Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Books of Jonah & Micah

The Faithfulness of God vs. the Faithfulness of Men

"Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown." Revelation 3:11

How can someone else "take" your crown, the reward that God has kept and planned for you?

You can miss it altogether if you are unfaithful in your life; and the ministry which was to be yours, God gives to another.

The following is a summary of Pastor Zac Poonen's reviews of the Books of Jonah & Micah

Book of Jonah
  • Man is often narrow-hearted because of prejudices, but God is large-hearted.
  • Having money does not mean one is in the will of God; nor does having money to do something mean that this is what God wants you to do.
  • Man's first instinct when in a difficult situation is often to try and exert his own power & effort to get out of it.  It is only after this has failed that many turn to God in prayer, when in reality prayer should be our first recourse.
  • God's answer to Jonah's cry did not come immediately after Jonah prayed to Him.  Rather, God answered when Jonah started praising Him.  God says in Psalm 50:23 that praising Him makes a way for Him to deliver us!  Praise, especially in hard times, is the expression of faith.
  • God is a God of second, third, fourth...chances.  God gives us other chances to fulfill the ministry He has ordained for us.
  • Ninevah was the most wicked city of that time, but it only took one sentence made under the anointing of God to bring them to repentance.  If God has succeeded in breaking you, then merely one sentence can produce powerful results for the Kingdom.
  • You can be a preacher and even save souls, but not have proper fellowship with God in the compassion He has for lost souls.  God longs for man's repentance and the more you are in fellowship with God's heart, the more you will have that burden.

Book of Micah
  • Micah prophesied to both Israel & Judah regarding religious leaders who have misused their authority in God and exploited the people.  This is comparable to current-day ministers who defraud others by compelling people to pay tithes so that they can live at a higher standard of living.
  • If you are faithful in the use of God's money, you will retain the anointing of God through the end of your life.  If you don't, then God's anointing will leave you.
  • Historically, God's people have preferred false prophets who tickle their ears and say things to soothe them rather than listen to true prophets who speak the truths of God.  True prophets are not popular amongst the people.
  • There is always the promise of a remnant amongst God's people who remain faithful.
  • The false preachers loved those who gave them large gifts and prophesied good things to them.  They "teach for hire" and "divine for money", pretending to serve God in order to get money.
  • Scripture is very clear that those who serve the Lord can be supported by the gifts of God's people.  It is perfectly right and ordained by God.  But, there is a difference between a salary and a gift.  A gift is not demanded.
  • The punishment for God's people when they are in disobedience is to send them into Babylon, physically back then and spiritually now.
  • Micah prophesied that the Messiah would come from eternity and be born in Bethlehem.
  • God has a controversy against His people for their rebellion and backslidden state.  Such cannot be remedied with tithes, offerings, etc.  If you have ever wondered what the Lord wants from you, it is here in Micah 6:8, "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"  
  • There may be a lot of injustice and corruption amongst God's people - and He may be longsuffering in dealing with their sin - but they will not escape; judgment day is coming.
  • Jesus quoted Micah 7:6 to teach us that a man's enemies are those in his own house. 
  • Don't ever let Satan gloat over you or bring you to condemnation.  God may chasten us when we sin, but once our chastening is over, He will punish our enemies.
  • The Lord will bring judgment against the unjust, but He delights in mercy.  Like a surgeon, Godly ministers may cut your open to find and remove the cancer, but then he will stitch you up and send you out whole.

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