Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Devolution of Man

The Process of Reprobation and God's Longsuffering

We have a couple of college students staying with us this summer, and I was speaking to one of them last week about how Romans Chapter 1 outlines the devolution of man.

Apart from God, man decays; starting with ingratitude -> leading to a wisdom which is dark & empty -> the worship of created things (idolatry) -> fornication -> homosexuality -> reprobation.  This is the path that every single person on earth is set upon outside of God.

The truth of the matter is that in the fallen state, every single man and woman on the earth is being forged into the image of a sodomite, and then - if not repented of - on to reprobation. 

Are you ungrateful towards God, mumbling and complaining against Him, even so far as denying His very existence?  That is the evidence that you are a sodomite at heart.  Does your "wisdom" allow you to justify and condone what He says is forbidden and abominable?  Such is the evidence that you have the heart of a sodomite.  Are you participating in sexual sin, pornography, fornication?  These are the acts of a sodomite. Again, the acts might vary based on how far you have devolved towards reprobation, but the spirit behind it is the same.

Why do we see homosexuality becoming more accepted and promoted?  Because God is making manifest what is in the heart of (fallen) man. It is not about the "acts" man performs; the acts are merely manifestations of what is in the heart.  He is letting man see that he is but a beast.

"I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts." Ecclesiastes 3:18  

The judgment of God against all unrighteousness has already begun by God "giving man over" to his own dark and vain desires.  Even those who profess heterosexuality or Christianity can inwardly still be a sodomite, which is why many cannot acknowledge homosexuality as sin and even engage in homosexual acts with those of the opposite gender (Romans 1:32).  We can outwardly appear to be one thing, but it is what is on the inside which determines whether we truly know the Lord or not.  This is what Romans Chapter 1 depicts; unrighteousness on the inside working its way out to the outside.  All the while, God is longsuffering with us, working with us to change, to repent...until our continued rejection of Him prompts Him to finally gives us over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28).

I found the following video on the Truly for Jesus site this morning.  It is produced by the Edinburgh Creation Group and is entitled "A Letter to a Pagan City" which delves into how the "wrath of God" (Romans 1:18) is often poured out on a cultural level as this devolution of man progresses.
This video shows incredible footage of Edinburgh's Pagan fire festival, which draws over 12,000 people. It also features photos of a government assisted evolution museum that sells books on astrology, tarot, Feng Shui and ghosts. Phil Holden investigates the rise of Paganism in Edinburgh. Edinburgh was at the centre of the Enlightenment movement and was also the city where Charles Darwin was educated. During the Enlightenment in the 18th century, philosophers and scientists agreed that it was unreasonable to consider that God might be a cause of things. Whilst you might expect the result would be a very rational city, it seems the opposite has happened and Edinburgh appears to be one of Europe's most superstitious cities. Whatever your own perspective: Humanist, New Age, Agnostic or religious this video is worth watching.
As Phil Holden examines the rise of paganism, you will see continued references in pagan art/culture to the worship of Baal-Peor as well as the exaltation of the female principle in worship of the earth.  Unlike the authority of God - which rests in patriarchy - the authority of the fallen nature rests in that which is by nature female.  God says that He alone is God, but the fallen nature says man can himself become a god.  Such things are "anti-" Christ because they are opposite to the truths of God and seek to replace the same.

WARNING: Be advised there are disturbing images in this presentation, including footage of sexual immorality during pagan festivals. Viewer discretion is advised.

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