As always, he has a way of explaining in very straightforward terms key principles of the Christian faith which are sure to feed your spirit and encourage you in the journey.
- God loves us as much as He loves Jesus.
- God delights in honest people.
- God delights in cheerful givers and not things done by compulsion.
- We must treat every human being with dignity.
- Holiness comes by looking on to Jesus.
- What it means to "take up our cross" daily.
- The world's opinions of us - whether good or bad - are fit for the trash can.
- We must be continually filled with the Holy Spirit.
- The test which should be applied to any "truth" is does it make you more free? Free from the world, from sin, from people, from tradition, etc.
- This world's values are the opposite of God's values.
- Nobody can harm us except we ourselves.
- Knowing God intimately is the secret to being strong.
- God has a solution for every single problem you have.
- God has got a perfect plan for each of our lives.
- The new covenant is far superior to the old covenant. What was external in the old becomes inward in the new.
- We will be rejected and persecuted by the world.
- There is no pre-tribulation rapture.
- God will supply all of your needs.
- We must receive all whom God has received.
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