The following is a collection of messages from Min. Alan Martin which I hope are a blessing to you. Simply click on the title of each to hear it.
Hindrances to Beholding Him
- Beholding Jesus is what changes us from glory to glory in order to bear the image of Christ.
- This is why we all need a personal, spiritual, mystical vision of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mystical referring to something beyond the natural, something mysterious (Colossians 1:27).
- You cannot make it to Heaven by simply having a sense of right & wrong, or of having had a vision of Christ at one time.
- We are to lay aside the sin nature (anything that belongs to the flesh) and put it to death.
- According to the word of God, some things which can hinder us from getting a clear vision of Christ are:
- Much Serving (Luke 10:38-42; Revelation 2:2-4). Ministry and service are good things, but it can become a distraction if we let it. Serving others will not keep you alive spiritually; you had better be beholding the face of Christ on a regular basis if you are to live.
- The chief thing we all need is the adoration Christ and spending time with Him in intimate fellowship.
- The Law (II Corinthians 2:12-16). The law is a vail to those who are not in communion with Christ. Only in Jesus is this vail taken away. Get a glimpse of the law and you will feel guilt. Get a glimpse of Christ and you will feel liberty.
- People who have lost a vision of Christ no longer pray, sink back into religion, and have no joy.
- We will do what Jesus does when we quiet our souls before Him in the holy place of our hearts and see Christ.
- God longs to be gracious to man and renew every heart. His mercies are new every morning. He can even use how you lived as a testimony.
A Cure For Carnality - Part 1
- Every Christian is called to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, and we all have a role in that process.
- God's role is blameless and has already provided everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him. He will never let us be tempted above we are able and the grace for which He provides a way of escape from temptation.
- Not every Christian is spiritual. There is such thing as a carnal Christian. A spiritual Christian is one who is much more sensitive to the activities of the Holy Spirit. A carnal Christian relates more to the physical realm (sight, touch, taste, smell, feeling); he is more in tune with the natural versus the spiritual.
- Carnality limits. Paul says in I Corinthians 3:1 that he is unable to address that church as spiritual. It limits the hearer in terms of what they can understand and the messenger in terms of what knowledge can be imparted (I Corinthians 2:14). Strong teaching is for the mature (I Corinthians 2:6-7).
- Carnality is evidence of a lack of spiritual growth and is a retarded condition. A number of things can cause a retarded spiritual condition.
- Dull of Hearing (Hebrews 5:11-14). This means that people become sluggish or lethargic towards the the words of God, and as a result one's faith suffers (Romans 10:17). Such a person will be left vulnerable, weak, immature, unstable, and unproductive.
- Spiritual lethargy can even affect your ability to receive the promise of eternal life (Hebrews 6:11-12).
- We are born into Christ to become mature, to bear fruit, and bring glory to God.
- The cure for this is diligence (Hebrews 6:11). If your growth is slow, then speed it up! Be quick to hear.
- You can escape the corruption of the world and become partakers of the divine nature by applying diligence to your walk with Christ (II Peter 1:5-7)
- God has not given His grace in Christ for your comfort, but for His glory.
- How can you be sure that your calling & election is sure? Diligence (II Peter 1:10).
- There is no promise of assurance for the spiritually lethargic Christian.
- You can come to church all your life, but if you are not diligently applying the principles or mechanics of faith in your life then you will not make any progress (James 1:22-25).
- This message is not to condemn anyone, but to bring to light the great danger of spiritual lethargy, giving you the chance to humble yourself through repentance.
A Cure For Carnality - Part 2
- It is usually in a intense spiritual warfare that we discover whose hearts have not been set aright and whose spirit is not steadfast with God.
- God is not pleased with those who draw back, and those who do go unto perdition (Hebrews 10:32-39).
- If you falter in times of trouble, it is because your strength is small (Proverbs 24:10). Weakness, by faith, is turned to strength (Hebrews 11:32-34).
- A full confession of faith is not just acknowledging what we are presently, but what we are to be in Christ. Don't just confess that you are weak, but confess that we are to be strong in the Lord to stand against the enemy (I Corinthians 16:13). Is God with you or not??
- Abraham believed that God was able to do what He said, and due to this faith, it was imputed to Him for righteousness (Romans 4:18-22).
- Many people excuse their actions by claiming to be discouraged. Discouragement is not for the Christian; discouragement is really unbelief.
- Against all hope, believe anyway; be steadfast! (Romans 4:18)
- The reason the Israelites were not steadfast with God when He delivered them from Egypt is because - in spite of all of God's miracles - they did not come to strong faith (Psalm 78:22, 32; Hebrews 3:17-19). They were led for forty years, fed for forty years, and dead for forty days due to unbelief.
- We must become a people who refuse to be discouraged; who are strengthened in our faith and not weakened in our faith and who refuse to shrink back.
- We need to grow in salvation which is achieved by growing in faith. God has appointed ministers for the purpose of bringing the people to maturity (Ephesians 4:11-12).
- Adding diligence in this way is a protection against falling (II Peter 2:8-11).
- A true spiritual shepherd is not satisfied for persons to just be a sheep, but they are concerned for the spiritual condition of the sheep (Proverbs 27:23).
- Love is the bond of perfection (Colossians 3:12-14; Ephesians 3:14-19).
- If we are really beholding Jesus' face, then we would be steadfast.
- Part of the ministry of the word of God is so that faith can come by hearing.
- Such a life of joy, peace, and steadfastness is not only possible, it is the only acceptable norm. It is time for us to become mature.
- Now, let the weak say, "I am strong."
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