"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves..." II Timothy 3:1-2a
When I initially did the article on Beyonce, Sasha Fierce, and Demon Possession, I didn't quite understand the significance of she and Jay-Z promoting the false god "Horus" nor why they were embodying these entities before the masses. Yet, God kept leading me to look more into Horus, and specifically, the "Aeon of Horus" predicted by occultist/satanist Aleistar Crowley.
According to Crowley, an "Aeon of Horus" was soon coming in which mankind would become devoted to self-rights & liberties as we usher in a universal utopia united by a collective consciousness under one rule of law - his Law of Thelema called, "Do what thou wilt", It is in this way that we would then become gods ourselves.
Of that age, Crowley writes:
According to Crowley, in this Aeon of Horus there is no such thing as "sin". Even the very concept of something being sinful is a lie and an obstacle to self-fulfillment. Instead, each person will be governed by their own self-will and self-interest. We will allowed to truly be "lovers of our own selves"...and no one else will be able to say anything about it."There is no need to develop the ethics of Thelema in detail, for everything springs with absolute logic from the singular principle, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." Or, to put it another way, "There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt." And, "thou hast no right but to do thy will."
This formula itself springs ineluctably from the conception of the individual outlined in the preceding section. "The word of Sin is Restriction." "It is a lie, this folly against self." The theory is that every man and every woman has each definite attributes whose tendency, considered in due relation to environment, indicate a proper course of action in each case. To pursue this course of action is to do one's true will. "Do that, and no other shall say nay."" Aleister Crowley, Chapter - THE ADVENT OF THE AEON OF HORUS, Confessions
Many in the world believe that we are now entering the much awaited Aeon of Horus or what others have called the Age of Aquarius. It is said to be a time of great spiritual awakening. A time of visitations from "ascended Masters" who will lead mankind in its evolution into a higher form of self. You can see this message being pushed in the music and broader entertainment industries, in politics, in education, in religion...in every worldly system.
What is the main obstacle holding back all of mankind from these great advancements and supernatural revelations? Those who are still 'stuck' believing in that their way to God is the only way, i.e. Christianity. The closer we move to this anticipated age, the more we will see concerted efforts to discredit Jesus Christ in every arena as well as a sharp increase in the disavowing of Christian principles - even by professing believers. The new agers call this our "awakening" as we transition out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius; the Scriptures call it the great apostasy (II Thessalonians 2:3).
In the following video entitled "Aquarius: The Age of Evil", researcher Keith Thompson delves into this new "age" and how it is taking shape right before our eyes. He discusses in part:
- The History of the Theosophical Society
- The Freemasonry & Theosophy Connection in bringing about the new world order
- Zeitgeist Movement as vehicle for Theosophical Indoctrination
- What or Who is the Illuminati?
- The Goals of the Venus Project
- Lucifer as the admitted Leader ("god") of the Ascended Masters
- Supposed visitations of the Maitreya
- Demystifying Lucis Trust
- World Socialism as the linchpin of success for the new age
- The December 21, 2012 deception
In response to our Train Up A Child series, someone recently asked, "What does being a believer or unbeliever in Jesus Christ have to do with the decline of education in America?" It is precisely because of this type of perspective that this is being posted. I don't agree with everything stated in the video, and it is not necessary for us to know all of this information. However, we need to realize (if we do not already) that the whole world lies in wickedness (I John 5:19).
As quoted in the video, the official Freemasonic Scottish Rite magazine wrote in its article God's Plan for America:
"Great God our King has chosen the great American Public Schools to pave the way for the new race, the new religion, and the new civilization that is taking place in America." New Age MagazineSatan is the god of this world, and nothing is occurring by happenstance (II Corinthians 4:4). The education they extend to your children, the music they produce, the shows and movies they distribute, the books being written, the news being reported...it is all done with the objective of conforming the mind to this new "age".
We are in the midst of a spiritual war and every move being made in this world is calculated. Everything boils down to God's will and the unfolding of His master plan for humanity. There is no neutrality; if something is not for Christ, then it is against Christ. If we are ignorant of this fact, then that does not mean that we have been spared; it simply means that we are deceived.
Someone once asked me whether I believe in conspiracies. I asked, "How can you claim to be a Christian and not believe?" The Scriptures themselves document Satan's attempt to conspire against the God of Heaven and to ensnare mankind in his evil schemes. This is not theory, it is biblical truth.
"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure." Psalms 2:1-5
According to this text, the "kings of the earth" (the world leaders) are collaborating to set themselves in direct opposition to the Lord. They are meeting together and making specific plans to not only defy God, but to come against His anointed. What is their goal? To free themselves from the restraining influence of God's righteousness. They want to "do what thou wilt" with no interference from, or knowledge of, God. They know what they are doing and they are doing it purposefully, according to their diabolical schemes.
Regarding the end times specifically, we are told:
"And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." Revelation 17:12-13
"And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army." Revelation 19:19
Is this not a conspiracy??? The kings of the earth (again, the world leaders) work together and align themselves with the beast for the express purpose of making war against God and His people. Do we really believe the Scriptures???
How can we claim to be saved and yet at the same time be ignorant - or worse, ambivalent - to the very nature of the spiritual war being fought around us? Again, I am not saying that we each need to be researchers in the actions of elite world leaders; but we should at least not be ignorant of our adversary's devices. Be girded up and prepared for these are the times in which we live. If this was true in the days of the early church, it is even more so now.
There is a new age coming, but it is not what they think. Just when they believe they have achieved peace, there will be sudden destruction (I Thessalonians 5:3). May we each be ready, for the time is at hand. It is going to take more than a "sinner's prayer". It is going to take lives laid down in sacrificial obedience to the Lord. Those who do will be God's battle axe as He takes His vengeance on these satanic forces and redeems whosoever will take freely of the water of life (Jeremiah 51:20-24; Revelation 22:17).
"...but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." Daniel 11:32
FYI - It may just be my computer, but the volume of this video was pretty low to me. However, in listening by headphones, the volume was fine.
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