The following article is from Pastor Zac Poonen, entitled "The Amazing Faith of a Godly Mother".
We read in 2 Kings 4:8-37 of a woman - a prominent, rich, wealthy and influential woman – who was also blessed by Elisha’s ministry. God does not choose only the poor and the illiterate and the uneducated to bless. He has no partiality. He chose an illiterate Peter, but He also chose a highly educated Paul. Peter did not know much of the Scriptures, but Paul was a scholar in the Scriptures. There were some rich women who supported Jesus and His disciples financially, and Jesus accepted their large gifts, because they were godly women (Lk.8:3).
Here was a wealthy woman who decided to support Elisha. She was a godly woman too, because when she saw this man visiting them occasionally, she said to her husband, “I perceive this is a holy man of God.” How did she recognize Elisha as a holy man of God without even listening to a single sermon of his? She just observed the way he conducted himself at the dining table. What an example for us! It is the little things that identify a godly man - the way he sits and talks to people, the way he eats his food and the way he conducts himself in ordinary matters. We don’t have to listen to his sermons.
So this woman decided to make a little guest-room in their house for Elisha to stay in - with a bed, a table, a chair and a light. Elisha had never even suggested that he needed any of these things. But she was a thoughtful, considerate woman - as all godly women are. God takes care of His servants by providing such places of rest for them, without their even expecting it. But a true man of God will never remain in debt to such people. So Elisha asked his servant Gehazi what he could do for her in return. Gehazi said that she had no children. So Elisha prayed for her and told her that she would have a child within a year. And she did.
That child grew up, and one day became sick and died (4:20). Think of the faith of this mother that she did not bury the child immediately but said, “Let me first contact the man of God” (4:25). So she went to meet Elisha. When Elisha saw her from a distance, he told Gehazi to ask her, “Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with your child?” (v.26), listen to the answer of faith that she gave concerning her dead child: “It is well.” What faith that was! Elisha went and prayed for that child and raised him from the dead. It’s amazing to see what that mother’s faith did for that child. According to her faith she received. That is why she finds mention in the gallery of the heroes of faith: “Women received back their dead by resurrection and gained the approval of God by their faith” (Heb.11:35, 39). If that mother did not have faith, she would have buried her child. What miracles the Lord does wherever He finds someone with faith.
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