Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Babylon is in the Heart

The Trojan Horse

"There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man." Mark 7:15

When I first started seeking the Lord, I used to follow Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Sr. at  Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC).  His services were broadcast weekly on my local religious television channel.  When you are hungry for righteousness, you will almost go anywhere to be fed.

Then one day, Dr. Price began to speak about those in his church who were not tithing.  He chastised them and berated them in a way that shocked me.  He went on further to speak disparagingly about those who wrote checks to the ministry which bounced.  He stated that - if not for the fact that it was illegal - he would publicly post the names of every person who had given bad checks in an offering to his church.

You have been given time in a pulpit to speak to the things of God and your main concern is folks not giving you enough money?  Where was the compassion and Godly concern about the lives of these people?  Perhaps they were in financial struggles which was pulling them under.  Or maybe the church was setting an inordinate emphasis on "money" which compelled them to try and give more than they could.  I knew that it was not the spirit of the Lord inspiring these words and that was enough for me.  I never listened to any more "word of faith" or "prosperity doctrine" foolishness again.  As someone whom God had delivered out of the Roman Catholic Church, I could recognize that Babylonian spirit when I saw it.

I have spoken previously about how God led me out of the RCC, but one of the main events was my marriage to a non-Catholic.  Before such ceremonies could occur in the Catholic church, the non-Catholic had to sign a paper agreeing to raise any children as Catholics. It mattered not whether the person I was marrying was a Christian.  It was apparent to me that the Catholic Church cared little to nothing about the souls of my future children.  Rather, they wanted to ensure that they continued to have the numbers (members) which would ensure a steady stream of future funds for their organization.

This was one of my first lessons that Babylon lies in the heart.  People mistakenly believe that if they separate from "such and such" (fill in the blank), then they have escaped the false religion of Babylon.  Yet, that is a delusion.

If you were part of the Babylonian system of false religion, then the reason is because Babylon was in you!  People only join themselves to that which is attractive to them.  The things which attracted you to Babylon - sowing to your flesh, focusing on your life in this temporal world, justifying or turning a blind eye to sin, greed, making you "somebody", etc. - are the very things in your soul from which you need to be cleansed.  The only way a fish can be caught is if they take the bait.

Many times, people come out of false religion and want to blame pastors, deacons, doctrines, elders, etc.  Look, the problem was YOU!  The reason I was in the Catholic church was because my own heart was defiled; and the same is true for everyone else who was/is ever aligned with such a system.

The false church plays to and on your own lusts (II Timothy 4:3; II Peter 3:3; Jude 1:16).  The goal then is not to be separated from a particular organization, but to be cleansed from the lusts in your own heart.  If you do not, then you will simply find another example of Babylon to follow (or raise up one yourself).

This leads to the purpose of today's post.  G. Craig Lewis - a minister I have respected for many years - is planning to tape a new session of the Truth Behind Hip Hop series at Crenshaw Christian Church this October.  CCC is now being run by Dr. Fred Price Sr.'s son - Fred Price Jr. - with whom Min. Lewis has formed a friendship in recent years.  The title of this sermon will be "The Mother of All Gods" where Min. Lewis will be dealing with Babylon and the Roman Catholic Church.  In an excerpt from the trailer for that DVD, Min. Lewis says:
So what did Satan do?  I gotta fake it.  I gotta create Nimrod and Semiramis.  I gotta make it look like the virgin Mary.  I gotta start Catholicism where I corrupt Pentacostalism and make the Pentacostals do the things that the Catholics do.  I gotta mess it up.  I gotta mess up Christianity!
Is Roman Catholicism a Babylonian deception masquerading as true Christianity?  Absolutely!  However, how is it possible to preach against Babylon, from Babylon, while in agreement with Babylon?

While I have not followed Fred Price Jr.'s ministry, I am aware that it was passed to him from the mantle of his father, who is still listed as an "Apostle" over that church.  There has been no separation from the deceptive doctrines taught by his father, but rather, that legacy has been falsely promoted as a shining example of Christian service.  As Min. Lewis states, it is a satanic deception to lead people into following after Babylon under the guise of representing the real church.  Yet, that is just what Dr. Fred Price Sr. has done.

The DVD entitled "The Making of an Apostle" (seen here via Part 1 and Part 2) shows in detail the ordination ceremony for Dr. Fred Price Sr. as he is made an "Apostle".  This ceremony is an exact copy of the Roman Catholic ceremony, including:
  • The processional, replete with use of altar boys/girls to carry candles, the Bible, and the cross after which backwards collar-wearing clergy marched behind;  In the video, this procession is introduced by the narrator stating how "highly symbolic" this procession is.  Indeed it was...
  • The version of the Catholic "litany of the saints" prayer which the congregants were led to repeat; 
  • The recitation of the Apostle's Creed
  • The Catholic ordination prayer recited over Fred Price in declaring him an "Apostle"
  • The presentation of an Apostolic "ring" of authority
  • The bestowing of a Roman Cleric Cassock, Tippet, and Pectorale
  • The giving of a Crozier
People, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

I don't share this to mock Fred Price (Sr. or Jr), neither G. Craig Lewis.  I share this to impress upon you the level of deception into which we fall when we mistakenly believe that Babylon is merely external.  There are many professing Christians who exert much energy fighting against systems of Babylon while at the same time helping to build and exalt the same system.  Why can't they see the irony and deception?  Because Babylon is still alive and well in the heart.

As time draws to an end, we must honestly look at our own hearts.  We must examine ourselves to see if we truly be in the faith.  If there was a time to take the word of God seriously, it is now.  We cannot have fellowship with the works of darkness.  We must hold to the truths of God's word at all costs.  If the foundation upon which we stand is anything other than the Rock of our salvation, then by the power of God let it be demolished and start from scratch.  Forget earthly legacy's and worldly approval.  Unless God builds a house, we labor in vain.  Are we truly willing to forsake all for the cause of Christ?

Please be in prayer for the church worldwide, that we will truly separate ourselves unto Christ alone, for His work.

"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification..." I Thessalonians 4:3a

The following video outlines the Catholic overtones to Fred Price Sr's ordination.  It also contains part of a sermon from Omega Ministries entitled "A Trojan Horse".

Monday, September 19, 2011

At Your Feet

Desiring that "Good Part"

I remember when I first got the gift of speaking in tongues. I was at a women's retreat and it was during a time of praise & worship.  Everyone stood with hands upraised, singing praises to the Lord.

As we sang, the love of God impressed upon me so that I opened my mouth to whisper a private, "I love you Lord" to Jesus.  Yet what actually came out of my mouth sounded like gibberish to me.  No biggie.  I must have just tripped over my own tongue.

I opened my mouth to say it again, and again it came out sounding like gibberish...but this time I kept speaking and it sounded as if I was speaking another language!  Even while continuing to speak, I was momentarily startled.  What was this?  It took a moment for me to realize that I was speaking in tongues.

Once I realized this, I continued praising God, and it continued coming out in tongues.  I had never had such a personal and intimate experience with the Lord before.  I literally felt like I was standing before the throne of God, like Jesus was right before me.  I was overwhelmed by His majesty.

Soon, praise & worship ended and the retreat attendees went into the kitchen and dining rooms to prepare for the meal.  I merely sat in my place.  I could still feel the presence of God and I was breathless.  It felt as if His feet were right before me; like I could reach out and touch Him.  I couldn't think of food or eating; all I wanted to do was dwell there forever in His presence.  Although I felt as if I were before His throne, there was not even one inclination in me to attempt to look up and see His face.  It was more than enough for me to simply sit before Him.  I felt blessed beyond measure, just to sit there at His feet.

My pastor walked by me, lovingly tapping me on the head on his way to the kitchen.  I briefly wondered, "Why was everyone going to eat?  Couldn't they see that the Lord was here?  Who could even think of food at a time like this??!"  I determined that I would never leave that spot.  Didn't exactly know how that was going to work, but what did that matter?

Then Jesus began to speak to me and showed me that His throne was not literally right before me, but within me.  He was enthroned upon my heart.  In an amused but loving tone, He told me that it was okay for me to move from that spot.  Leaving that spot did not mean I was leaving Him.  The closeness that I felt with Him at that moment I could always have, for He abided in me. Can you say, "WOW?!"

Of course, I began to feel a little silly having been holding to that spot on the floor.  :-)  But more than that was the great joy I had in knowing that Jesus lived in me!  I believed that before, you know, because it is written in the Scriptures.  However, now I KNEW it was true!

When I first heard the following song by Casting Crowns, I thought, "Wow!  Whoever wrote this song has been at Jesus' feet too!" They seem to express so well what I never could about that experience.

How have I wandered since that time?  While Jesus told me that the level of intimacy I had with Him then I could always have, the truth is that I have not always had it.  While the presence of God overwhelmed me then and consumed my total being for quite some time, sometimes now I am more aware of the stresses of my job, the bickering of the children, the lunacy of the person driving next to me on the road...  Yet, I want to return to that place more than anything.  I want to return to that place where I am once again consumed by God's love.

Dear Jesus, I repent of the times when I have let the cares of this life take my eyes off of you.  Please take me back to that place Lord, where I am surrendered completely to you and sitting at your feet - in awe of you.  Where nothing else matters but being with you; not job, not finances, not family, not health...nothing in this temporal life.  Help me to have ears sensitive to your calling, when you are drawing me into the secret places with you.  No matter where I am, where I go, or what I am doing, let me be at your feet always.

"Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Luke 10:38-42

**The purpose of this note is not to get into debate about whether "the gift of tongues is for today" or whether the "gift of tongues is known languages", etc.  I address those issues in another post.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Watch out for the Spirit of Antichrist

The following is a message from Pastor Zac Poonen.

Watch out for the Spirit of Antichrist

And they worshipped the dragon, because he gave authority to the beast; and they worshipped the beast saying, ‘Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?’ (Rev 13:4)

The whole earth now worships Satan. This is what Satan has always wanted from the beginning. In Isaiah 14:14, we read that Lucifer wanted to be like God. God had already given Lucifer many wonderful gifts - wisdom, beauty, ability, and supernatural gifts. What more did he want? He wanted to be worshipped like God was. And that is how he became the devil. Whenever you desire the admiration of people, remember that you too have the same desire as Satan. To seek the honour of men is Satanic. Finally, we see here, that Satan does get the whole world to worship him. Of course, that is happening in a small measure even today. But it is going to be much more widespread.

They worshipped the Antichrist too. The worship of the Antichrist - the worship of men - is also becoming widespread today. They worshipped the Antichrist saying, “Who is like the beast?” Just like we worship God today saying, “Who is like unto Thee, Oh God,” people worship Satan and the Antichrist saying the same thing. People will not call the Antichrist, “The Antichrist”. No. They will call him by a respectable name.

In 1 Jn. 2:18-19, we read, “Children, it is the last hour. And just as you heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us (from the midst of the church).” This teaches us that there were people who had the spirit of the Antichrist right in the midst of the first-century church. Such people are found in Christendom today too. People with the spirit of the antichrist are found in the political world, in the business world, in the heathen religious world, and among so-called “Christian churches” too.

What is the mark of this spirit of the Antichrist? There are many marks. But one of the chief marks is this: They want others to admire them and exalt them - which is the equivalent of receiving worship from men. A church that does not fight against this seeking of honour from one another will have the spirit of the antichrist ruling in it very soon.

The desire for the honour of men is found in our flesh. It starts growing like a little seed, like a baby - just a wee desire for admiration, wanting somebody’s approval or praise. It finally ends up as desiring worship. This is the spirit of the Antichrist. Therefore, whenever we see this little serpent’s egg inside us, we must crush it; otherwise, it will bring forth a serpent one day. If this spirit could manifest itself in the highest of angels, why can’t it manifest itself in any of us? He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The whole earth, we are told, will follow after the Antichrist. The world did not follow after Christ. They shouted, “Away with Him. Crucify Him”. But they will follow the Antichrist, because he will speak with smooth words to them, like the false prophets of old.

The spirit of Christ will bring us reproach, ridicule and opposition from men. When Christians seek popularity in this world, they are on dangerous ground - the ground of the Antichrist. Jesus was not excited when people wanted to crown Him as king. He knew that the opinions of men were only fit for the garbage-bin. So He turned around and told them, “You must hate your father and mother, your brother and sister, your wife and children, your possessions and your Self-life, before you can follow Me” (Lk.14:26-33). Those were hard words that offended many who heard them. Today, the true church of Jesus Christ preaches those very same words, and they sound just as hard - and they offend people, just as they did in Christ’s day. And the reproach of Christ comes upon us thereby. It is thus that we are protected from the spirit of the Antichrist. But Babylonian Christianity will not preach this message, and so will be honoured, thus paving the way for the Antichrist to be manifested.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Have You Been With Jesus?

Designer Christianity

"People say, 'I believe in God. I believe the Bible is a good book. And then I believe whatever I want.'"  USA Today, More Americans Tailoring Religion to Fit Their Needs

As I was driving this morning, I wondered how anyone looking around at the world can doubt that we are indeed in the last days. There is a general lack of morality fueled by a focus on "self" which is off of the scale. Demons openly walk the streets, sit in the cubicle next to you at work, check out your groceries at the store, and entertain you via music/movies/tv...while folks just go from day to day as if it were normal. Like a frog being slowly boiled in a pot of water, society has been driven into madness so that many cannot even recognize the insanity.  People are in the midst of insanity, thinking it is normal.

What's worse perhaps is that this insanity has invaded the church.  If there is one thing that time with this blog has shown me is that many claiming to be "Christian" are in actuality far from it.  The standard for their Christianity is their own minds (what they think, what they believe, what they like, etc.), when that standard should be Jesus Christ.  It is no wonder there are so many debates and arguments about doctrine & Scripture, for each is seeking his own way and not the ways of the Lord (Proverbs 1:31; Isaiah 53:6, 56:11; Ezekiel 22:31, 36:17).   Like the world, many in the church have become blind to its own madness; having a show of godliness, but denying the power thereof. 

Then one has to wonder, "What about myself?"  If I claim to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, stand upon His holy word, and submit my life unto Him...then where is the difference in my life?  Is the power of God now relegated to a few blog posts?  A few weekly sermons and Bible studies?  Am I not also guilty of "designer Christianity" on some level if the light of Christ cannot come forth within me, compelling others into communion with the living God?

Should I take comfort in having sound doctrine? In going to church each week?  In having been brought out of the institutionalized system of Babylon?  What a shallow existence; how utterly unfulfilling!  In the midst of this darkness, where is the great light?  I tell you that I am not satisfied with such.

Some might say, "That is blasphemy!  My life is not shallow.  I feed the poor, give clothes to the homeless, hand out tracts, go to service each week, etc."  Really?  Is that the sum of your existence?  There are Hindus today who are doing such works.  I tell you that when the church was birthed at Pentecost, the world KNEW that these men had been with Jesus; the difference was tangible (Acts 4:13).

Can the world say the same about us?  Can people look at the witness of our lives and know with a certainty that we have been with Jesus?  Or is there no real presence of the Holy Spirit visible within us?  Can the life of Christ be truly seen within or is He simply a verbal profession, an earthly example we try to emulate like Muhammad, like Buddha?  Our very lives we live will be the evidence of what we believe, not just what we profess. 

Oh that God would open blind eyes and allow us to see the futility of such an existence.  May He place within our hearts a sincere, burning desire for the fullness of Him in us.  Something beyond mere religion where we are doing "good" works for God, but rather Jesus by His Spirit performing His works through us...His Body.

Whether they know it or not, people in the world are in search of life.  Will we be vessels through which God can give that to them?  This can only happen if we have been with Jesus; abiding daily with Him.

USA Today Article
"More Americans Tailoring Religion to Fit Their Needs"
September 12, 2011
By Cathy Lynn Grossman

If World War II-era warbler Kate Smith sang today, her anthem could be Gods Bless America.

People take part in a National Day of Prayer gathering in San Antonio in May. Polls show that in 1991, 24% of U.S. adults hadn't been to church in the past six months; today, it's 37%.

That's one of the key findings in newly released research that reveals America's drift from clearly defined religious denominations to faiths cut to fit personal preferences.

The folks who make up God as they go are side-by-side with self-proclaimed believers who claim the Christian label but shed their ties to traditional beliefs and practices. Religion statistics expert George Barna says, with a wry hint of exaggeration, America is headed for "310 million people with 310 million religions."

"We are a designer society. We want everything customized to our personal needs — our clothing, our food, our education," he says. Now it's our religion.

Barna's new book on U.S. Christians, Futurecast, tracks changes from 1991 to 2011, in annual national surveys of 1,000 to 1,600 U.S. adults. All the major trend lines of religious belief and behavior he measured ran downward — except two.

Religious beliefs, practices shift

More people claim they have accepted Jesus as their savior and expect to go to heaven.

And more say they haven't been to church in the past six months except for special occasions such as weddings or funerals. In 1991, 24% were "unchurched." Today, it's 37% .

Barna blames pastors for those oddly contradictory findings. Everyone hears, "Jesus is the answer. Embrace him. Say this little Sinners Prayer and keep coming back. It doesn't work. People end up bored, burned out and empty," he says. "They look at church and wonder, 'Jesus died for this?'"

The consequence, Barna says, is that, for every subgroup of religion, race, gender, age and region of the country, the important markers of religious connection are fracturing.

When he measures people by their belief in seven essential doctrines, defined by the National Association of Evangelicals' Statement of Faith, only 7% of those surveyed qualified.

Barna laments, "People say, 'I believe in God. I believe the Bible is a good book. And then I believe whatever I want.'"

LifeWay Research reinforces those findings: A new survey of 900 U.S. Protestant pastors finds 62% predict the importance of being identified with a denomination will diminish over the next 10 years.

Exactly, says Carol Christoffel of Zion, Ill. She drifted through a few mainline Protestant denominations in her youth, found a home in the peace and unity message of the Baha'i tradition for several years, and then was drawn deeply into Native American traditional healing practices.

Yet, she also still calls herself Christian.

"I'm a kind of bridge person between cultures. I agree with the teachings of Jesus and … I know many Christians like me who keep the Bible's social teachings and who care for the earth and for each other," Christoffel says. "I support people who do good wherever they are."

And it's not only Christians sampling hopscotch spirituality. The Jewish magazine Moment has an "Ask the Rabbis" feature that consults 14 variations of Judaism, "and there are many," says editor and publisher Nadine Epstein.

"The September edition of Moment asks 'Can their be Judaism without God?' And most say yes. It's incredibly exciting. We live in an era where you pick and choose the part of the religion that makes sense to you. And you can connect through culture and history in a meaningful way without necessarily religiously practicing," Epstein says.

Sociologist Robert Bellah first saw this phenomenon emerging in the 1980s. In a book he co-authored, Habits of the Heart, he introduces Sheila, a woman who represents this.

Sheila says: "I can't remember the last time I went to church. My faith has carried me a long way. It's Sheilaism. Just my own little voice. … It's just try to love yourself and be gentle with yourself. You know, I guess, take care of each other. I think God would want us to take care of each other."

Bellah, now professor emeritus at University of California-Berkeley, says, "Sheila was a jolt to some at the time. But to a lot of people, it wasn't a jolt at all, they had been living that way for a while. Don't romanticize the past. Fervent religiosity was always in the minority. Just because people showed up in church didn't always mean a deep personal conviction or commitment."

Bellah sees two sides to the one-person-one-religion trend. On the positive: It's harder to hold on to prejudices against groups — by religion or race or gender or sexuality — if everyone wants to be seen individually.

"The bad news is you lose the capacity to make connections. Everyone is pretty much on their own," he says. And all this rampant individualism also fosters "hostility toward organized groups — government, industry, even organized religion."

Today, even the godless disagree on how not to believe, says Rusty Steil of Denver.

He grew up Lutheran and retained his parents' "strong moral code," but, he says, he couldn't stick with "ancient myths of people trying to make sense of the world."

"I don't find much comfort in imagining there's an all-powerful God who would allow people starving and all the natural and man-made disasters," Steil says.

Steil calls himself a "live-and-let-live atheist," as apart from the virulently anti-religious variety such as Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins, or "those who actively promote disbelief."

Paul Morris, an Army medic at Fort Bragg in North Carolina and veteran of six tours in the Middle East, says he has seen Christianity, Judaism and Islam in action, for better and for worse, and, frankly, he'll pass.

Morris grew up "old-style Italian Catholic," but says he never felt like his spiritual questions were answered. So, he says, "I just wiped the slate clean. I studied every major religion on the face of the planet. Every one had parts that made sense, but there was no one specific dogma or tenet I could really follow," Morris says.

"So now, I call myself an agnostic — one who just doesn't know. What I believe is that if you can just do the right thing, it works everywhere."


I say on Sunday how much I want revival
But then on Monday, I can't even find my Bible
Where's the power
The power of the cross in my life

I'm sick of playing the game of religion
I'm tired of losing my reason for living
Where's the power
The power of the cross in my life

I'm not content just to walk through my life, giving in
To the lies, Walking in compromises now
We cry out as a generation that was lost
But now is found in the power of the cross

We believe in You
We believe in the power of Your Word that is true
We believe in You

So we lay down our cause
That our cross might be found in You

I'm not satisfied doing it my own way
I'm not satisfied to do church and walk away
I'm not satisfied there's no love in my life but You
I'm not satisfied living in yesterday's hour
I'm not satisfied to have the form but not the power
I'm not satisfied, Lord I am crucified in You

So we lay down our cause
That our cross might be found in You

Monday, September 12, 2011

More Love, More Power, More of You

The following article from the School of Christ was forwarded to me today and I am sharing it here.  For the past two years, this has been a particular message that God has placed upon my heart, and it is still relevant for me today.

Each day, God provides me with opportunities to die to myself (my ways, my thoughts, my hurts, my desires...).  Do I always take them?  Nope.  And I don't say that lightly, but it is just the plain honest truth.  We really do have to die daily, haven't we?  And when we don't it is to our own shame and detriment for the flesh will be most prominent in our lives, polluting our interactions with others and short-circuiting the power of God.

I pray that it is also encouraging to you.  May God continue to do His work in us, getting our eyes off of ourselves and our situations; having our eyes look singly upon Jesus.

In combination with the article below, you may also want to read the following: Me Runs Deep, Moved to Compassion, and Brokenness - the Key to Heavenly Life.

The Need for Brokenness
By Chris Brogden

The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all (Psalms 34:18,19).

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise (Psalms 51:17).

The fundamental need of a disciple of Jesus Christ is not more power, but more brokenness. The majority of Christians today are not too unlike the original twelve disciples of the Lord. We observe the Twelve arguing over who is the greatest; asking to sit on His right hand and on His left; desiring to call down fire from heaven upon those who oppose them; refusing to wash each other’s feet; protesting the need for the Lord to go the cross, even drawing the sword to defend Him in the garden.

May we see that the disciples were not endued with power from on high until they were of one mind and one accord, together in one place, after the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. While it is true that they enjoyed a measure of spiritual power during the Lord’s ministry on earth, we see how even this little taste of heavenly ability puffed them up. Jesus sent them forth and gave them authority over evil spirits. So it happened that when they returned, they exclaimed, “Lord! Even the demons are subject to us through Thy name!” Even this small accomplishment made them rejoice and exalt in themselves. Jesus tells them this little bit of success is hardly worth rejoicing over. Later on, we find the disciples rebuking others who used the Name to cast out demons. Why? Because “they are not of us.” Patiently, Jesus tells them to stop forbidding the others, because “he that is not against us is for us.” We see how quickly pride was able to gain a foothold.

What a tragedy it would have been to pour out the Holy Spirit in His fullness upon the disciples in such a condition! They were thoroughly unfit and unprepared to handle such power. Why? Not because they were insincere. No doubt they were very sincere. After all, they had forsaken everything and were following the Lord. Nevertheless, they were yet unbroken. That is to say, they were following the Lord and even had a taste of spiritual power but they had no yet taken up the Cross. Over and over again Christ said they must take up the Cross, but they themselves could not understand what He meant. They even sought to prevent the Lord from taking up HIS cross. They could not be entrusted with much power because they were not sufficiently dead to themselves. The slightest accomplishment would only be grounds for foolish boasting and further arguments to see who was to be the greatest among them. Hence, they were told to tarry in Jerusalem and wait until they would be endued with power from on high. As proud men they were found arguing on many occasions, but as broken men they were finally in one mind and one accord. Thus, the Spirit came, and with the Spirit, the fullness of power.

Today the call is for unity, but we need to see that unity cannot be achieved by calling people to unity. Unity is achieved when we take up the Cross and die to our minute opinions and lay down our petty arguments and prejudices. Then, and only then, will we come to one mind. A broken spirit is a peaceful spirit, and is able to abide with others. Contentious, unbroken, hard, stubborn people can never be in one accord. The sacrifices of God are a broken and contrite spirit.

More Of The Lord, Or Less Of Me?

Indeed, as the Lord calls us back to the Cross to become disciples of Jesus, He intends to first humble us before empowering us. It is not a question of His supply, nor is His Life to be measured in terms of some, more, or plenty. Either the Life is present, or it is not present. The Lord’s Life is a rich Life, and it fills the believer with the ALL fullness of God. We may say of a brother or a sister, that they “really know the Lord in a powerful way” or that they are “full of life” or they have a “strong anointing.” Of course we all have different gifts and abilities as the Spirit enables us. But we should not use phraseology which implies that some brothers and sisters have more of the Lord’s Life than other brothers and sisters. We categorically reject this idea. God is no respecter of persons, and He has blessed ALL of us with “every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).” “For in [Christ] dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:9,10).” “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things (Romans 8:32)?” What are these Scriptures telling us? That we are blessed with every spiritual blessing, filled with the fullness of God in Christ, and have received all things freely through Him. No single believer is any more “anointed” or powerful than any other.

Please tell me, saint of God, what it is that you lack spiritually: for these Scriptures demonstrate conclusively that you are already filled with all that God has and is. How much is all? How full is full? How complete is complete? If there is a lack in our lives, let us readily admit that the lack is not on the Lord’s part, and it is not because we are inferior to other, more “powerful” believers. The question is not how to get more of the Lord, but how to release the Life which is already hidden within us, obscured behind the veil of our flesh. To put it another way, it is not more of the Lord that we need, but less of ourselves. We must be broken.

Christians today are encouraged to seek more power, more anointing, and more gifts. I have stood before these precious believers and led them in the singing of choruses which cry, “More love, more power, more of You in my life.” To be sure such a desire is good and sincere. The Church is so hungry for the presence of the Lord. I have watched thousands stream forward in hopes of obtaining some fresh outpouring of spiritual power or anointing. I have both led them in the pursuit of more power and joined them in the pursuit. Day and night I searched for spiritual power that I might overcome my sins, be a witness for the Lord, and have a powerful ministry which reached thousands. But a day came when the Lord gave me revelation of Christ in me, and I in Christ. May I say, that day was like walking out of one room, entering another, and closing the door behind me. From that day forward I realized that I was complete in Christ, filled with all that God has, all that He IS. From that day forward I saw that the problem is not in obtaining more from the Lord, but in allowing Him to break me and humble me that I may no more hinder Him through my own foolishness, pride, natural wisdom, fleshly lusts, and divided heart. I needed to decrease, and He would increase in direct proportion to my decrease. If I decrease but a little, He would increase but a little. But with much decrease of me there would be much increase of Him. With less of me, there WOULD BE more of Him in my life!

The Pursuit Of Power

I will state it again: most Christians eagerly, even greedily, seek the power of the God, but they resist any thing that would seek to decrease, humble, test, or prove them. They want the power, but they refuse the weakness. Stated differently, they relish the bright sunshine, gentle breeze, and singing birds, but they curse the dark night when the coyotes howl and the rain falls. When God performs as expected all is well, but when He fails to perform as expected the countenance grows dark and the soul is depressed.

And how many “Spirit-filled” believers have we met that seemed to carry about a certain power and seemed to be very spiritual while sitting in church, yet they could not control their tongue or keep a reign upon their critical spirit? Their power only gives them an occasion to glory in their flesh and compare themselves in a favorable light with others. Mark this well: any power that does not come by way of weakness will ruin people such as this. We must never seek the power of Pentecost without first tasting the suffering of the Cross. The Cross is Power disguised in Weakness. There is a saying, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We can just as well say that spiritual power obtained apart from the weakness of the Cross will corrupt also. This is why the Lord leads us first to Calvary, then on to Pentecost. We dare not bypass Calvary in our haste to experience Pentecost.

In spite of this spiritual truth, observe how little attention is paid to the necessity of brokenness among those who so eagerly speak of the power of God. We should be afraid of listening to anyone who teaches us about the power of God but does not teach us about the necessity of brokenness. Invariably the power, once received, will pollute the spirit and pride will set in. Weakness, humility, brokenness, suffering, pouring out our lives, taking up the Cross – this language seems to be lost among the seekers of power. How tragic that is!

The Seasons of the Spirit

Yes, the Lord in us is full of might and power; yet He will not intrude upon our will and overwhelm us. Sometimes we wish He would do so. But that is not His way. He desires us to cooperate with His Spirit. When we come to Him and present ourselves as instruments to be used, He begins to mold us and shape us into suitable vessels. If we see this process as beginning and ending in a one-time act of consecration, or a single moment of surrender, or a solitary life-changing event, then we underestimate just how thorough and far-reaching this process will be. It spans many years and is marked with many mountains and valleys, gardens and deserts. The one so committed may now expect to encounter many seasons of light and darkness, sunshine and rain, heat and cold, sweetness and bitterness. At the outset one may think he will be happy, light, and carefree now that he has tasted some of the Lord’s power. He will rejoice for that season, and then the sun will set and the dark night of the soul will begin. All that was gained now seems to have been lost. The former sweetness is nowhere to be found. Everything is dreary and burdensome. When this season is accomplished, the sun rises again and the Christian rediscovers the joy of his salvation. The vows are renewed and the spirit begins to soar. Prayer and praise now pour forth like water. Everything is effortless and spontaneous. But then, strangely enough, that season passes and the dark night sets in once again. Why is this? The Lord is teaching us to live apart from our circumstances. Eventually we will learn how to live above our environment and walk by faith, not by sight.

I remember times when I so felt the presence of God that I thought surely I could not sin after such an experience. Remembering my many sins and failures, I surmised that was all behind me now that I had tasted of such a heavenly sphere. Failure seemed impossible. How happy I was that now I had met the Lord in a powerful way, or had some spiritual experience, or heard some special word from the Lord, for with THIS I was sure to be victorious from here onward. How utterly distressing it was to find myself less than a week later wallowing in the same sin and defeat as before! Truly perplexed, I would struggle along until Sunday, where I would go forward to receive the prayers of the saints. Once again I was lifted up into the throne room and felt as though I could reach out and touch the Lord. Surely I need not fail again! But of course, once I left the mountaintop and descended again into the valley, I found the old lusts ever present with me, ready to reclaim me as soon as I arrived back from my latest encounter with the Lord.

Perhaps this has been your experience as well. We must learn sooner rather than later that discipleship is a process of tearing down in order to build up. We cannot expect to have a single mountaintop experience with the Lord and then assume from henceforth the work of the Cross is completed in us. When we are standing with the Lord in the New Jerusalem we may lay down the Cross. Until then, we dare not entertain the thought that we have already been made perfect. We must deny ourselves and take up the Cross daily.

So if there is a seeming difference in the “level” of anointing or power or spirituality among believers it is definitely not because some have more of the Lord than others. Let this be an encouragement to you. Indeed, Christ is not divided, and of His fullness we all share. We are all baptized into the same Spirit. The difference is some saints are more broken than others. Some have passed through many seasons of tearing down and building up, while some after many years of experience are still resisting the Lord and refusing to lay down their lives. Some have recognized God’s dealings and have submitted to them, while others have misunderstood or been totally ignorant of God’s dealings with them. The ones who have been sufficiently broken eventually manifest very little of their self, and very much of Christ. God must work long and hard with us to bring us to this place, but what a glorious day it is when we are able to bow our heads and finally surrender everything. What joy it is to look back over all that the Lord has led us through and realize His purpose in both the good times and the bad times, to behold the goodness and the severity of God in His dealings with us.

Four Examples of Brokenness: The Bread of Life

The Cross represents the principle of brokenness in the disciple of the Lord Jesus. Let us look to the Scriptures for some examples of brokenness. The night He was betrayed, we are told that the Lord Jesus “took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me ( Luke 22:19).” Many times the Lord has told the disciples and the crowds, “I am the Bread of Life.” He commanded them to eat His flesh and drink His blood. This is one of my favorite passages of Scripture, and one which I refer to constantly when discussing this subject. Many turned aside and no longer followed the Lord after He said this. How can this man give us His flesh to eat? Because He is the Bread of Life.

The little communion wafers we partake of today fail to adequately represent the Bread of Life. At the Passover there was one loaf, and it was broken into pieces that all may partake of it. Today, the wafers come to us already divided. The Church is certainly divided today, so perhaps this is a good representation of our division, but it fails to show us the vital truth that in order to partake of the Life, there must be a breaking. There is one Loaf, not many loaves. Jesus is the Bread which came down from heaven. How may we receive Him? He must be broken for us. After blessing the bread, and breaking it, He plainly tells us, “This is my body.

It is interesting to note here that the blessing Jesus prayed over the bread is the same blessing the Jews bless their bread with today. It has not changed in centuries. The Scriptures do not record it because it was written for the Jews, and they already know it:

“Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, which bringeth forth bread from the earth.”

After the blessing, Jesus broke the bread. The Passover ceremony also calls for a portion of the bread to be wrapped in a napkin and hidden, to be retrieved later. Thus, the Lord is showing us His crucifixion and resurrection in the blessing, the breaking, and the “burying” of the bread. He is the Bread which is come down from heaven, broken, buried, and brought forth from the earth. Our traditional communion wafer destroys this beautiful parable. Indeed, our Lord is One Loaf which is broken, that we may all share of His Life. Hallelujah! This illustrates the need for brokenness that Life may issue forth.

Example Two: A Grain of Wheat

Again, for an example of brokenness, let us look to the Lord’s Word to us in His final hours on earth: “And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal (John 12:23-25).” How remarkable are the Lord’s words here. He begins by saying it is time for Him to be glorified. When we think of the Lord being glorified, we think of His baptism when the Spirit descended upon Him as a dove and the Voice of God declared Him to be His Son. Or, we think of the mountain when His appearance became dazzling white and the brightness of His Glory was shown to Peter, James, and John. How strange then that Jesus talks of being glorified by a cruel death. It seems contrary to what we have been led to believe thus far. But the Lord explains why His death is necessary.

When the Lord Jesus humbled Himself and accepted the limitations of a human body, He was only able to be in one place at a time. For all the people He did heal, there were many millions who remained sick. He simply could not, as a Man, be everywhere at once. He was limited by time and space. In one place He seems frustrated with a holy frustration: “I have come to bring a fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already! There is a baptism I must still receive, and what constraint I am under until it is completed (Luke 12:49,50, New Jerusalem Bible)!” See how the Lord is restrained, and seems to be aching to come forth. He is like the grain of wheat, a seed surrounded by the outer shell of His physical body.

Pick up an acorn. What are you holding in your hand? A seed, yes. But what else? A tree? Yes, once the seed is buried it will one day produce a tree. But what else are you holding in your hand, besides a tree? A forest! Because, from that seed will come a tree, and from that tree will come many more seeds, and from those seeds will come many more trees, and so on. So what you hold in your hand is not a mere seed, but a forest.

Jesus says the Kingdom of God is “as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear (Mark 4:26-28).” Dear friend, this is glorious! We don’t have to do anything with the seed but cast it into the ground and forget about it! “For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself.” God will bring forth the fruit if we will bury the seed! Do you want to be fruitful? Humble yourself! Cast yourself into the ground and allow yourself to be broken that the fruits may come forth.

Now Jesus says if the seed will not fall to the earth and die, it will abide alone. Take the seed home and place it on your desk. Will it become a forest? Of course not. Why? That forest is inside the shell. It cannot come forth on its own. You see, the potential is there, for there is life in the seed. But the inner life is entombed by an outer shell. How do we get that which is in the shell to come out of the shell? We must bury the seed in the ground – the seed must “die” and give up being a seed. The shell must be broken and that which is within the shell may then come forth. When it dies, it brings forth “much fruit”.

You see, the issue is not the ability of the Life to spring forth, but the brokenness of the vessel which holds the Life captive! It is not that we need more power, but that we need more brokenness. When we are properly broken we will find the indwelling Christ is more than sufficient.

Example Three:The Alabaster Box

And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as [Jesus] sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his head (Mark 14:3).” The ointment here represents Anointing, or Life. I use the terms synonymously. It was very precious, but it was contained within an alabaster box. Albaster is a kind of stone used to make vases. But the same stone was also used to make caskets! Again, we have Life encased within Death. The inward release is contingent upon the outward breaking.

How many of us cherish the vessel more than the ointment? Friends, the vessel is nothing. Let us look beyond the vessels and instruments of the Lord and only note if the precious ointment is coming forth freely or is inhibited. The vessel houses the Life and must be broken. If we wish to be containers of this heavenly ointment, let us ask the Lord to break us that the hidden fragrance and anointing may come forth.

Example Four: The Veil Of The Temple

And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom (Mark 15:38).” The veil of the Temple was a thick curtain which separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple. What is special about the Holy of Holies? It is where the presence of God dwelt. No one could step into the presence, or even look behind the curtain, without falling over dead. Only the high priest could enter, and then only once a year. A rope was tied around his ankle with which the other priests could pull him out from behind the curtain in the event of his death.

But when the Lord Jesus died on the cross, the thick curtain which stood as a barrier between the presence of God and the people was split down the middle from top to bottom. Why top to bottom? To demonstrate that it was God Himself who split the veil. Had the veil been torn from bottom to top, it could perhaps be explained away that man was responsible. To tear the veil from top to bottom is indeed a miracle. What does it signify? Of course it means the death of Christ opened the way for us to approach the throne of grace without fear of death (Hebrews 10:19,20). That is the obvious meaning. Yet we know also that the three sections of the temple – the Holy of Holies, the Holy Place, and the Outer Court – represent the spirit, soul, and body of man. The Holy of Holies is the spirit of man where Christ dwells. In between the inner man and the outer man stands a thick veil.

We stand by our assertion that each believer is complete and contains the entire fullness of God; but we also acknowledge that the veil of the flesh must be rent in two in order for that fullness to come forth. How often we meet a brother or a sister and we sense their preciousness, but there is something that prevents the Life from coming forth as it should. That “something” is the fleshly veil which remains intact. We can only hope that they will allow the Lord to rend and break them so the Life can come forth. Similarly, when we sense a lack, we should not pray for more of the Lord, or seek more power, as though the indwelling Christ is not sufficient. Instead, we may ask the Lord to break us and take away the veil that is keeping the Life from coming forth.

The Cross Accomplishes This Breaking

Now we have before us four examples from the Scriptures of what it means to be broken, and why it is necessary: the bread, the grain of wheat, the alabaster box, and the temple veil. There is yet another point to be made from these four examples. In each instance, the Lord mentions His death and resurrection. The principle of the Cross is central to each illustration. The blessing and breaking of the bread speaks of His death and resurrection; the grain of wheat speaks of His coming glorification through His substitutionary death; the alabaster box is connected to the Lord’s anointing for burial (Mark 14:8); and the temple veil is rent at the moment of His death on the Cross. These are not mere coincidences.

The Lord has continually called us to deny ourselves, take up the Cross, and follow Him. We are not left to wonder what it means to take up the Cross, or what God hopes to accomplish in us when we do so. In these examples He is showing us what that means, and why it must be so. What is He saying? That we must be broken before we can bring forth Life. That to save our life we must give up our life, lay down on the altar, and offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God. Only then may we truly live for God. Only then may we be vessels through which Life may flow.

One time the disciples asked the Lord, “Increase our faith (Luke 17:5).” Do you remember how the Lord responded to this request? It is a very strange response. Today we ask the Lord to increase our faith, increase our patience, increase our love, increase our self-control, give us more. Strangely enough, it seems as though these repeated requests often go unanswered. We are still asking for “more”, and it has been many years since we first asked. It is the same with the disciples. They ask the Lord to increase their faith. Instead of giving them more faith, He basically tells them they don’t need more faith, that they have enough already. How do you like that response?

Watchman Nee was once asked to help a sister who insisted that she needed more patience. She told brother Nee of all the times she lost her temper and how terribly she behaved. She prayed and prayed for patience, but to no avail. So she asked brother Nee if he would agree with her in prayer that God would give her patience so she would no longer lose her temper. Brother Nee said, “This I cannot do.” Stunned, she asked why not. “Because I can assure you that God will not answer your prayer,” he answered. This sister became angry. “What do you mean God will not answer my prayer?” she demanded. “Am I so far gone that He will not hear me anymore?” “No, I do not mean exactly that,” brother Nee explained. “What I mean is this: God will not give you more patience, because you have no need of patience.” Now the woman was nearly beside herself with anger. “What do you mean I have no need of patience? I am always losing my temper and acting in a most regrettable manner. How can you say I do not need patience?” “Dear sister,” he calmly replied, “it is not patience that you need; it is Christ.”

He goes on to explain that all we have need of is in Christ, and Christ is in us. Therefore, we do not need to seek God for a little patience here, a little faith there. Instead, we must see that we are complete in Christ, and ask God to humble us and break us, that Christ would be my Patience, and that Christ would be my Faith, and that Christ would be my Righteousness, etc. We have every spiritual blessing already in Christ, but that Life is for the most part trapped within the alabaster box. We love the alabaster box more than the ointment, but we cannot have the ointment without breaking the vessel.

Dear friend, are you an enclosed vessel, or a broken one? Is Christ bound up and restrained within your heart, or is your heart free and unfettered that He may come forth through you? Have you expressed your willingness to die to yourself that you may bring forth much fruit, or are you like the seed which refuses to die and therefore abides alone? Has the Presence been released in you and through you, or does the veil need to be torn in two?

Oh, let us go back to the cross and humble ourselves that He may have freedom of expression through us! Do we desire the presence of the Lord? Then let us ask the Lord to decrease us through the Cross, for “the Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Slaves to Debt

"Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?" Romans 6:16

There is a movie entitled "The International".  While I have not seen it, it was playing on a TV where I was this week.  One particular scene caught my attention.

Apparently, the plot of the movie is about two people trying to prove that international banks are engaging in corrupt activities ranging from organized crime, government destabilization, and arms trading.  In this particular scene, the two investigators confront Umberto Calvini (an arms dealer and political candidate) about this relationship.

Although they are speaking about international banking in the movie, I felt they could have been speaking about Satan himself.

DA Whitman: Mr. Calvini, we’d like to know why the IBBC, a bank would be purchasing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of missile guidance and control systems from your company?

Calvini: The IBBC has purchased billions of dollars worth of Silkworm missiles from the People’s Republic of China which they have presold to clients in the Middle East. Contingent upon the missiles being equipped with VOLCON guidance systems. My company is one of only two in the world which produce the VOLCON.

DA: But why is the bank committing so much of its capital and resources to the sale of these missiles?

Calvini: It’s a test. Small arms are the only weapons used in 99% of the world’s conflicts and no one has the capacity to manufacture them faster and cheaper than China. What Skarssen (IBBC CEO) is attempting to do is to make the IBBC the exclusive broker of Chinese small arms to the Third World. And the missile deal is the gateway transaction.

Lou: Yeah, but billions of dollars invested simply to be a broker? There can’t be that much profit for them.

Calvini: No. This is not about making a profit from weapon sales. It’s about control.

DA: Control the flow of weapons, control the conflict.

Calvini: No, no. The IBBC is a bank. Their objective isn’t to control the conflict; it’s to control the debt that the conflict produces. You see, the real value of a conflict, the true value is in the debt that it creates. You control the debt, you control everything. You find this upsetting, yes? But this is the very essence of the banking industry, to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals slaves to debt.
This is Satan's objective with mankind as well; to keep us as slaves to debt - the debt of sin. 

"Jesus answered them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin." John 8:34

Due to sin which occurred in the Garden of Eden, mankind acquired a debt for sin which was owed to God (Romans 5:12-17).  As one brother once put it, it is like what those in the United States might call the national debt.  It gets compounded over time and passed on to each new generation virtually ensuring that it can never be repaid.

Yet Jesus did (Romans 5:11)!  The Son of God came as a sinless offering and laid down His life for our sins.  Jesus not only paid the debt for all sin, but in Him we also have power over sin. 

"I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:19-23

We must understand that - just like the banks - Satan uses conflict as a means to an end: debt creation. He is not simply trying to make our lives miserable (such is just an added bonus for him).  He is after our freedom in Christ (II Corinthians 3:13; Galatians 2:4, 5:1; II Peter 2:19-22)!  In each conflict he is sifting us, seeing if we will forsake the liberty we have in Christ only to be brought back into the bondage of sin.

"...for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage." II Peter 2:19b

So in your next trial, don't be distracted by Satan's fiery darts, but remember that you already have the victory in Christ whereby you can live! 

"Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." Romans 8:12-13

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Sacrifice of Gentiles

There is a misconception in the world that there is some demilitarized zone when it comes to the things of God. People mistakenly believe that they can be "independent" or "neutral".  Such is not what the Scriptures say.
demilitarized zone:  any area, place, or circumstance in which conflicts or hostilities are held in abeyance.
The reality is that those who do not serve God - in Spirit and in Truth - ARE in fact already serving the devil (Romans 6:16).  There is no alternative.  You don't have to wear black & hexagrams, own a Satanic Bible, partake in murderous blood rituals, knowingly sell your soul, or chant "I love you Satan".  In fact, many of Satan's most ardent worshipers outwardly appear normal and very respectable, even going to or helping to lead the local church on the corner.

All one has to do in order to be a servant of Satan is to not be led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14).  Not making a choice about God is the very act of making a choice.  Not engaging in the war simply makes one a casualty of war.  One is either working with Christ or scattering against Him.

He who is not with Me [definitely on My side] is against Me, and he who does not [definitely] gather with Me and for My side scatters." Matthew 12:30 (also Luke 11:23) Amplified Bible

"I am not against God", some may say.  Well, are you with Him?  Are you on the Lord's side?  Do you quiet down and tow the party line when sensitive subjects come up or do you stand for the truth?  Do you deny the Word of God before men in your actions/inactions, words/silence?  Are you more concerned with the favor of men than God?  Are you truly willing to lay down your life (desires, will, perspectives, etc.) and even die for the testimony of Christ?  We cannot serve God and [fill in the blank] (Matthew 4:10, 6:24; Luke 16:13).

Clearly being "with Jesus" is more than just professing to be His follower (Matthew 7:21-25).  What is the difference then between someone who professes Jesus versus someone who is truly known by Him?  Obedience (Luke 6:46).  The latter not only hears God's words, but does them.

We cannot afford to adopt our own ideas and perspectives about life and about God.  We must be sure to align our mind with the mind of Christ.  We are not believers just because we say that we are, but the Holy Spirit bears witness to this fact.  We know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:16-20; Luke 6:43-46).

"Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things." Matthew 12:33-35

My son recently asked me about a movie saying, "Is this movie good?" This has been a recurring question from the children in the past as they seek to determine which movies/tv shows/music are okay to watch or listen to.  I responded, "Is it talking about the Lord or the truths about God?"  "No", he replied.  "Then it is not good", I said.

My point was not to tell him he couldn't watch the movie; after all - while we certainly have rules in the house - the children are going to make their own decisions about their lives as they grow.  My point was to challenge his understanding of what is "good". 

So many times, we casually throw around that word; so-and-so is a "good" person; such was a "good" book; that was a "good" movie...  Yet Jesus said that there is none good except for God (Matthew 19:17; Mark 10:18; Luke 11;13, 18:19).  Was Jesus just exaggerating or did He really mean that only that which comes from God can be "good"? 

If only that which comes from God is good, then by default, that which does not come from God must be evil (Matthew 12:35).  Many will say, "Well, that is just too black and white.  Something/Someone can be good without being Godly."  However, the Scriptures continually reflect that goodness comes first and foremost from the Lord; He alone is the source of any goodness in us (Psalm 107:15, 119:68; Romans 3:10-12, 23)?

If the Lord alone is good and any "goodness" we possess comes from Him alone (Isaiah 64:6), then what does that say about works not inspired by Him?

"What say I then? That the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.

Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." I Cor. 10:19-21

We need to understand that, just as our "fruit" is the product of the sacrifice of our lives unto God as inspired by His Holy Spirit, the "fruit" of the Gentile (unbeliever) is a product of the sacrifice of his/her life as inspired by an unholy spirit.  While the Spirit of God empowers His children to produce works of righteousness; the devil empowers his children to produce works of unrighteousness.

Whether knowingly or not, when we do not serve the Lord, our very works - even our "good" works - are sacrifices unto devils (Romans 6:13-16). Every rebel, every denier of Christ, every child of disobedience is making continual sacrifices to devils; and it is all filthy rags.

Is there no harm in partaking of that which is made for/by devils?  Is it a small thing to the Lord?  What does God have to say about such matters?  Does God care more about your entertainment than your sanctification?  And what does it say about us if things sacrificed unto devils "entertain" us anyway?

Each person has to decide for themselves how much of their lives they will allow to be sanctified unto God, but we need to understand that we are in the midst of a spiritual war.  There is no demilitarized zone; there is nothing which is neutral when it comes to the things of God.  We either gather with Him or scatter against Him.  We are either taking ground for Christ within our own souls or giving ground to the enemy (Luke 21:19).

The sacrifices of Gentiles are indeed sacrifices unto devils, and when we partake of them, we join ourselves in fellowship with the same.  If we value communion with Christ, then we will not take lightly communing with devils...or else we too might be overthrown in the Wilderness of Sin; as those who were have been given for our examples.

"Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.  But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness. Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. " I Corinthians 10:1-6

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

American Horror Story

A Time to Weep, A Time to Laugh

Have you ever seen or heard something that made you laugh and cry at the same time?  The following article was forwarded to me today and it evoked just that kind of response.

On one hand, I can truly relate to the author's frustration...and was glad to hear someone say it.  I laughed as I reminisced about the way that life "used to be" as boys were truly allowed to be boys.

On the other hand, the consequences of this truth is enough to make you want to weep for the loss of life and the striping of manhood which many young boys suffer.  I have seen firsthand the way society, schools, and the media attempts to emasculate boys.  Young boys are being molded into some version of a "Ken doll", and I for one am fed up with it.

A true American horror story is unfolding in many homes across the country as our young people are being brainwashed into believing that "gender" is neutral.

A young woman who stayed with us this summer recounted how one of her professors taught the class that a state of androgyny is the perfect prototype for mankind's existence.   This is what the children are being indoctrinated with as early as elementary school.

''Transgender' model Isis King -
born as Darrell Walls - whose
sex change operation was
aided by Tyra Banks.

I also have a little cousin who started college last month and found that her roommate is a transexual.  The roommate was born a man and had undergone a sex change to become a woman.  Although my cousin was uncomfortable with this situation, the college claims that this man is now legally a woman and therefore must reside with other women.  As such, my 18 year old cousin is now forced to room with a man in her college dorm.

Consider the insanity of it all.  Individuals who undergo a sex change do not become another sex just because they have undergone a surgical operation.  Such persons must continue to use prescription hormones every day of their lives in order to try & counteract the continuing natural biology of their own bodies.  No amount of body mutilation or drug ingestion can change that.

Look, if I have to continually die my hair in order to maintain an appearance that my hair is blond, then guess what: I am not really a blond.  Only one who is blind and/or deceived could believe otherwise.  Yet the most 'educated, intellectual, and learned persons' accept that such is normal...and even ideal.

The college would not have to deprive this young man of an education just because he wants to live as a woman.  Yet common sense would dictate that the school place this young man in a room of his own.  However, the college doesn't do so because they have an agenda to pursue.  It is more important to force this perverse ideology on the students than it is to use common sense; and the one who has objections to the situation is the one made out to be "strange".

In the beginning, God created man and woman; male and female created He them.  Both male and female reflect the nature of a holy God...by design.  There are attributes which are found naturally in men and women precisely because God has certain functions/roles for each to fulfill, according to His purposes.  Persons experiencing "gender confusion" are not to be mocked; they are simply the product of a sinful world...as are we all.  And like all, they are in need of supernatural deliverance from an Almighty God who alone is able to break every curse and give to us a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7).  If it is only "in Christ" that we get a sound mind, then that should tell us that outside of Christ we should expect to see nothing more than mere insanity. 

At a time when the church should be girded for war, most are more concerned with fitting into this present, evil world; and then we want to wonder what is "wrong with the church".  Thank God that He brings forth the spirit of Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5).

Now the only question is, "Where are the Elijahs and who has been prepared to stand with them?"

By Coach Dave Daubenmire
September 2, 2011

I have a lot to say, but this is not the time to say it. I’ll save the details for another day. Stop reading now if you think Jesus was a sissy.

This is a time to vent...to air it out...to let some steam off ..to release the pressure valve.

Sometimes I feel like my head is about to explode. This is one of those times.

Americans have become so sissified. Everyone is afraid to hurt somebody’s feelings. It is the ‘wussification’ of the culture run amuck. Real men scare people.

I grew up with straight-talkers as my role models. John Wayne-types were the manly examples that the entertainment industry pumped into our homes. I have fond memories of sitting around the black and white Philco with my parents as the family watched real men gallop into our living room. Roy Rogers, Clint Eastwood, Paladin, Hoss Cartwright, The Lone Ranger, and their ilk left a masculine odor in my nostrils each night as I sawed logs in the bed I shared with my older brother.

The next morning we hit the yard running playing “Cowboys and Indians”, scalping redskins by morning, turning into Vic Morrow’s “Combat” and pretending to kill the Krauts by the afternoon. We lived out in the day what we watched on TV in the evening.

Pardon me for being so politically incorrect, but killing Krauts and scalping Injuns was a wonderful life for a young man to live. Today you can’t even use the name Indian. At least I wasn’t forced to play with Ken dolls and dance with Barney. The only Barney I knew was the lovable weenie on Andy Griffith. He was an endearing character because even my young eyes could see that he was a sissy-man who wished he was a real man. Somehow, I wanted to help him grow some hair on his chest.

But look at what they have on TV today? It is a steady stream of sissy-boys with moussed and frosted hair being offered to our impressionable young boys as “American Idols.” Instead of Gunsmoke and Matt Dillon we get “Dancing With The Stars” and Chaz Bono. Is it any wonder we have gender-confusion in America?

I am just going to say it. We have allowed the young men in this nation to be emasculated by women. No offense to women...I love them. I married one. I have two daughters and a granddaughter. They are the joy of my life.

But they are women. They think like women, they act like women. They like cooking...and shopping...and “Cake Boss” on TV. The get emotional. They cry easily. They hold grudges...they wear lace...and makeup.

But, I don’t want my son acting like them. I want him to kill bugs, and shoot varmints, and tell men off. I want him to open doors for women, to protect and defend his sisters, to learn to handle a gun in order to protect his family. Our children understand that the Father is the head of the house and that his job is to guide, guard and govern those God has entrusted to him.

Is that what they are teaching in your child’s school? Is that what they are teaching in your church? Is that what the young people are learning in your church’s youth group? Does your church have a “Gun Free Zone” sign on the door? Probably put there by a woman...or a pastor...or a woman pastor.

Or are they teaching the boys to act like girls? Just look around. The men don’t even look like men anymore. Fonzie would have beat them up.

Look at your child’s elementary school. How many men do you see working with those kids? My grandpa taught me how to spit. If a boy does that on the playground today he probably gets medicated. A woman can’t teach a boy how to be a boy. Only a man can do that. Do you want your son to be taught to ”be nice”...or to “be a man?”

Remember the Daniel Boone theme song from the weekly television show?

“Daniel Boone was a man, yes a big man. With an eye like an eagle and as tall as a mountain was he.
Daniel Boone was a man. He was brave he was fearless and as tough as a mighty oak tree.
From the coonskin cap on the top of old Dan to the heel of his rawhide shoes. The rippinist, roarinist, fightinist man the frontier ever knew. Daniel Boone was a man. Yes a big man. And he fought for America to make all American’s free.”

Daniel Boone and his cohort Davy Crockett have been replaced by Simon Cowell and Charlie Sheen.

I had a meeting today that sent me over the top. I spoke like a man. I called a spade a spade. I called sin, sin. I gave them a double-barrel approach to the Truth. They deserved a tongue lashing and they got it.

Needless to say, it was not well received. I was too “harsh”, “too judgmental”, “to direct”, “too self-assured”. I was just too much for the bossy women and the wimpy men they work with.

America, both men and women, no longer want to be spoken to by a man. They are afraid of men, real men. Instead of Davy Crockett they want Dr. Drew.

Ok boys. It is time to get your butt off of the couch and engage your son. Everywhere he goes he is being told how to behave by those who have no idea what it means to be a man. Don’t come crying to me when he comes home wearing skin tight jeans, moussed hair, earrings and a collar around his neck. Get him off the computer and take him fishing. Teach him to fire a gun and skin a rabbit. Watch the movie “Braveheart” with him. Teach him to be a man.

If you don’t teach him now, some 23 year old recent college graduate who minored in Women’s Studies at the University will.

I read somewhere that one of the first things Muslim children are taught in some of their schools around the Middle East is how to kill and dissect young animals. It teaches them to get over their natural revulsion to blood.

In America we are teaching our young boys how to get in touch with their feelings, how to recycle paper, and how to speak without offending.

We live in a dangerous world. I wonder if Putin, Ahmadinejad, and the Red Chinese fear the sissy-man President that we have? Are they afraid of Hillary...and Palin...and Bachmann...and the various members of The She Party?

The day is coming, you mark my word, when our only hope will lie in the hands of those God-fearing, Bible-believing, Truth-speaking, man’s men that the American culture is trying so hard to extinguish.

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” -Acts 13

The culture is feeding our young men tolerance. What they need more than anything is testosterone. Testosterone is a good thing.

The righteous are as bold as lions...