See, I have always been a sort of "behind the scenes" person. I am happy to help others, but never saw my service to Christ being anything more than that. I never thought God would give me a word to share or want to use me to directly minister to others. The silly question I thought was, "Who was I to write a book?"
As a result, I started the first two steps, but never got to the last. It seemed the more I studied, the bigger the topic became, and over time this became sort of like the project I would never finish. Plus, was I really willing to stand on my own faith, profess what I believe, and share what I felt the Lord was showing me? Was I prepared to have my own testimony before the Lord & before men vs. supporting someone else's testimony (Revelations 12:11)? Eventually, this project got placed on the back burner and it has stayed there since.
Yet, this is not about me, but the Lord. I merely share that to illustrate how we often place ourselves in God's way. Like Moses, we can become self-conscious and inhibited when God calls us to move, as if God isn't God and able to do all that He chooses through His vessels. It is His work He is doing and He is faithful to complete it.
Recently, God has brought this dream back to my remembrance and I recalled how strongly I felt that this message must be shared. So, in the next few blog posts, I will be focused on doing just that, documenting what I believe He would have me to say on the topic: "Why Adam Cannot Be Saved".
There is still much work for me to do in this area. Posts may be sporadic, but I believe it is time. This will be my focus, however long it takes, until it is completed. I don't want to leave this world having left undone anything God has put upon my heart to do. If God leads me to, I will compile these posts into an ebook upon completion which can be downloaded to be read in its entirety.
May He pour out His grace and Spirit to allow me to say what He would have me to in this hour.
Why Adam Cannot Be Saved - Introduction
Years ago, I had a dream where I was in a house. While in the house, various individuals would come up to me and speak about the Lord. We would have wonderful conversations about the goodness of God and the joy in serving Him. Then, after the conversation, each person would turn around from me, leave the house, and go back to the world.
After this had happened several times, I asked the Lord, “God, why is it that all of these people are going back to the world? They each seemed to know the Bible and to know you, but each time they returned to the world.” And God answered me saying, “Because Adam cannot be saved.”
At that moment, it was as if scales had fallen from my eyes. Suddenly, that simple statement from God answered all of my questions; it seemed even as if every question in the universe had been answered.
Upon waking up, I did not have the clarity that was found in the dream and I said to the Lord, “Alright God. That statement seemed to answer everything in the dream, but I am not sure that I get it. I know that we must die to the old Adamic nature, but what are you trying to tell me?”
From that point on, God led me through a study of the Scriptures that not only brought new meaning to my salvation walk, but expanded upon my understanding of man’s very existence & struggle here on this earth. In these writings, it is my hope that God will help His children to see the beauty of salvation and awaken in them a desire to be free from all false counterfeits which stymy our efforts to be fruitful for His Kingdom.
Who was Adam?
- The First Man
- Man’s Relationship with the Earth
- Man’s Relationship with Woman
- Man’s Relationship with God
- Adam’s Sin
- A Man after Man’s Own Heart
- The Seed of Adam
- Who is Adam’s God?
- The Curse of Esau
- Going into Battle with Edom
- Penance vs. Godly Sorrow
- The Last Adam
- Two Adams, Two Gardens
- A Double Homicide
- The Red Man is the Beast
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