Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Seventh Day Apostasy

"We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White's writings to be of equal quality." SDA Ministry Magazine
People often contact me asking about the Seventh Day Adventist organization (SDA).  Likewise, people in line with SDA beliefs often link to this site based in part on our article "Sunday, the Mark of the Beast" which they falsely assume supports the necessity of a Sabbath day of worship for believers.

As a young believer, I even attended an SDA bible study, although I had no idea that is was tied to SDA.  This was due in part to the fact that it was not promoted as such.  I have found that SDA materials and seminars often obscure the fact that they are disseminated by the SDA.  While I cannot speak as to why this is done, I have seen it being a source of confusion for others and thought it best to address it.  As with any deception, that which works best is that which incorporates some truth in with the lies.

The purpose of this article is not to speak about the relationship of the law to a believer.  We have done that many times before.  This article aims to provide information on where the SDA organization comes from and whether their teachings line up with the word of God.

The following video series "Seventh Day Adventism: The Spirit Behind the Church" discusses the life of Ellen G. White and the root & evolution of her spurious teachings and false prophecies.  Such teachings include that Christ's atonement for sin was incomplete, That Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel, and that there is no hell.  The Jehovah's Witness is but one splinter group stemming from these false SDA teachings, including its own "inspired" versions of Scriptures.

The next video series "The Seventh Day Abomination (The SDA Mystery Babylon Connection)" shows how Ellen G. White's teachings were founded on the work of Freemason William Miller. It also connects these Millerite teachings back to their roots in freemasonry and Egyptian occult worship.

Egyptian pyramids were created to mirror the belt of Orion in astrology, which they believed to be the home of God. Ellen White makes various references in her writings to God being the "All-seeing eye" and God's home being in Orion. This is a continued theme in SDA teachings even today.

SDA also is at the forefront of the ecumenical movement to bring the world religions together under an Age of Aquarius "Rule of Law" as part of the new world order. The video shows how disunity between the SDA and the Roman Catholic Church is only a cunningly devised farce which will become more revealed as the two work closely together to bring about the ecumenical objectives.

**Potential Posters:  You are welcome to post comments here, but please ensure they are relevant to the content of this article.  As such, actually watching the videos before commenting is suggested.  This is not a platform for SDA members to proselytize or to explain why they love the SDA institution.  Nor is this a place to argue about the believer's relationship with the law.  If you have questions about the law, please review one of the blog's many articles on this topic and post any appropriate comments there.  Lastly, all assertions of truth should be accompanied with some Scriptural evidence.  The purpose here is not to serve as an ecumenical forum where everyone just shares their opinions, but to facilitate an honest search & study for the truths of God based on His holy word.  Comments not meeting these criteria may not be approved.  Feel free to peruse existing comments as well, for your questions may already be addressed.

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