Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Giving Myself Away

I want to be used, but I want to tell YOU how to use me.

I want to belong to You, as long as I can still do some of what I want to do.

I want You to be Lord, as long as there are still some areas that I control.

I want You to increase without me having to decrease.

I want You to move, but go where I want You to go.

I want to be purified as gold, but without the Refiner's furnace of pain, tribulation, and affliction.

I want to follow You, but only within my comfort zone.

Lord, please forgive me for those ways in which I keep back parts of myself from You.  Teach me to truly be a living sacrifice and for those not to be mere words (Romans 12:1).  Don't let me say another word or sing another song without those words having become life to me.  Jesus, I cannot go another day, another moment half-stepping it with you.  Either I am going to walk this walk out with you in faith completely or I will waste my life hypocriting around, never having attained to the life you desire for me.  It is not enough to be used by You Lord, but I desire to be wholly & holy Yours.  Each day I hold on to a part of my life, there is blood on my hands because that self-centeredness is the very obstacle preventing You from expressing your life fully within me.  At some point this body of death must perish to release resurrected life (John 12:24; Romans 7:24-25; I Corinthians 15:36).  Let me embrace that death, knowing that whosoever loses their life shall find it.  Father, complete the work you have started in me - for Your honor and Your glory - so that I can really be a living witness to the lost in these last and evil days.  Not via doctrinal or religious debates, but by Your life residing in me to confront powers of darkness and set captives free. Give me the heart, will, and strength to stay on the altar of this cross so that Your will may be perfected in my life (Philippians 2:13).  Amen.

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20

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