Adorning the Doctrine of God in All Things
The following are notes from a sermon by Pastor Zac Poonen on the books of Titus & Timothy where he reviews the qualifications for church leadership, the marks of a Godly minister, and the practical things of Christian living.
The Book of Titus
- Some of Paul's closest companions were not Jewish, but of Greek heritage, i.e. Luke, Timothy, & Titus. It was evidence that, in Christ, people of all nationalities could work together; there is no longer Jew nor Gentile because we are all made new in Christ.
- The thing Paul stresses in the latter days of his ministry is godliness. This is also a sign of maturity in a minister and what ministries need to focus on for this is what builds the church.
- Paul was concerned that there be elders in every church, and it was always plural (at least 2); never just one pastor or a one man show.
- The qualifications of an elder are that: he must have a good testimony, be the husband of one wife, have disciplined children at home who believe, not be quick tempered, not be interested in money, be hospitable, love what is good, be self-controlled, and be able to teach hygienic doctrine.
- We have a responsibility to make sure that "empty talkers" - those who have nothing of substance to say - do not have free rein to preach in the church. Such must be silenced.
- The love of money is a very important factor in consideration of Godly ministry. Many preachers cannot speak about the sin of loving money because they are not faithful in money themselves.
- The church is supposed to be a stark contrast against what is seen in the world's societies.
- If you do everything with the wrong motives, then you will assume that others do the same. This is why people can always see impurity, even in that which is good.
- Hygienic doctrine is what pertains to practical Christian life; at home, at work, in the church, etc.
- Christ has redeemed us for the purpose of purifying for Himself a people who are zealous to do good works.
- The great need in Christian homes and pulpits these days is truly Godly authority.
- Paul demonstrates the same spirit which is in Jesus Christ and never took advantage of his authority. He is very gracious in dealing with others, including those who have been converted by his ministry. Paul even offers to have Onesimus' wrongs charged to his own account so that Onesimus could be received as a brother by Philemon.
- We can get caught up in fighting for some social cause or "good" work and in doing so, miss the best work: saving people from Hell and building the church of Jesus Christ.
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