Saturday, August 7, 2010

Come, Let Me Love Away Your Sin

If there is one thing that would be filed in the "Turns My Stomach" section, it would be the emphasis the churchworld puts on "showing love" as the answer for sin.  By love, they mean toning down or changing the truths of God.  How is it that we find ourselves at the end of time and people think God has all of a sudden had a change of heart?

Perhaps, after thousands of years of interacting with His creation and calling man to repentance, God has realized that He made a mistake.  Having finally come to understand that sin really isn't all that bad, God is doing a "new" work.  Therefore many doctrines and outreach efforts now focus on a gospel of accommodating the sinner while IN his sin...and they call this "love".  The Scriptures have one word for it: apostasy.

Apostasy: A falling away, a defection or divorce; a total desertion of or departure from revealed truth.

Here are just some of the ear-tickling statements so popular from this false church movement:
  • All your sins, past, present, and future were forgiven when you were saved.
  • God no longer sees your sin, He sees the imputed righteousness of Christ.
  • There is too much work to be done in soul-winning for us to worry about sin.
  • Preaching on the wrongs of sin only pushes people away and makes the church look judgmental.
  • Jesus will never judge you, so don’t listen to the enemy and feel condemned. 
  • Nobody is perfect; it is impossible for us to cease from sin while in these earthly bodies. 
  • Repentance is works-based salvation.
  • God knows your heart.  As long as you believe in Jesus your sin doesn't matter.
  • Holiness is legalism.
  • We have freedom in Christ, so we are saved in spite of our disobedience.
  • You are justified, but just not sanctified yet. 
  • Nothing you do can ever separate you from Christ.
  • You are eternally secured because Jesus paid it all.
  • Jesus is already your Savior, you just need to make Him your Lord. 
  • God accepts you just as you are. 
  • It’s not your fault, we were all sinners saved by grace, which covers us while we are in sin.
  • If you could stop sinning, you wouldn't need Jesus.

God's answer for sin is repentance leading us to the cross (Romans 6:6-7).  The modern church's answer for sin is to keep convincing people how much God "loves" them. The issue of sin is not about God's love of man, but man's love of darkness.

"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." John 3:19

This is the condemnation.  Do we hear that?  The core problem is that man loves evil.  That is why man cannot just decide to come to Christ.  Many are wasting time and effort leading others to a false conversion by trying to show them how they have broken God's laws and are in need of a savior.

EVERY sinner knows that he is a sinner. God has given man an inner witness to know when we are doing wrong.  Even the conscience of a sinner testifies in his heart that he is in sin.

We cannot draw people to Christ by showing them the law, convincing them that they have sinned, and getting them to make a decision to express faith in Christ so as to escape the penalty of Hell.  That is not salvation...that is fire insurance.

The only way man can come to salvation is that the Holy Spirit pricks the heart, bringing about a sorrow within man over his condition which leads to repentance.  Man needs a change of heart by being born again and that can only be wrought by God...not by a hug.

Those who are telling you that there is too much emphasis on sin in the church or that such is a deterrent to the Gospel are merely preaching smooth things in order to justify their own sinful ways.  Seeking to water-down the Gospel so that it does not offend sinners is just one more way that the churchworld seeks to blend with, and gain the acceptance of, the world.  The Gospel message has not changed: Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

God showed the ultimate in love for man because of sin when He sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross.  There is no "love" we can show greater than that.  When we are truly born again, we begin to feel about sin the way that God does because His very life is present within us.  If we feel offended by the mention of sin or can continue in sin unabated after confessing faith in Christ, such is not the evidence that we need more shows that we are yet unconverted. 

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