Friday, December 16, 2011


transition: movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change.

Last Saturday night, I had a dream that Google suspended all of my accounts (Youtube, this Blog, etc.) due to content stating that homosexuality is a sin.  In the dream, when I tried to reestablish the accounts, God told me not to.  He said that it was time to "transition" to the next thing He had for me.

I can remember a time before when God told me that within a year I would no longer have the job I held.  In response, I started training one of my team members to take over and manage the team.  Six months later, I was laid off.

The funny thing is that, when I was first informed that I was being let go, I was momentarily stunned.  As I started to question my supervisor, God spoke to me and said, "I told you that you were going to be out of this job."  I then remembered the word of the Lord and had peace in that situation.  Hopefully I have learned a little better since then how to hold on to God's words and not be moved by the things of this world (especially when He takes time to forewarn us). 

God has not given me any time tables here, but if you attempt to pull up these sites at some point in the future, do not be surprised if they are no longer available.  More importantly, and to the point of this post, be prepared for there to be much change and transition soon in your own lives.  We certainly know that such is true just looking at the world's landscape to see how nations are changing.  It is almost like the world is a huge powder keg and any one thing (among the many issues around at present) could ignite it.

I also believe change is coming to the lives of individual Christians as well. I am no fatalist, but I do believe the word of God.  The things which are written in Scripture are for our admonition, edification, and enlightenment; even about the times in which we live.  As mankind becomes more defiled in anticipation of receiving the world's king (the Anti-christ), surely the church is being prepared by God to be a great light in this darkness in anticipation of receiving our Great King, Jesus.

In the meantime, I'll continue to post on these accounts as God leads.  Yet, it is only fitting that this blog would end over a topic which was the focus of the very first article posted over four years ago.  Who says that God doesn't have a sense of humor?

If there is any word that I would give in this hour it is not to be complacent.  Don't think that the way things are today will be the way they continue to be.  Do not say to yourself, "I have time", and put off that which the Lord has been putting on your heart to submit to Him; tomorrow is not promised to anyone.  Seek God to be ready for what is to come and inquire of Him to know the purposes He has for you at this time.


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