The following article is written by a blogger who has given her life to, and is truly on fire for, the Lord. I am posting her article here because she describes a phenomenon that I am just honestly not too familiar with, as this was not done in my day. However, it seems to be very prevalent in these last days.
She describes how commonplace it has become for young girls to"joke" about being married to their girl friends, which they even call their "wives". She tells the truth of how these activities are inspired by a lesbian spirit which attempts to normalize these behaviors in the minds of young people.
Recently, God enabled my family to see the reality of what this blogger describes through ministry to a young woman with similar experiences. She had engaged in similar jesting in high school, which ultimately culminated in full-fledged lesbianism in college. Yet this spirit is very deceptive. Although the woman was participating in same-sex activities, she did not consider herself to be a lesbian. Even when we prayed to cast out that spirit, she would cry out, "
I am not a lesbian." When Satan can mold you into his image and yet still blind your mind to the reality of what you have become, that is
true deception.
Yet the "Bisexual Playground" - as this blogger describes it - is not something relegated to the schoolyard; it is also alive and well in the "church". There is perhaps nothing more deceptive than the sodomite spirit which hides behind "getting saved". By that I mean, it stops the
acts of homosexuality, but the spirit remains; simply finding another outlet. That outlet can be other sexual sin such as masturbation, which is the same expression of self-love as homosexuality. Or maybe it is an inordinate attachment to, and dependance upon, same-sex "friendships". There is nothing wrong of course with Godly fellowship between women or between men. However, when that spirit is present you will find that you are only comfortable with those of the same sex...or with members of the
opposite sex who have the same sodomite spirit.
UPDATE: God has led me to update this article to explain further by what I mean about a homosexual spirit seeking to manifest in ways that are
not sexual. The key here is that the person with that spirit
does not really want to be set free from it yet. Rather, they want to pull
you into the perversion
with them because they still
like or
enjoy that spirit. They are still
in covenant with it.
One way in which this can be identified in married women is that they constantly degrade or speak negatively about their husbands to other women. This can be a slippery slope, because they can come to you under the guise of seeking counseling or prayer (
Titus 2:3-5), but in reality that spirit is
trying to be fed via a inordinate relationship
with you. No matter the advise or biblical direction you offer, instead of pursuing that in earnest, they just continue to tear down their husband's reputation to you and
portray themselves as his victim in need of your support & understanding. The same thing can be seen in single women, yet the man who is the object of their derision may be a father, friend, or just a brother in the church (particularly church leadership). It becomes you and me against
him (whoever the 'him' is). Although I am speaking from a woman's perspective, such is likewise true of men with that spirit.
God has particularly equipped women for intercession. This is not to say that men cannot intercede, but as a life giver in the earth (correlating to the ministry of the Holy Spirit), women are designed to bring forth and nurture life. This is why one of the first things a woman should do in such situations is go to prayer because God gives women a special intuition or sensitivity for spiritual things. When a woman is taking such concerns to prayer, she will no longer
speak against that for which she prays. What I mean is, if she is earnestly praying for her husband (or some other) to the Lord, then she will not at the same time continue to prattle on about what he
isn't doing right. She trusts the Lord to work it out and it is that hope which brings her to her knees before God on his behalf. There may be times when people need to vent, but someone who is constantly maligning others is not at the same time lifting them up in prayer. For more on the role of women as life givers, please see the following: Life Givers
Part 1,
Part 2, and
Part 3.
Another way in which that spirit tries to feed is by engaging in conversations with others about topics which should remain
private. They seek to share intimate details of their lives which you have
no business hearing. A prime way in which this is done is under the pretense of "confessing" sin, which is just a way of relaying all the sordid activities they are involved in. What that spirit is
really trying to do is paint images in your mind by planting seeds of perversion to contaminate you. This is why Lot's soul was
vexed in Sodom, seeing and hearing constantly the perversions in which the people were involved (
II Peter 2:7-8). It is good to confess sin, but such involves repenting and turning
away from it. Someone who is continuing in sin - and wants to continue "confessing" it to
you - only seeks to pervert you and vex your soul.
Still another way this manifests is that you and the other person share something exclusive or secret. Maybe it is a gift which has been given or information that has been shared which marks your relationship as
different or
special from others. Not only that, but this relationship
precludes you from having healthy/Godly relationships with others because that spirit wants to
claim you as its own. There is then often jealously when that spirit feels threatened by others in your life. Remember, I am not speaking about sexual expressions here. Such can even be in operation with your own mother/father. If you and your parent have a relationship that takes precedence over your relationship with your spouse - or if they attempt to pull your allegiance to
them instead of your spouse - then that spirit can be in operation behind it.
The commonality with each of these behaviors above is that the lesbian/homosexual spirit is trying to cull you off into some unique, exclusive, and perverted relationship with
themselves. That spirit is seeking to be fed, and will even use ministry in the church as a means to do that.
END OF UPDATEA young minister on Youtube once contested my statement that there is a demon "spirit" of homosexuality. Having been delivered from performing homosexual acts, he believed that he was now completely free. However, what he could not see was that the spirit was still well and alive via a
very effeminate disposition (his mannerisms, affectations, emotionalism, etc). He is now "ministering" to other young men seeking deliverance from homosexuality, all the while denying that there is such a spirit behind it. It is a trick of the devil to have you believe you have been set free, only to be bound in other areas. When Jesus sets you free, He sets you free indeed and you will truly be a new creature in Him.
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators [pornos - one indulging in unlawful sexual intercourse], nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [malakos - soft, a catamite], nor abusers of themselves with mankind [arsenokoitēs - a homosexual or sodomite], nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." I Corinthians 6:9-10Sin is not about what we "do"; it is about what
spirit we are of, what nature we possess. Don't be fooled by Satan into joking about that which is not pleasing to God. Sin is no joke to Him, and taking it lightly merely sears our conscience so that we are no longer as responsive to God's Holy Spirit as we should be.
Above all, one thing is clear. The media is pushing a strong homosexual agenda. My daughter and I were just discussing last week how prevalent homosexual imagery is, even during the daytime. There is a satanic drive to make people believe that such is just as normal (and American) as apple pie.
Let's hold on to the truths of God's words and let it wash us from the inside out so that we can be purged from every form of iniquity.
A Bisexual Playgroundby Never Too Young for Jesus Christ
Today I was thinking about how many times I saw girls, "play around" in school suggesting they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Since I was in Kindergarten, girls acted like they were married at recess on the playground. It was mostly the girls that were best friends or really close that played that game in elementary school. I believed It became the devil's plan to get us to step into perversion while we were young. By the time I got into high school, things changed. It had nothing to do with just pretending to be best friends or being really close. Girls saw other girls as sex objects and sexually attractive to each other.
Bisexual- Sexually attracted to both men and women
I remembered seeing girls at lunch time playing around and holding hands, acting as if they were a couple. Most of the girls had boyfriends and were beautiful girls, but for some reason they were attracted to one another instead of their own boyfriends. At the time, I couldn't put my finger on the situation and questioned, why was it A Bisexual Playground?
I've also notice girls putting on their Facebook "relationship status" that they were married to other girls. I even seen my own family members put on their status that they were married to one another. The meaning of that status is basically saying, "you are my wife".
I know the Word of God states, He made man to be with a woman and they should become one flesh.
Genesis 2: 22-24 " Then the LORD God made a women from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh".
It is NOT funny to me nor to be taking lightly that girls would play around suggesting being married to one another.
Ephesians 5:4" Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or course joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving".
Playing around suggesting you are married to another female or behaving like you're a couple, only opens up the door way for the devil perversion in your life. It's a lesbian spirit ready to take control over your mind. Being Bi, Gay, and lesbian is not a trend or life style to be proud of. It is written in the Word of God, as an abomination to our lord Jesus Christ.
I've seen girls get hurt by boys and ended up turning to other girls in school for comfort and love. By the end of the week they were a couple.
To read the rest of the article, please click here: A Bisexual Playground