I have been contacted by a number of people this year who have said in essence, "I give up! I cannot be a Christian. This is too hard. I can feel my heart growing harder towards God. Those who claimed to be saved have shown themselves to be hypocrites and have let me down. This whole faith thing cannot be real. I just thought Jesus would be different." I received another of those messages tonight.
These statements remind me of a dream the Lord gave me years ago, about which I began to write a book entitled, "Why Adam Cannot Be Saved". It is like I am watching this dream come to life before my eyes, which confirms for me that I need to complete that writing. However, I am just tonight finishing another book with my pastor called "The Organic Gospel"; and that too is very fitting.
Don't get me wrong. I completely understand that each individual must make their own choices in life. I also know that there will be (and is currently) a great apostasy as people turn away from God and go back to the world. Yet, a big part of the issue I believe is that people have no idea what it means to be saved.
Most Christians believe that being a Christian means you just believe Jesus died for your sins. That is not true. Even the demons know this. Such persons mentally ascend to faith (intellectually acknowledging Jesus), but proceed with trying to live out the "Christian" life in their own human effort without being born again. Jesus becomes an accessory to make me feel okay in my sin, a person to call upon when in need, or someone to help me achieve my worldly dreams. People run the gamut in religion, trying to be accepted by God by following the dictates of some religious organization. They try to live Godly, but without the life of God within, all they can do is emulate it. This road of dead works leads to a dead end and will only bring you to complete and utter frustration & exhaustion. As we explain it to our children, being a Christian means receiving that Jesus died for our sins and in turn laying our lives down for Him so that He may live through us.
"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20
"And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again." II Corinthians 5:15
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1
This is not something you can do on your own; you cannot will it to happen and nor can you do enough good deeds to bring it about. You must have the power of the Holy Spirit renewing your mind and transforming you into the image of Jesus Christ.
Most Christians grow weary because they do not understand salvation. They do not understand that the Gospel message sent to bring them into salvation is organic, purposing to grow the very nature of Christ within them...not have them perform for Christ. Most people arguing about doctrine and religious Babylon do so because they have not been born again. If people truly understood the Gospel, then a lot of this striving and debating would end. Failure to understand this will cause to you "go back and walk no more with Jesus" (John 6:60-66).
We must be born again if we are to see the Kingdom of God, and that is not simply a religious catch-phrase. Satan has set-up a false religious system and a perversion of the Gospel to prevent you from entering into new life in the Spirit. Will you just take the delusion and die or will you finally reach out for that which is real and live?
For those who feel that they are struggling in the faith or worse, failing to overcome the enemy - whether in sin, fear, doubt, unbelief, etc. - I want to encourage you to hold on and seek the truth in the Scriptures. I truly believe that the book, The Organic Gospel, is going to be an eye-opener and a great blessing for many who have struggled in Christianity and who know deep within their hearts that something is wrong in their faith. Not because the book is from us, but because it makes plain the way to salvation and the many deceptions throughout the churchworld which seeks to blind you to to it.
Please pray for us as we look for publishers and distributors for the book. If you would be interested in reading a copy, please send us an email and I will advise you when it is available.
As an encouragement, I would like to share one of my daughter's favorite songs...and it is quickly becoming a favorite of mine as well. God Bless!
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