In a previous article, we examined how many in the churchworld have a propensity for elevating, excusing, and entertaining teachers who the Scriptures say soothe itching ears. Although that article highlighted the symptoms we see manifested as a result of these errors (sexual scandals, financial fraud, decadence, etc.) what is the cause?
- Why are those who are not called by God to minister to His people often the very ones whom people flock to in order to be ministered?
- What are the signs which identify that someone is a hireling vs. a true man of God?
- Is it Biblical for a man or woman to be your spiritual "covering"?
- Is the Bible being used to incant spells over people in order to rape and pillage them?
- How is God using sorcerers (often called by men pastor, bishop, reverend, apostle, etc.) to bewitch those who receive not the love of the truth?
- What can you do to ensure that you are not subject to this divination and wizardry?
- What is the definition of a lie?
- What does it mean that those who seek to save their lives will lose their lives?
- If the last days are going to be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot, then how were those days?
- How do the Scriptures define witchcraft and how do we see that in the church?
- What is the casting of lots, i.e. the lottery
- How is prophecy in the church being perverted to be incantations from the wrong spirit?
- The roots of spell casting comes from Babylon, as the pulpits are filled with charmers who serve as nothing more than pimps receiving payments of "tithes" from the prostitutes.
- How does compromise on the truths of God's word open the door to receive a counterfeit spirit?
- People sitting under and financing false preachers are accomplices to these preachers' crimes.
- Why are we seeing such a rise in homosexuality? Is the church really homophobic?
- The pimp/prostitute paradigm we see in many churches is also the pattern for how many young men and women are relating to each other today.
- How is the sodomite spirit being promoted amongst the church?
- How does witchcraft turn your mind and heart from Jesus Christ to "another Jesus"?
- How does the false church use the name of Jesus to bewitch people into worshiping Satan?
- How those who come in the authority of their own name make themselves into idols before men through sorceries.
- How you can expect the church at large to turn against you when you expose this wickedness.
- Why the true Bride of Christ needs to be in prayer for God to move and raise up His true church.
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