May God Have Mercy On Our Souls
As I listened to this message today, it so convicted me. I realized that at times in my heart - even if I hadn't verbalized it - I had been telling God, "It is just not fair."
Hear me here. I am not speaking of conscious thought. I am speaking of the hidden matters of the heart. While I was holding on to faith and pressing on in the Lord, inside I was questioning: Why God? Why is such and such happening? Why are you allowing it?
Honestly, I know that there are times we will have questions. However, at the heart of such statements is the belief that somehow, we don't deserve "this" [whatever "this" may be]. It is an accusation against God's righteousness.
Are we God? Have we created the Heavens and the Earth? Have we power over life or death? Are we wise or just in our own eyes? Is this not how God responded to Job?
What is it that we think we deserve from God? Is not the summation of what we deserve death and the grave (Romans 6:23)? If it were not for God's mercy, such would surely be our end.
Whatsoever God does for us, it is because of His mercy alone, and not because we have done anything to merit it. As Min. Pawson says:
"God will give everyone what they deserve, but He will give some people more than they deserve. He will be absolutely just with everyone, but He will be merciful to some."
"When you are in the Kingdom of Heaven, you don't have rights. You live by mercy."
"There is no such thing as luck or chance in the Kingdom of Heaven. God and luck are opposites."
Yes, as His children, there are certain promises to which we can hold as part of our inheritance in Him. Yet even those things are still the result of His mercies...and it is to His mercy that we must appeal in all things.
In this video, David Pawson examines how we receive the mercy of God.
- God shows mercy to those who ask for it.
- God shows mercy to those who pass it on.
- God shows mercy to those who don't take advantage of it.
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