Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Spiritual Warfare Against Dark Spirits

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The following message from Russ Dizdar of Shatter the Darkness is on how to walk in the freedom and power of Christ (and bring others to it).  He reviews:
  • Demonic attacks can come from outside of a person.  In such cases, we can stand on and speak the word of God against that oppression which often come in the form of involuntary feelings, thoughts, etc.
  • Uncontrolled anger can give the devil a legal foothold (an attachment) to latch on to a person and launch demonic attacks.
  • Another type of demonic influence is when demons possess a person.  Only turning in faith to Christ can break such a hold in a person's life.  God has given Christians the authority to bind and cast out those demons in the name of Jesus.  Don't back away or back down from such manifestations.
  • The Book of Acts is the best end time training manual on how to deal with unclean spirits and lead others to Christ.
  • We are the midst of the largest wrapping up of manifest dark presence worldwide and biblical prophecy indicates that we must be fully sanctified to the Kingdom of God to wage war against it.
  • All believers must realize that there will be warfare coming your way.  A Spirit-filled believer will come against demonic oppression in prayer and by exercising the spiritual authority God has given us against these forces.
  • To obtain and stay in freedom in Christ:
    • Surrender everything to Jesus.
    • Ask Jesus for deliverance.
    • Renounce all sin.
    • Command the demons to leave.
    • Ask to be (re)filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Obedience is inseparable from real faith.  So many Christians are leading a "spectator" Christian life by not putting into practice those things God says we should be doing.  There is blessing and strength to be found in obeying the word of God.
  • Don't leave a new believer to themselves.  God says that we are to "disciple" them.
  • Jesus came to destroy the devil's work.  Is the power of the living Christ experienced - not just talked about - in your church?  Power of God made manifest in worship, in winning souls, in having prayers answered, etc.
  • Believers have not been called to just go and study the Bible for ever.  Study leads to obedience, to action, to good works that God has commanded us to do.

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