Monday, October 24, 2011


"Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." James 2:19

A new Christian recently told me that she was asked, "Do you believe in demons?"  It is interesting that this can even be a question in the Christianworld.

My thought is, "Who cannot believe?"  Unclean spirits are certainly present throughout Scriptures, so why would we doubt their existence?  If Jesus gives those who believe in Him the power to cast out demons, then why do we think they have all of a sudden gone away or are no longer an issue?

There is not much teaching on this subject, and when there is, it is often not based on the Scriptures.  The purpose of this post is to get each individual to study this subject for themselves.  See what God's word says in the matter, for how will we be able to stand if we are ignorant of the devil's devices?

Can a Christian Have a demon?  Is it possible for light and darkness to dwell together?  What do the Scriptures really say about demons and demon possession?  The following messages on this topic are from Aggressive Christianity and I thought they did a pretty straightforward job of looking at what the Scriptures say and don't say in this area.   Simply click on the "play" icon in the audio bar after clicking the following links:

Can a Christian have a demon? - Part 1
How the speaker became introduced into deliverance by God. Definition of common terms.

Can a Christian have a demon? - Part 2
Can the Holy Spirit coexist in the same body as a demon? Can light abide in the same place as darkness? What do the Scriptures say on this matter?

Can a Christian have a demon? - Part 3
How do we open doors to unclean spirits? Why do most Christians not demonstrate the authority God has given us over powers of darkness? Why deliverance is called the "children's bread" (Matthew 15:26, Mark 7:27) and why deliverance is primarily for the believer (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26)? Does the power to cast out demons come from Satan or from God?

Can a Christian have a demon? - Part 4
Isn't what is called demons mostly just the flesh? Is a demon on the outside or inside of a person? Doesn't a Christian just need to do is resist the devil and he will flee? Why so many Christians are unable to handle demonic manifestations and are ill-equipped to wage war against the devil? How our walk in salvation is paralleled in Israel's taking of the Promised Land?

Can a Christian have a demon? - Part 5
There are 2 classes of Christians: 1) Christian Civilians; and 2) Christian Soldiers.  God calls us to be soldiers (II Timothy 2:4).  Not everything is a demon, but not everything is just "the flesh".  Soldiers must study the enemy and the strategies of warfare (II Corinthians 2:11).  Somebody must be a watchman on the wall and not stick our heads in the sand.  You only have as much authority over demons as Jesus has authority over you; this is why we need consecration unto God.

What should a Christian know and do about demons?  Why doesn't religion prepare you to deal with the supernatural?  Listen to the following message by Omega Church & Ministries Center:

Inter-dimensional Warfare and the Strongman Part 1
The Church runs off of supernatural power. Denominations and religious schisms are merely ways Satan has devised to divide and conquer the church. God is waiting for people to be filtered through religion and finally come to know Jesus, just like Israel left Egypt to wander in the Wilderness of Sin prior to entering the Promised Land. Casting out devils is as normal as breathing for Christians, but religious indoctrination makes this a foreign thing. An inter-dimensional warfare is taking place between our three dimensional world and the fourth dimension of the spirit world.

Inter-dimensional Warfare and the Strongman Part 2
The fourth dimension (the spirit world) is sealed to the four carnal senses; one must be given spiritual perception to pick it up. It takes time for God to reformat the mind of a born again believer in order to deal with the spirit world. Fear is not normal; fear is a spirit. We must walk by faith and be guided by God's word. There must be a sacrifice offered in order to breach the spirit world for spirits to come over. Jesus died on the cross as the last Adam (I Corinthians 15:45) placing a stake through the mind of the Adamic race (Golgatha - Skull Mountain). Being born again allows us to receive the mind of Christ and thereby the Holy Spirit; the essence of our transformation. Similarly, sacrifices are made to satan for his unclean spirits to comes over into vessels.

Inter-dimensional Warfare and the Strongman Part 3
As the spiritual world begins to open up more in the last days and supernatural events begin to transpire more, your mind must be formatted by the Spirit of God to deal with this. Most people have no understanding of God's supernatural power because there has been a period of delay as God prepares a people for this work.  God is creating vessels fit for His use in order to take on the spiritual kingdom of darkness who are holding people captive so that they can be set free.

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