Teach me what it means to be a witness to your love, your truth, and your glory. Let every aspect of my life be given in service to you, for you to do with as you please.
Let me not look to myself in doing this work, but may my eyes remain primarily & continually on you; knowing that you are faithful to complete it. Give me the mind of Christ so that my ears, heart, and mind are always open to receive from you.
Help me to discern between when You are moving me versus when it is the flesh or unclean spirits of this world. Please keep me from inordinate soul ties which seek to bring me into bondage to others' expectations, doubts, lusts, or sins.
Make me whole in every way so that I can be wholly/holy dedicated to you.
Jesus, keep me mindful that:
I am not the Savior...
My blood has not been shed to cover anyone's sins. Each person must decide for themselves whether to repent from sin and place faith in Jesus Christ. While I can intercede for them and share Godly wisdom, I cannot "make" someone receive Jesus Christ. Whether they do or not, I still need to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling.I am not the Holy Spirit...
It is not my responsibility to lead others in everything they do. Although I can share Godly counsel, let me never be in a place where people begin to look to me as 'the source' for their direction. In all things may I commend others to Christ who alone is the source for all of our needs.I am not the Judge...
While I must proclaim God's judgments as well as discern between good and evil, I am not the Judge over who goes to Heaven or Hell. Keep me from the area of condemnation, but never let me hesitate to speak God's truths in love.I am not the Lord...
Others are not obligated to do what "I" think is right. I am not omniscient and I do not know all things. Teach me patience with others - even in their mistakes - knowing that you are well able to lead them just as you lead me (even in my mistakes). May I trust you to be Lord over their lives, working things out for their good and perfecting them according to your great purposes.I am not the Burden-lifter...
While we are called to help bear one another's burdens, keep me from becoming a pack mule; taking responsibility and obliging myself for things which I am not called to do. If I allow others to cast their burdens on me, then we may both fall. If we cast the burdens on you, then you promise that you will give rest and the burden will be light. At times when it feels like my burdens are too heavy, open my eyes to see what I have taken on to myself that is outside of your will.I am a Witness...
The world is being judged by God, and in any court setting there are the following roles:- A Judge - This is God the Father, who pronounces judgment and sentencing on all.
- A Lawyer - This is Jesus Christ, who stands always as our Advocate & Mediator
- A Jury - This role is the Holy Spirit, who weighs the testimony of witnesses; only confirming that which is truth.
- A Prosecutor - This is Satan, who stands as an accuser of the brethren before God night and day
We spoke of the Law of Burnt Offerings before, but in the sermon below Pastor Zac Poonen goes into this in more detail regarding what it really means to be a witness for Christ.
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