Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You Can Be Free From Masturbation

"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God." I Thessalonians 4:3-5

Sexual sin is a real issue for these days, especially for young people.  Yet it is those hidden areas such as this which rarely see the light of day because people are often too ashamed to speak of them.

Over the years, various young people have posted or sent comments on this blog asking for prayer about masturbation.  Therefore, if the sphere of individuals with whom the Lord has let me come into contact are dealing with such issues, then I know it must be relevant for a broader audience.

If openly discussing such topics offends you then I am sorry....sorry for you that is.  Sorry that you have chosen to create for yourself a make-believe world of "salvation" which is too pristine to be touched with such issues as sin.  Sorry that your "Christianity" doesn't have enough Christ to engender compassion for those struggling with such real life issues.

Jesus washed the feet of His disciples; yet, some "Christians" are too "saved" to get their hands dirty serving others in the hopes of bringing them into deeper fellowship with Jesus.  Let it not be said of us.  Not everything about Christianity is sunshine and roses.  The truth be told, Jesus is redeeming us from an old sinful nature with its own corrupt and defiled desires.  These must be dealt with.  If we cannot discuss sin, how can we ever hope to bring such persons struggling with it to salvation?

The following video was shared with me yesterday.  It is the testimony of a young lady named Dameco about being freed from masturbation. I pray that it encourages those who may be struggling and gives them the assurance to know that all things are possible with God.  Jesus is our Savior, which means He is our Deliverer; and He is faithful!  You can be free from sexual sin by the blood of Jesus!

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