooted in goddess & phallic worship.  In this examination, he uses the "Christian" symbolism we see in the Sistine Chapel to illustrate this deception.

As always, Pastor Hoggard's research is not for the faint of heart.  In this prophetic research newscast, he discusses:
  • Roman Catholicism as a mystery religion and not Christianity.   As a former Catholic, I can only agree wholeheartedly with the truth he reveals about this organization.  Please pray for the deliverance of those people who have been deceived by this wicked institution.  In case it is not clear, let me reiterate: Roman Catholicism is not a Christian religion, and Pastor Hoggard sheds light on one way in which this is revealed...in their own Sistine Chapel.
  • The practice of Shakti and how through "touch" one can transfer spirits or illumination.  Shakti is the divine feminine creative power in Hinduism (also called the Great Divine Mother).  Shakti is responsible for all creation and is worshiped as the Supreme Being.  Shakti is also a critical mantra in the practice of Yoga as it is believed to tune you into the frequency of the Divine Mother for primal protective, generative energy. Chanting the Shatki is supposed to eliminate all fears and fulfils all desires. The various Shatki mantras mean "Primal Power," "All Power", and "that which creates through God."
  • Elements of old world mysticism promoted in Steven Spielberg films, particularly E.T. (The Extra Terrestrial) which mirrors Michelangelo's painting of "The Creation of Adam" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  Earlier this year, I happened to watch the movie E.T. on television which I had seen initially as a child.  As I did, God began pointing out to me the various anti-christ symbolism in the movie.  Don't think that the perversion in the media is something recent.  Even years ago, so-called "children's films" were being used to mold people's mind to accept an anti-christ agenda.  Nonetheless, Pastor Hoggard shows how this new age mysticism (which is really not new at all, but plain, old Babylonian witchcraft) of transferring spirits via Shakti is promoted in this film and in the Roman Catholic Church's Sistine Chapel. Notice as well that goddess worship is often associated with the worship of the moon, which is also the backdrop for the E.T. promo.
  • Have you ever heard people speak of the "Shekinah Glory" of God?  Find out what, or rather WHO, Shekinah is and how it is connected with Shakti.  The word Shekinah itself is not found in the Hebrew Scriptures, but is a derivative of a feminine Hebrew word meaning "to dwell" (shakan).  However Shekinah is found in the Jewish book of mysticism called the Kabbalah as the image of the divine feminine.  Shekinah is also depicted in "The Creation of Adam" in the Sistine Chapel.  What is the Shekinah "anointing"?
  • What is really being accomplished in the awakening of the Third Eye through Kundalini and how is this being promoted through "Christian" churches via soaking prayer, contemplative prayer, certain music, yoga, etc.?  Learn how this mystic practice is being introduced into Christianity with such phrases as a coming Great Awakening (Rick Warren), a Great Shifting (Carlton Pearson), etc.
  • How there is a 500 year-old mystery hidden in the painting of "The Creation of Adam" (Concealed Neuroanatomy in Michelangelo's Separation of Light From Darkness in the Sistine Chapel) which depicts the illumination of the Third Eye. Even Scripture shows that what is painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is not a depiction of God giving life to Adam.  What it does show is the revelation of the "new humanity" or "new breed" of man made possible by merging with the nephilim through the awakening of the Third Eye.
I have tried to break down some of the topics being addressed in this video, but you really need to take just one hour to watch it in order to see how all these things work together.  I have also added below a couple of images Pastor Hoggard discusses so that you can take a closer view of what he is presenting.

In the Sistine Chapel piece entitled "The Creation of Adam", Michelangelo depicts the life giving goddess of Shekinah giving illumination to Adam.
In the Sistine Chapel work called "The Separation of Light from Darkness" Michelangelo paints the the human spinal cord and brain stem representing the illumination that happens when the Kundalini serpent has made its way up the spine and connected with the base of the brain to awaken the Third Eye.

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