Monday, December 17, 2012

The Right Attitude To Money

The following is a message from Pastor Zac Poonen on, "The Right Attitude to Money."
  • People used to think that all wholehearted Christians must be poor.  Now there is the teaching that wholehearted Christians must be rich.  Both are unscriptural extremes.
  • The two masters Jesus tells us we cannot serve (we must hate one and love the other) are God and mammon (which is money).
  • If money rules over you, you cannot serve God.
  • If you are not faithful in unrighteous mammon, how will God trust you with the true riches of Heaven: revelation from God's word, transformation into Christ's character, and anointing for the ministry.
  • To be devoted to God is to despise money.  You must come to the place where if you gain money it doesn't excite you, and if you lose money it doesn't depress you.
  • The flesh is a fantastic lover of money.
  • People are reluctant to give to God because they have not been properly taught what God says in this area.
  • Everything you possess on earth (your money, your property, etc.) belongs to God and not to you.
  • The mindset of a tither equates to the mindset of a thief who thinks that they can take what belongs to God - and what they have only been able to earn through God's grace - and give Him only 10%.  God deserves it all because it all belongs to Him.
  • We are not doing God a favor when we give money to His work or His children.  We are merely giving back that which originally belonged to Him which He gave us as a loan to use.
  • Not all believers are going to be equal in eternity (I Corinthians 15:41b). Each will be rewarded based on how they have lived in this world.
  • We must learn to be righteous with money like Zacchaeus.  If we have taken anything unrighteously, we must repay it.
  • Work hard to earn well (II Thessalonians 3:7-14).
  • Do not become undisciplined and lazy.  The glory of God has departed from many a believer because they stopped obeying in the small things. 
  • Don't be wasteful (i.e. time, money, etc.), but be faithful with what God gives you. 
  • Many Christians have debt because they have not lived disciplined lives. 
  • God's riches will be given to you if you are faithful in little things.

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