"Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." Proverbs 27:6
When someone says, "I can't live without you. You are my everything."...
When people appear caught up in what you say, what you do, and what you are going through...
When acquaintances prefer to tell you 'smooth things' rather than hurt your feelings with the truth...
When a person gives you what you want and appears to deny you nothing...
When others pay attention to you and seem to make you the center of their world...
When folks only applaud you and never tell you that you're wrong...
You think THAT is love; but it is not.
Love is the equivalent of selflessness. In a nutshell, that means it is not about us; not what we want, what we feel, nor what we think. Love is not the result of how others interact with us. It is the result of how we commit our ways to the Lord.
Since God is love, this tells us that God is the standard for determining what "love" is. It is not based in emotions or performance; it is an act of the will. This is why Jesus could say that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). It is even how we will be able to love our enemies (Luke 6:27).
If the presence of love was dependent upon friendly relations, good feelings, or even mutual respect, then Jesus would never have died on the cross. Yet, Christ died for us when we were all His enemies; and the motivation for that sacrifice was love.
We hated Him, but He died for us. We spit in His face, but He gave His all for us. We chose to fellowship with murderers and thieves over Him, but He laid down everything for us. We betrayed Him even after pledging our loyalty to Him, but He suffered death on the cross for us. No matter how we despised Him, He would not be moved from doing as His Father commanded. That is love.
It "feels" good to have people all wrapped up in us and going out of their way to be sure we are okay. It "feels" good to have people flatter and praise us as being such good persons. It "feels" good to have people validate what we think and never challenge those beliefs with truth. It "feels" good for people to be tolerant and accepting of our life choices and never say that some of them are wrong. In such things, we fashion ourselves into a god, becoming our own standard for what is good and evil (Genesis 3:5). But that is not love!
This is why Proverbs 27:6 says that the "wounds" of a friend are faithful while the "kisses" of an enemy are deceitful. Someone who really loves you is not there to be your "yes man", but to help you obtain all that God has for you in developing the Godly character reflected in His Son...even if it hurts along the way.
If we deceive ourselves by thinking that "love" is based on what makes us feel good or what is pleasing to the flesh, then we will never be able to receive nor understand the love of God. We will remain stagnant in our lives and in our relationship with Him. We might even perceive God's love as being unloving.
In the world, "love" is all about ME (need ME, want ME, love ME) because natural man instinctively gravitates to that which is comfortable. As a result, we tend to draw back from correction and hardships; but such is the only way we can grow. And Scripture says that only a true friend would care enough to provide that type of influence in our lives (Proverbs 27:6).
"Asmanyas I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." Revelation 3:19
We must get used to seeing love as God does. The true test for love is not that it gives us the warm and fuzzies, but that it propels us towards God through obedience to His word. The love of God may not always feel good to our flesh, but it is always for our good.
In His love, He is molding us into the image of His Son so that others can see His Son in us.
"To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved." Ephesians 1:6
If God can touch and move a young girl like this to PREACH with such passion, then there is surely nothing He cannot do. I haven't seen such common sense even amongst some adults.
Many of the problems weighing down the Body of Christ have to do with a spirit of rejection. Satan makes sure that most experience rejection at an early age with the intent of crippling them for most of their lives. Yet, through Jesus Christ we no longer have to be crippled...unless we choose to be.
It is our choice to believe the lies of Satan OR to believe the truths from God our Father. I don't care what people say, what circumstances imply, or what your "feelings" tell you. Whose report will you believe?
How long will you allow yourself to grovel on the ground in self-pity as the devil kicks more dirt in your face? Determine to hold on to the truths of God and He will not only give you the strength to stand, but to overcome the enemy.
The spirit of rejection is actually a form of self-idolatry. Everything always revolves around you, what others think of you, and how they are treating you. Something doesn't have to exalt you to be an idol. Anything that molds your character, personality, and behavior apart from the Spirit of God is an idol.
Rejection desires and is fed by only one thing: feelings of rejection. So it perverts reality in your own mind so that you see everything in terms of someone rejecting or accepting you, even seeing rejection when it is not there. It will keep you on a roller coaster of seeking for people to constantly validate your self-worth or continuously reaffirm that you are loved & accepted. Most significantly, this spirit will affect your personality, causing you to perform attention-seeking behaviors that compel others to reject you.
A child of God need not walk in rejection because we have been made accepted in the Beloved. An inability to comprehend this and receive it in our hearts will cause you to have a defeated walk with the Lord. Jesus died so that we could be overcomers, so that we can be victorious over the wares of the enemy. So I ask again, which will you choose? To believe the lies of the devil who seeks to destroy your very soul or to believe the truths of the God who loves you and gave His life for you?
Don't "feel" like God loves you? Believe it anyway (Jeremiah 31:3).
Think others don't accept you? Find solace in being accepted in the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6).
Seem like others (even family members) don't treat you the way they should? Get used to it, and keep serving God in spite of (Psalm 27:10; Matthew 10:22, 34-38).
Those closest to you have let you down? Forgive them and keep on pressing (Matthew 18:21-22).
Why go 10, 20, 30, 40 years nursing old wounds and hurts when you can be made whole? Don't wait for your emotions to get in line with the word of God before you believe; believe NOW! Your feelings will line up with the word as you keep holding to the voice of truth - and refusing the lies of the enemy.
The following message from Kayla Bramnick is about the spirit of rejection. In order to really take the words in this video to heart, I have transcribed what was stated below.
The Holy Spirit showed me a long time ago that - and my dad said it - the problem that we have with young people and with everybody; the reason why there are so many death rates, abortions, AIDS...the reason why there are so many statistics and so many young people dying and going to Hell - and old people as well - is they don't have love from a father. They don't know who they are.
I was actually just talking about it, preaching about it to the youth group a while ago and I was asking them, "What is that one thing that everybody's looking for?" I was sitting there for ten minutes. They kept trying to come up with something and they could not answer it.
The Holy Spirit showed it to me that it is like a doughnut. I know I sound childish, but I am going to use this anyway. It's like a doughnut with an emptiness. God created us with that emptiness so that we would go to Him. Your Father & your mother will never be able to fill that. Your husband or your wife will never be able to fill that. Your friends will never be able to fill that. God created that emptiness in your heart so that you could go to Him ultimately.
He made us with this passionate desire to fill it. So we go crazy trying to fill it with money, drugs, fornication, friends, or with anything we can imagine. And it leaves us emptier. So many people don't know and have been hurt by their parents and so many people. They are struggling, in pain, and they don't know what to do. Even in the Body of Christ it is so sad how so many don't know their identity. God created each of you with a purpose and with a destiny.
What are the three most important things you need to know?
You have a Heavenly Father who loves you.
No matter what you do or what you say. Your father and mother may get mad. They may kick you out of the house. Your boyfriend will only like you if you do certain things with him. Your Heavenly Father may be disappointed or hurt by you at times, but He will never stop loving you. He is always by your side. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He's got your back. You've got to know that.
I don't care what you have been through, what you have seen, what you done...He loves you. You have to get that from the word of God into your mind and then from your mind into your heart. You have heard that. How many times have you heard, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." Get it from the Bible to your heart!
You are His Son & Daughter.
You are not His niece, nephew, or neighbor. You are His son & daughter. You have to get that revelation. Once you receive Jesus into your heart, He automatically is your Heavenly Father. He created you with a purpose & destiny. You are here for a reason. You are not just here because your father and mother loved each other so much. You are here because God created you before the foundations of the world. He created you with a purpose and reason to be alive because you are going to change nations and change lives. You have to know that.
You have a right to inheritance. Did you hear what I said? Everything that my Father has is mine. Everything that Jesus did I can do because we have the same Father. That doesn't mean I am equal to Christ, He is still the Savior. But it means that everything He has I can have. I can heal the sick, I can raise the dead, I can cast out demons!
God loves you no matter what
No matter what you do or say, no matter how far you go. Don't say, "You don't know what I've done." Paul said he was the worse. He killed Christians. He did everything. But he said even though I was the worst person and I did the worst things, Christ still died for me and loved me. Christ still showed up in Paul's life and look what the man of God became; an incredible Apostle who wrote most of the New Testament. That means there is hope for you and me.
So many people say, "But Kayla, I don't have a father or mother who shows me love." You know what I tell them? "Jesus loves you so much that He wanted to raise you for Himself." Listen to this. He loves you so much that He didn't want to trust you to your father and mother alone because He knew that they would let you down. He wanted to raise you for Himself.
We serve such a great and faithful God. He is always by your side. He will never let you down. You've got to get and understand that.
That is why so many Christians lead a mopey life. That is why you don't see you guys doing anything. The young people some times are so depressed and the same little things still bother you. That person says something and it still bothers you. When you are betrayed and hurt, you need to rise above it. "I am a son/daughter of God. I don't have time for this. I don't have time to deal with this because I am a daughter of the King."
For me, when I got that revelation, I never ever let anybody put me down. And I have heard some really bad and nasty remarks about me. I have been betrayed many times, hurt and let down by very close people, people that I trusted and gave my heart to. The reason I was able to overcome it - and the way you will be able to overcome - is by knowing that your Heavenly Father loves you.
Who cares what others think? Who cares if that person doesn't like me, that is their problem. I am following Jesus. My Daddy loves me. He is proud of me. I am doing what He wants. If everybody else hates me that is fine, my God still loves me. If the whole world hates me.
The Bible says you are going to be persecuted and hated. There is always going to be hurt and rejection. The world is always going to be full of pain. But why am I still walking? Why am I still standing? Because I know my God has my back. I know that my God is always by my side. I know that He loves me. I know that I am His child and as long as I have Him by my side nothing can ever bring me down.
You guys have to get that. The Church of Christ has to get that. The Bride of Christ, your Groom loves you. What is so hard about that? He loves you.
Alot of time what happens is that we like to feel reject because then people can feel badly for us. People like to feel rejected because others are like, "Ohhhh, I am so sorry. Ohhhh, it is okay." NO! You are sons and daughters of God that means you are soldiers. That means you are warriors in an army.
There is a world of lost people out there and they don't need you mopey and on the floor crying, "Oh my gosh, that person said they don't like me." No, No, No!!! What is an intercessor, what is a man or woman of God supposed to do?
They are supposed to get up!
They are supposed to stand up!
They are supposed to take a stand!
They are supposed to grab the souls from the enemy!
They are supposed to do war!
They are supposed to be warriors of God!
They are supposed to be showing the world who is the Father!
They are supposed to reveal the love of God to the world!
And what are the Christians doing? Crying saying, "Oh my gosh that person said this to me again. Oh my gosh, the Pastor didn't say hi to me. My father rejected me. My mother wanted to abort me. What am I going to do?" NO!!
Get out of it. Walk out of it. "You don't know what they did to me. You don't know what they said to me." Shake it off and move on! Cry if you have to, but shake it off and keep on going. Don't let it keep you down because you have a purpose and a destiny. Every time you hold that anger and pain in, it takes even longer for your destiny to be filled.
As I drove through the neighborhood this week, there were lots of decorated houses. Some still with Halloween themes, some with Fall/Thanksgiving scenes, and some with Christmas decor.
My son asked, "Which is the most important holiday?"
I replied, "I don't understand what you mean son?"
Then he elaborated, "Which holiday is most important to God?"
As I thought about it for a minute, I had to say, "None of them. God doesn't care about these holidays. He cares about how we live every day. Are we obeying Him every day and living for Him every day? These 'holidays' are created by man and for man, based on what he thinks should be commemorated."
"That's not true!" he said. "Thanksgiving is about God and being thankful for God, so that is an important holiday."
"Where did you hear that? At School?" I asked him. "Is Thanksgiving in the Bible? Is Christmas? Is Halloween?" I told him that if he wants to know what is most important to God, then he needs to look to God's word.
I also explained how Thanksgiving came to be; that people from England came here, but the long voyage and subsequent harsh winter caused half of them to die within the first 6 months. I shared how the Native Americans living here taught them how to live off the land and grow crops, which was essential to their survival. So we acknowledge as the first Thanksgiving the autumn harvest feast they had as a result of those crops. I also of course shared how European settlers later branded Native Americans as savages, drove them from their lands, and slaughtered many of them almost to the point of extinction. Happy Turkey Day indeed!
Some might call me Scrooge and say, "Why not just say 'Bah, humbug!'? What is wrong with the boy wanting to incorporate God into the holidays?"
Well, God wouldn't have to be incorporated into something if it was from Him to begin with, right? Doesn't the fact that we have to "put God" into the holiday demonstrate that it is not His 'holy day'? Why do Christians feel the need to Christianize that which is not from God, but from the world?
As for my son, it would be a grave error to let him believe the falsehood that these days are commanded of God or are even for His honor. It would be of great spiritual harm for me to let him think that he is "pleasing God" by observing certain holidays. Such an attitude is the groundwork for a religious mindset; believing that outward performance and adherence to man-made traditions is what God is after. What pleases God is a heart yielded to Him in all things. If such is not the case, then even our holy days set apart to Him become a stench in His nostrils.
"I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream." Amos 5:21-24
Did we have a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving day? Yes we did. We even went around in prayer and discussed what we were each thankful for. But such does not make us Christian nor does such make us acceptable to God. Yet for many, taking part in these days is akin to a patriotic or even religious duty. It is almost like you are unAmerican or unChristian if you do not participate. I have had women at the mall prepared to beat me down because we never lied to our children by saying Santa Clause is real. Even "holidays" can become idols to us.
Just because the world wants to reconstitute worldly celebrations as being 'of God' does not make them so. The world likes to use God when it is convenient so that He can be commercialized. We allow the world to make merchandise of us when we buy into that mindset (Revelation 18:12-13). God doesn't care whether we sit around the table with family once a year to remember why we are thankful. He isn't pleased because we put up lights around the house and decorate a tree. He is not moved because we put on our 'Sunday Best' to go to a Church service on Easter.
This is not about legalism. If you want to set apart a day (or days) in honor unto the Lord, then do so in faith (Romans 14:5-6; Colossians 2:16-17). However, don't be misled into thinking that such is what God is after. God is looking for a broken spirit and a contrite heart every day (Psalm 51:17; Psalm 34:18). It is through such vessels that He can pour in Himself and make His life seen by all. Unlike man, God doesn't look at outward appearance; God looks at the heart.
"Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.
And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it." Isaiah 1:13-20
"But that it spread no further among the people, let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name. And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye." Acts 4:17-19
I saw an interesting article today on a football player named Tim Tebow. Now, I know nothing about this man and do not follow sports at all. However, it seems that he is continually bringing up his relationship with Jesus Christ and giving Jesus the glory every time the opportunity is presented. As a result, it is making some people very uncomfortable, and even angry; one being former player Jake Plummer who had the following to say:
"Tebow, regardless of whether I wish he'd just shut up after a game and go hug his teammates, I think he's a winner and I respect that about him. I think that when he accepts the fact that we know that he loves Jesus Christ, then I think I'll like him a little better. I don't hate him because of that, I just would rather not have to hear that every single time he takes a good snap or makes a good handoff."
What about all of the self-exalting grandstanding that is done by ball players? Does any of this offend? The pounding on the chest, the dancing in the end zone, the jumping into the stands, the showboating in the interviews... None of the flesh on display apparently bothers Plummer, but name the name of Jesus and he sees red.
Do you see how slick the devil is? Satan will even cater to your ego in an attempt to get you to deny Christ. "See, I like YOU Tebow. You're a winner! It's just this Jesus guy that is the problem. We would all like you even more if you just stop talking about Him."
How blatantly "in your face" the hatred for Jesus Christ has become. By comparison, if Tebow was a Muslim giving thanks continuously to Allah, such a comment would have never been made for the sake of "religious tolerance". And Allah is a false god! People are more respectful these days to idols than to the True & Living God.
When it comes to Jesus, it is a small thing for him to be accursed and mocked in the streets. Even His very name is offensive because the soul of man knows instinctively that Jesus is God.
"Be God, stop worshiping God. Be God. If your religion is Islam, eliminate the distance, stop worshiping Allah and be Allah. If your religion is Judaism, stop studying the 5 books of Moses. Be the law. Be Moses. If you are Christian, stop worshiping Jesus Christ and calling his name out. Be Jesus Christ. Be Buddha. Be Krishna."
Of all the "gods" mentioned by KRS-One, the only one whose name is offensive - the only one whose namemust be stopped - is Jesus'.
The demons know that there is power in the name of Jesus Christ and they tremble! They have been trying to stop His name from being proclaimed since the days in which He walked the earth. Yet, those who belong to the Lord know that His name is a strong tower (Proverbs 18:10).
As others try to threaten you to stop naming the name of Jesus, I pray that you will have the strength to praise Him with even more boldness! His is the name above all names. It is the name by which all must be saved: Jesus!
psychopathology: a pathological deviation from normal behavior, psychosis; the study of psychological and behavioral dysfunction occurring in mental disorder or in social disorganization.
Nothing speaks so clearly to the fact that God alone is the Creator of all than to see what happens to man when he turns away from God.
If there is no God, then man in his most vile state should still be able to flourish from a societal perspective...but this has never happened. It is historical fact that every culture which turns from God's ways begins a slope of moral decay which precedes its own impending death. What is the leading predictor of this decline? A society's views on sex.
The Bible describes fornication and homosexuality as abhorrent, abnormal, and an abomination. Yet society says these things are normal. Who are we to believe and how do we know that which is true?
Even if one does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the truth is evident through the lens of history. Every time society begins to accept & promote sexual deviancy, that society begins a spiraling march towards its own death; this alone shows that such behaviors are not "normal".
As Scripture echoes, the truths of God are blatantly evident in the world around us. The condition of life itself attests to the fact that God's word is sure. The fact that societies cannot progress when disregarding His statutes is the evidence that His words are true while at the same time bearing witness to His very judgments against such.
Romans Chapter 1 outlines man's steps into reprobation and - as attested via history - it identifies sexual sin as foremost in this decline. In the video below is a portion of the documentary "Divorcing God", which discusses this decline as a historical reality for past civilizations and a present reality for America today. As stated in the video by Dr. Judith Reisman, when a society reaches a point where they can sing, clap, and dance about sadomasochism (2011 Billboard Music Awards), we have reached psychopathology at its ultimate!
Further evidence of the psychopathology of American culture is the advances of homosexuality. Although it was originally created almost 20 years ago, the documentary entitled "The Report: Homosexuality in America" is horrifyingly accurate in its depiction of gay life and the overall gay agenda (which is coming to fruition even as we speak).
While an excerpt of the documentary on homosexuality can be seen here, I must warn that some of the content is disturbing. The mainstream media never portrays the real face of homosexuality, choosing to spin it as a civil rights issues. However, prominent in the celebration of this 'lifestyle' is a constant theme of debauchery, rebellion, and perversion. Public nudity and public acts of indecency are standard at "Gay Pride" gatherings, but never reported on the nightly news. Instead, the public is given a sanitized perspective which by no means comes close to reality.
In the same way as the media turns a blind eye, so do many individuals as they adopt attitudes like, "Well, as long as it doesn't bother me. What people do in the privacy of their own homes is their business..." But what if it isn't in the privacy of the homes, but out in the streets? Will it 'bother you' if your children are indoctrinated into thinking such is normal and enticed to join in the deviant behavior? Would you get off of the fence if you actually had the love of God in your hearts to care more about the souls of these individuals than your own comfort? The issue is that most don't want to see because their minds are already infected with the same psychopathology; they have accepted as "normal" that which history and the word of God itself confirms is not.
We are given the prototype of such a decayed society in God's dealings with Sodom & Gomorrah (Genesis 19:1-11). Left to its own devices, a spirit of sodomy will so degrade the mind of man that he is turned into an animal. As seen in the interaction with the angels who came to warn Lot, it is violent, without restraint, and driven to ensure that all are defiled by it. Unrestrained sexual sin so sinks the mind of man into reprobation that God must come against it in judgment unless all mankind would be lost (Genesis 18:16-33). This is in fact the condition that the world will be in when Jesus returns in judgment (Luke 17:28-30).
The point I am making is that both the historical and Biblical record show plainly that the rise of sexual deviancy brings about the destruction of man.
So then, what is the solution?
"Because my people hath forgotten me, they have burned incense to vanity, and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a way not cast up." Jeremiah 18:15
According to the video below, the answer is that Americans must take a more active stance in public policy. We must fight for our Constitutional liberties and not let our religious freedoms be taken away. In this, I couldn't disagree more.
The answer my friends is Jesus. If it is God who gives life, then only He can preserve it; and to do so He has given the world salt. The church is what is needed; not a harlot, but a Bride, sharing the nature, life, and power of the Bridegroom. We need a church who is a reflection of Jesus Christ and thereby a partaker of the divine nature. We don't need to turn to political activism because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. We must turn back to the ancient pathways.
"Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon? Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over? Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away." Isaiah 51:9-11
Our salvation is not in trying to redeem the world, but in being molded into the character and nature of our Redeemer so that others who are lost might also be saved. As we do this - as each individual makes it a personal charge to lay down his/her life for Jesus - the glory of the Lord will be a great shining light in this land and throughout the world (Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16). All God is waiting for is a Body. The question is will we be part of it?
I heard this song today for the first time and was so touched by the words that I thought it might be a blessing to others.
The question was raised as my conscience fell A silly, little lie It didn’t mean much, but it lingers still In the corners of my mind
Still you call me to walk on the edge of this world To spread my dreams and fly But the future’s so far my heart is so frail I think I’d rather stay inside
But You love me anyway It’s like nothing in life that I’ve ever known Yes You love me anyway Oh Lord, how You love me How You love me
It took all of my strength to simply be still To seek but never find All the reasons we change, the reasons I doubt And why do loved ones have to die?
But You love me anyway It’s like nothing in life that I’ve ever known Yes You love me anyway Oh Lord, how You love me
I am the thorn in Your crown
But You love me anyway
I am the sweat from Your brow
But You love me anyway
I am the nail in Your wrist
But You love me anyway
I am Judas’ kiss
But You love me anyway
See I am the man who yelled out from the crowd For Your blood to be spilled on this earth-shaking ground Yes then, I turned away with a smile on my face With this sin in my heart tried to bury Your grace
And then alone in the night, I still called out for You So ashamed of my life, my life, my life
But You love me anyway It’s like nothing in life that I’ve ever known Yes,You love me anyway Oh Lord, how You love me You love me, yes You love me How You love me How You love me How You love me
So much time is spent discussing any number of topics in Christianity. Yet, most of the books in the Christian section of the bookstore can be replaced with one word. Even though we may say we believe it, do we really believe that Jesus is the answer?
What is the answer to a troubled marriage? Jesus.
What is the answer to lack of finances? Jesus.
What is the answer to children gone astray? Jesus.
What is the answer to sin? Jesus.
What is the answer to sickness? Jesus.
How do you succeed in life? Jesus.
How do we overcome fear? Jesus.
How do we witness to others? Jesus.
Am I sounding redundant here? I don't mean to...or maybe I do. I just happen to know and to believe that every situation in the world has but one remedy: to know and be known by Jesus Christ.
There is a couple I know in marriage ministry and sometimes they will generically share some of the issues they are addressing in Christian marriages. I tell you that 99.9% of the time, the issue is that the persons involved are not looking to Jesus.
Instead of asking Jesus for light in the situation, they are wrapped up in how they "feel" about it.
Instead of running to Jesus for what to do, they run for the opinion of man.
Instead of being a disciple of Christ (denying themselves), they seek to be exalted in the relationship.
Instead of going to their knees in prayer for their spouse, they are looking to be vindicated as being "right".
Once we understand that Jesus is the answer to our issues, then that cuts down on a whole lot of talking and a whole lot of foolishness. What good is there spending so much time trying to psycho-analyze the flesh? Such has no benefit for the Body of Christ. In every situation, our first question should be, "What does the word of God say?" If our quest does not start here, then we will simply wind up circling in the wilderness of our own minds.
And if the word is at odds with our personal stance in the matter, then we must change. A lot of time, all of the "talking" about a situation is merely our efforts to run from what we know God has commanded us to do about it anyway.
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being..." Acts 17:28a
Jesus is the essence of our very existence. He created us. He knows our needs. He even knows our hearts better than we do ourselves. If we just lean upon Him, He will never fail us. It is only when we lean to our own devices or man's understanding that we fall short.
Remember that Jesus is the answer for every need and concern you have. While we can surely go to our brothers and sisters for counsel, make sure that the foundation of all advice is in God's word. Trust Him and go to Him first with the burdens on your heart. It is Jesus - His life, His power, and His love - that we need so desperately in this hour.
The meetings will facilitate fellowship amongst those who interact with the ministry as well as equip such persons to minister themselves as part of a worldwide outreach.
Dates: January 6-8, 2012 Location: Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Marriott Hotel, 1 Hartsfield Centre Pkwy., Atlanta, Georgia 30354 Cost: $100.00/person over 17 years old. Food will also be provided on Friday night & Saturday evening.
For those coming from out of town, a rate of $89/night has been secured for the two nights. You may make your reservation by calling the hotel at 404-209-9999 (1-888-391-8724).
Do you find it hard to receive the love of God? Do you condemn yourself because of past sins and count yourself unworthy to be loved by Him? Are you performing many "good works", but still doubting that Jesus died for you as a personal expression of the Father's love specifically for you?
Don't let this day go one moment further without understanding that God loves you.
It is not a selfish love, which is based on what you can do for Him.
It is not a soulish love that has to be worked up in the flesh.
It is not a deceitful love which pretends that you are just fine in your sin.
It is not a fleeting love, which is here one moment and gone the next.
It is a love that knows you at your worse, yet sees you as His best saying with arms outstretched, "Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."
"Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest." Luke 10:2
Dr. Anthony Bradley's recent social commentary contrasting the "99%" of the Occupy movement with those impoverished in Africa has created somewhat of a stir.
The juxtaposition I suppose is to bring to mind how even the poorest in America often live better than many in other parts of the world. It also reveals how a lifestyle of privilege and entitlement (comparatively) can skew one's perception of reality, justice, and oppression.
However, there is another "99%" which has much more eternal weight and which should be the primary focus of the people of God.
That is the 99% of those who do not know Jesus Christ. In a sermon from Pastor Zac Poonen, he stated his personal conviction that less than 1% of this world is really born again. I happen to agree with him.
The Scripture in Luke 10:2 seems to echo this theme. The harvest (those who have yet to come to faith in Christ) is great; but the labourers (those called to proclaim the good news) are few. We are also told that many will go down the broad path which leads to destruction, but few will find the narrow path which leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14).
When it comes to witnessing to those who do not know Jesus, many "Christians" are unprepared because they do not really know Jesus Christ themselves. They are "Christians" in name only.
As of 2009, it is estimated that more than 33% of the world identified with being a "Christian". That turns out to be over 2.2 billion people; making Christianity the most prominent religion globally.
When the Church was first birthed at Pentecost, God used 12 Apostles to preach and plant churches, turning the whole known world upside down. Now there are over 2 billion "Christians" and the world has never been in such a dismal, amoral abyss. Why? Because the salt has lost its savour (Matthew 5:13).
Yesterday I was sent an article about a "solemn assembly" being organized by a ministry named, "The Call". While I am not familiar with this group, they have apparently been going to various cites calling for prayer and fasting against the demonic invasions which have overtaken American society. It is reportedly a call for God's people to come together in repentance so that a revival may be sent to empower the preaching of Jesus Christ to save souls in these last days.
The article focused mostly on how the Detroit meetings were causing concern in the Muslim community, but there was also reaction from some of Detroit's "Christian" community:
Muslims weren't the only ones concerned about Friday's event. A coalition of Detroit clergy led a march of about 150 people from a city park to the football stadium Friday evening, around the time the rally inside was scheduled to start.
"We chanted 'Stop the hate, spread the love. Stop the hate, spread the jobs,'" the Rev. David Bullock told The Associated Press after their hourlong march and prayer rally.
...Bullock said he and other Detroit area clergy have received calls this week asking about TheCall. He said he has told them to research Engle.
"They didn't know. People are really shocked by the rhetoric in his sermons. We are going to send a different message that the God we serve loves everyone."
What David Bullock espouses is part of the main problem with Christianity today.
The Jews could not receive Jesus Christ because they wanted an earthly King who would give them earthly dominion, removing the oppression from Rome. To this day they still await the "Messiah" who will bring them peace & prosperity in this life; and this desire will be the primary means of their being deceived by the Anti-Christ - receiving him as the Christ.
Similarly, many "Christians" cannot receive Jesus because they too still only see Him as a means to having prosperity in this life. As a result, the focus of their "Jesus" [idol] is on their position in this present evil world. "Jesus" helping me to find a job..."Jesus" bringing about social equality..."Jesus" working to establish economic parity... Like the Jews - many professing Christians will also fall for the Anti-Christ because they seek an earthly King who will manifest to conquer worldly enemies.
The message of the Gospel is not focused on earthly things, but eternal (Colossians 3:2; Philippians 3:18-21; I John 2:15-17). This is why 'ministers' such as David Bullock must determine to "send a different message." Yet consider the essence of their message.
What was the "hate" speech which led David Bullock and other Detroit clergy to protest The Call's meetings? That Jesus is the only way and there is no other name given among men whereby we MUST be saved. Instead of preaching that Muslims and other lost souls need to repent and turn to faith in Jesus, they preach that "God [whoever one would consider that to be I suppose] loves everyone".
Benetton's "UnHate" ad campaign featuring photoshopped images of world leaders.
Do you see how the name of Jesus is offensive...even to those who claim to represent Him??
Do you not see how proclaiming the plain and unambiguous words of God will lead you to be labeled a hater?
Is it not obvious how the media is manipulating reality (like the photo-shopped "UnHate" ad campaign by Benetton) to support an agenda where the opposite of "hate" is the acceptance of perversion?
Can you see how society at large is brainwashing people to think that it is hateful to believe the truth and call a lie "a lie"?
Are you personally ready to stand against the tide as the enemy comes in like a flood, warring for the very souls and minds of men?
If you are in a Church where the focus is on having your "best life now", then you had better run for the doors. If your zeal for what's right is expressed in fighting for the rise/fall of world systems, then know that such is not the Kingdom of God (John 8:23; John 18:36). If your view of God is through the lens of ethnicity, class, political party, (or any worldly construct) then pray for the corrective vision of spiritual eyesight. If the greatest desire on your heart is seeking your comfort and peace in this world, then seek God desperately to change your heart so that your primary concern will be His glory.
God is doing a work in His Church, to purge it and purify it so that it can truly be the light of the world; the salt which preserves the ways of righteousness.
The harvest is ripe, but who will labor to bring it in? Who will lay down their lives so that Jesus may be seen, in the hopes that souls can be saved? In these last days, now is not the time to be playing church. The REAL 99% are languishing on the vine, waiting for a word of life to revive them.
Perhaps you were come to the Kingdom for such a time as this.
Too many Christians are struggling with an attitude of defeat in their Christian walk, unable to gain the victory over the enemy in areas where Jesus tells us that we have already been given the victory!
The following message is from Min. Eric Ludy entitled. "A Man of White Knuckles".
He is speaking about the prophet Nehemiah and how the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem reflects the rebuilding many Christians must still do to shore up the temple of their bodies. That sermon is followed by an examination of the Hebrew war cry "Rak Chazak".
If you listen and really take heed to this message, it will change your life.
Only a moment of yielding to the flesh can result in dullness & weakness of the spirit.
You cannot afford to accept dimnishment of your spiritual life. If you ever feel that dimness of your spiritual heart, you grip your sword harder and refuse to let go until it passes.
The enemy is monitoring your soul, looking for a breach in the wall in which to take advantage of it.
Your body is the temple of the Lord, but if there is not a wall built up around your temple (as in Nehemiah), the enemy will make your temple miserable.
If you are still vulnerable to the enemy in areas of sin in spite of having a relationship with God, it is because there is a breach in your soul which needs to be fixed.
God desires to see peace brought to your body with all enemy factions defeated. Nothing of the enemy should be allowed to stick up its head and we should not show hospitality to any of it.
While we may not always do this to perfection, we have been given everything needed to do this with perfection.
We are not dependent upon our own natural strength, which is limiting. But in the Christian life, we are cultivating God's strength.
The sign that our walls are broken down is that we don't have the heart of God as seen in a disciplined commitment to what concerns God.
Do we care about the welfare of God's people and the glory of our King?
When you rise up to stand for Jesus, you allow your heart to be changed to fit God's heart. Only then will you have the courage to seek God's glory, even at the risk of your own life. Only then will you become a threat to the enemy.
Most Christians have spent most of their lives being soft and are therefore unprepared to lead God's people.
In the book of Nehemiah, God is exposing the tactics of the enemy. Satan's strategies have not changed and always follow along the following lines (lies):
The First Lie: It is impossible; the wall can never be built. (Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; Luke 18:27)
The Second Lie: You are too weak, after all, don’t you realize that you are in captivity? (Philippians 4:13; Romans 8:26, 31, 37)
The Third Lie: All this work is for nothing; the progress you have made is not real. There is no real strength in your wall; even the slightest breeze from the enemy will knock it down. You cannot take the rubbish of your inner life and expect to revive what has already been burned. (Philippians 1:6)
The Fourth Lie: You are too tired to continue; You need your sleep, God knows you need your sleep. (2 Corinthians 4:1; Galatians 6:9)
The Fifth Lie: I have the power to sneak up upon you when you least expect it and wipe out everything you have done; all the spiritual steps you have taken will mean nothing when I come in the night to slay you. (James 4:7; Eph 6:13,16)
The Sixth Lie: You are currently under enemy siege; you’d better stop working and protect yourself. (Matthew 6:33; 2 Timothy 4:18)
The Seventh Lie: You are building this wall for your own blessing, to be your own king, to rule for your own glory. You should stop working on such a vain self-aggrandizing project. (Matthew 6:13)
The Eighth Lie: Meet me for a coffee in Ono. I’m concerned for your well-being, and I might be of some help in your current endeavors. I know of things that you aren’t privy to know. If you listen to my counsel it will make your work go a lot smoother. (Proverbs 8:14; 2 Corinthians 10:5)
The Ninth Lie: You need to consider your own protection. I know of dangerous things that loom on the horizon, large enemy forces are gathering together to come against you. Go and hide. For if you don’t concern yourself with your own safety soon, it might be too late. Listen to my counsel and you just might escape this whole matter alive. (Psalm 56:4; Psalm 118:6; Hebrews 13:6)
The enemy is scared to death, but he doesn't want you to know that.
God is giving you a test that is personalized for you so that you are prepared to overcome & prosper against the battle before you.
The enemy has no real power over you. It is all "black magic". The only power he has is if you believe and kowtow to his bluff, and the result is that you will not progress.
When you disobey the word of God, you give the enemy legal access to your soul; he cannot take over your soul, but he has access and can harass you.
Your job is to believe and to keep moving forward, in spite of the noisy distractions of the enemy.
Taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ is the equivalent of putting a watchman on the wall.
American Christianity is so disempowered because we erroneously think that we are at a time of peace.
You have the authority by the blood of Jesus to hit the enemy, not to simply sit back and take his hits.
Wall builders are also active warriors who are always dressed, on guard and ready for battle.
Are you prepared for the all out attack of the enemy when you determine to do what God calls you to do?
Teach me what it means to be a witness to your love, your truth, and your glory. Let every aspect of my life be given in service to you, for you to do with as you please.
Let me not look to myself in doing this work, but may my eyes remain primarily & continually on you; knowing that you are faithful to complete it. Give me the mind of Christ so that my ears, heart, and mind are always open to receive from you.
Help me to discern between when You are moving me versus when it is the flesh or unclean spirits of this world. Please keep me from inordinate soul ties which seek to bring me into bondage to others' expectations, doubts, lusts, or sins.
Make me whole in every way so that I can be wholly/holy dedicated to you.
Jesus, keep me mindful that:
I am not the Savior...
My blood has not been shed to cover anyone's sins. Each person must decide for themselves whether to repent from sin and place faith in Jesus Christ. While I can intercede for them and share Godly wisdom, I cannot "make" someone receive Jesus Christ. Whether they do or not, I still need to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling.
I am not the Holy Spirit...
It is not my responsibility to lead others in everything they do. Although I can share Godly counsel, let me never be in a place where people begin to look to me as 'the source' for their direction. In all things may I commend others to Christ who alone is the source for all of our needs.
I am not the Judge...
While I must proclaim God's judgments as well as discern between good and evil, I am not the Judge over who goes to Heaven or Hell. Keep me from the area of condemnation, but never let me hesitate to speak God's truths in love.
I am not the Lord...
Others are not obligated to do what "I" think is right. I am not omniscient and I do not know all things. Teach me patience with others - even in their mistakes - knowing that you are well able to lead them just as you lead me (even in my mistakes). May I trust you to be Lord over their lives, working things out for their good and perfecting them according to your great purposes.
I am not the Burden-lifter...
While we are called to help bear one another's burdens, keep me from becoming a pack mule; taking responsibility and obliging myself for things which I am not called to do. If I allow others to cast their burdens on me, then we may both fall. If we cast the burdens on you, then you promise that you will give rest and the burden will be light. At times when it feels like my burdens are too heavy, open my eyes to see what I have taken on to myself that is outside of your will.
I am a Witness...
The world is being judged by God, and in any court setting there are the following roles:
A Judge - This is God the Father, who pronounces judgment and sentencing on all.
A Lawyer - This is Jesus Christ, who stands always as our Advocate & Mediator
A Jury - This role is the Holy Spirit, who weighs the testimony of witnesses; only confirming that which is truth.
A Prosecutor - This is Satan, who stands as an accuser of the brethren before God night and day
Yet there are also witnesses, of which we are. My life should be a living testimony of the direct knowledge I have been given of what has been seen, said, or done of God.
We spoke of the Law of Burnt Offerings before, but in the sermon below Pastor Zac Poonen goes into this in more detail regarding what it really means to be a witness for Christ.
"And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:
For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to REPENT:Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead." Acts 17:26-31
My children attend a Christian school...and these days that has less and less meaning. A few of the students went to visit Berea College last month, which claims to have a wonderful Christ-based program. Not only that, but they are able to provide full scholarships for their students, making their college education tuition-free. The students spoke so highly of their visit, that I added this to the list of colleges we are considering for our own children.
However, we must remember that there is "another Jesus, another gospel, and another spirit" which seeks to deceive people and lead them away from the True & Living God (II Corinthians 11:4). Anyone can claim to be a servant of Jesus Christ, but to which "Jesus" are they referring, and how do we know?
"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20
In the following videos, a couple of street preachers visit the Berea campus and start referencing the word of God. The response of the students from this "Christian" College is nothing short of heartbreaking. They begin to argue adamantly against God's word while at the same time claiming to represent Him.
"He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him." I John 2:3-4
Please understand that I am in no way affiliated with these street preachers. I am speaking primarily about the students' owntestimonies and whether such demonstrates a personal knowledge of the Lord. Do they know the Lord they claim to represent?
"This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me." Matthew 15:8
Although they attend a "Christian" college and claim to belong to Jesus Christ, every argument they make against the Scriptures is based in lies & deception, such as:.
This [preaching from the word of God] is why people are afraid of Christians; we should just be showing people "love".
If one's comments cause an adverse reaction from people, then one must not be speaking for God because He is not the author of confusion.
It is unGodly to say that homosexuals are going to Hell because God created the homosexual too.
Jesus has made all people one, so we are all the same to God.
Judging is a sin. Only God can judge.
Quoting the Bible as God's word is not an "objective" or "logical" defense of what is right.
We all have a relationship with God - whatever gods or religions we have. The Bible is about having a personal relationship to the Lord - whatever "lord" you may believe in.
You can never lose your salvation.
Each of these statements is false.
"The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes." Psalms 19:7-8
We have a "Christian" campus with college students who have no idea even who Jesus is. Why? Because they have rejected His words. Since there is no fear of the Lord, there is no understanding. All that we are left with then is a "highly educated" fallen and lost generation.
Although people don't like to hear it, there IS a right way and a wrong way...and only one leads to eternal life (Isaiah 30:21; Matthew 7:13-14; II John 1:6). The very ones this college is named after so reverenced the Scriptures that they searched them wholeheartedly to ensure that they were holding unto the truths of God (Acts 17:10-11). Now, in the name of the Bereans, we have professing believers teaching others that God's word is corrupted and can be discarded.
People can speak esoterically about "love" and "Jesus", but apart from the truths of God's word, they have neither.
This video is one of the reason's why Jesus' return must be soon. The days have truly become like Sodom and Gomorrha (Luke 17:28-30). If this is the future of Christianity, then the future for mankind will be damnation. This is why God must raise up a people (as He has promised) who really do love Him and desire to see others set free from sin more than they desire to enjoy this temporal life.
"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men." Matthew 5:13
Some students at "Christian" Berea College mock warningsfor repentance by proclaiming a "Party in Hell" to celebrate sin.
It is of no use getting into a battle of words. While someone may have been convicted enough by the preaching of God's word that day to actually turn in repentance to Jesus, what people really need is to be confronted by the power of God. As long as it is just your word against mine, your interpretation vs. ours then it simply devolves into a shouting match with those who are lost singing "Yes, Jesus Loves Me" in an attempt to continue the delusion.
These students need prayer, that the power of God can come to bear upon their lives so that they actually come to know and serve Him. I can only wonder how much of their deceptions are actually the product of what is being taught at Berea College.
However, they are not alone. There are many adult "Christians" who promote the same falsehoods and believe the same lies. What is depicted in this video is simply a snapshot of what would likely make-up 97% of "Christianity" today. We will each have to answer to God in that day, especially those who have claimed to know the Lord but have purposefully led others astray. The blood of those lost souls will be upon their hands.
In these evil days, we must know unequivocally not only what we believe, but in whom we believe. Faith in a lie - no matter how fervent - still leads to death.
"But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?" John 5:47
"If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small." Proverbs 24:10
Sometimes, we reach a point where all we have left is blind faith and heart.
Blind faith because we are so focused that all we see is our goal, and everything else fades to the background (Matthew 6:22).
Heart because our flesh may tell us that we cannot proceed, but the spirit is willing and urging us to go further still (Matthew 26:41).
When our eyes tell us that the giants who oppose us are stronger than we are; when our flesh tells us that we have given all we have and there is nothing more to give; make your eye single and set your face like a flint to move forward for God has already given you the land.
Your deliverance is nigh, if you but keep the faith.
"For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." Mark 5:8-9
Since I last wrote about "Occupy", it has become a global phenomenon. Increasingly, there has been news of violent and perverse activities being associated with this movement. There are reports of everything from molestation, public acts of indecency, assault, and destruction of property.
Those who reject Christ do not believe that He is soon returning to judge the world, but that this time represents a "new beginning" without consideration of a Sovereign, Omnipotent God (Psalms 2:1-3).
In the past week, "Occupy D.C." is accused of knocking down an elderly man and pushing an elderly woman down a flight of stairs. "Occupy San Diego" defaced food carts - one splattered with blood & urine - when the vendors stopped handing out free food to the protestors. Such acts of self-centered entitlement with a complete disregard for the well-being of others illustrates the mindset of anarchists.
anarchist: a person who advocates the abolition of government and a social system based on voluntary cooperation.
The anarchist doesn't want anyone telling him what to do. He only desires to do what he "wants to" or "feels like" doing. He therefore rejects any authority outside of his own will. It matters not what type of authority or government it is; he despises anything that puts restraint on the old, carnal nature.
"The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despisegovernment. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities." II Peter 2:9-10
The backbone of this movement is what persons such as Aleistar Crowley have advocated: a society where everyone will "Do What Thou Wilt". It is the perverse philosophy being promoted by the world's entertainment which glorifies rebellion and a rejection of any type of authority (like Jay-Z in his "Run This Town"). It is the corrupt indoctrination often passed off as 'education' where students are taught to set aside traditional beliefs in favor tolerance & diversity for the "collective good".
We are seeing the manifestation of fallen man at his best: full of self-love, without self-control, and motivated by self-interest.
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." II Timothy 3:1-5
While the Occupy movement will claim that there is no real organization or authority behind these groups, there is certainly a hidden hand guiding these protests. One evidence of this is something I have been noticing for weeks: the protestors' consistent use of the mask from the movie "V for Vendetta".
According to an article by CBS News, this mask is "...a stylized version of Guy Fawkes, an Englishman who tried to bomb the British Parliament on Nov. 5, 1605."
Guy Fawkes was an English Catholic who tried to assassinate King James I and have him replaced with a Catholic monarch. He and his co-conspirators made an oath to pull off what is called the "Gunpowder Plot" and this oath was sealed with a Catholic mass performed by a Jesuit priest. For those who do not understand the spiritual significance of this act, please read about the history of government subversion by the Jesuits in "The Occult & Secret Societies".
In the CBS news article, one Occupy protestor states that this mask is "...unifying the world under one symbol." It sure seems to be, but what does the mask symbolize?
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is noGod. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." Psalm 14:1
At its heart, this mask symbolizes that which is anti-God, more specifically anti-Christ. Nothing makes this more apparent than the movie and the book upon which it is based.
"V for Vendetta" is a vile film which takes every opportunity to degrade Christianity and mock God. The hero is a masked man named "V" who is attempting to incite an overthrow of a government described as "religious and conservative". This authoritative and oppressive government - symbolized by an archiepiscopal cross - is shown to be the real extremists while contrasted against religions of peace such as Islam. Perhaps the most horrid act of this government was its criminalization of homosexuality, which was one of the inspirations behind "V's" deciding to incite rebellion.
Know that there is no room for varying perspectives in "V's" view of society. Although purporting to stand against tyranny, there is no mercy for those who do not agree with him. If you are not on board with his ideology, then you are disposable and may very well be put to death. How does "V" accomplish his goals? Murder, torture, terrorism, group psychosis...and he convinces most of the working class to join him in the name of freedom (as they all don the same mask in their show of support).
Ultimately unable to complete his plan, "V" hands over his regime to a prostitute named "Evey" (i.e. Eve) who becomes the "savior" of the working class people after she is mentally "set free" by reading the journals of an arrested lesbian. Her identification with the lesbian allows her to renew her commitment to "V's" cause for freedom from religious oppression. "Who is V?", Evey is asked in the end? "He is all of us" is her reply.
And it is not just the Occupy movement. I cannot help but think of the product "Summer's Eve" (here we go with "Eve" again) which has recently launched its ad campaign "Hail to the V", championing a woman's body part as the "cradle of life" and "the center of civilization". It even starts out with a woman lifting up her baby in offering to the moon, a tribute to the mythological figure of Lilith who refused to submit to Adam as his first wife (again, symbolizing a rejection of authority). Even the Summer's Eve website has been rebranded to celebrate the "Power of the V".
Am I rich? Not by any means. Am I a defender of the current policies of the U.S. government? Not at all. Neither is it my intent to vilify all participants in this movement. Yet, the events we are witnessing are not so shallow as a mere political uprising nor as altruistic as those seeking justice for the downtrodden.
What we are seeing is the growing emergence of an unholy spirit which will weave the world together to wonder after the beast (Revelations 17:8). As the protestor stated, the whole world is being unified under this spirit; a spirit which honors perversion and hates God (as well as those who serve Him). In fact, they will claim that the persecution of the saints is actually doing God a favor (John 16:2)...because they serve a different god.
The world is getting ready to receive its king, the King of Sodom, who will hate and make war with the saints of God. They are "legion", but we are overcomers in Jesus Christ. Do not get caught up in wars and the rumor of wars or other end time events of which Jesus has already forewarned us. Don't get entangled with the affairs of this life. Get ready as the time comes at hand.