Monday, July 5, 2010

Do you have a "Controversial Opinion"?

You Have Violated The Guidelines!

I was recently informed by Youtube that my video on pedophilia in the mainstream media had been removed due to a violation of the "community guidelines". Which guideline did I violate? They did not say. However, it was not hard to surmise:
We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).
The day after the video was removed, I received a message from a Youtuber saying in part:
Awww looks like they removed your pedophilia video!! That mighta been cuz I flagged it!! Your head is too far in the logic of this dark satanic world, even the light of your supposed religion is only in your mind. God has no religion, Yeheshua means "Messiah" YHShVH - we are all to become YHVH YAHWEH + Sh Shin Holy Spirit, to become Messiahs of ourselves, nobody will save you.
We must understand that the opposition we encounter in the world for work God is doing through us is not about us at all; it is always about Jesus Christ. Now sometimes we are just so fleshly and carnal that we create our own messes. However, when the Lord is working, it can bring about antagonism on your job, alienation from your family, animosity at your school, etc. His mere presence disrupts any "community" that is not established in Him.

There is a separation from the world which occurs all by itself as we walk in Christ because we bear about the sweet savour of Him. To those who are saved, this is the fragrance of life; to those who are perishing, it is the fragrance of death (II Corinthians 2:15-16). Do not be deceived and thereby offended thinking such conflict is somehow about you.

People often comment that they are surprised my videos have remained hosted by Youtube as long as they have. My response has been that they will be around as long as God wills. When He is through using them, they can go to dust. And such is really the topic of this post.

The internet has served as a great tool to help publish the Gospel around the world. You can search the world wide web and find info on almost any topic including songs, sermons, articles, books, etc. However, it has also been a disservice in some ways, creating a culture of "pop-preaching".

Preaching the Gospel has become about posting an on-line article or sermon. Fellowship has become sharing a blurb on Facebook or on message boards. I am not saying that such tools have not been useful, but they often create a sanitized, superficial, comfortable, and impersonal type of interaction that misses the essence of soul-winning. I believe that God is stripping these things back so that we will focus on the old pathways: pouring out of ourselves through personal evangelism and discipleship.

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Romans 10:13-15

The "feet" of preachers are beautiful because it illustrates us going out to reach those who are lost. We must be sent, for how else will they hear? Preachers are not people standing behind pulpits in some building. Church fellowship is not the primary source of evangelism because the assembly of the saints is for the edification and exhortation of the saints.

When Philip met the Ethiopian who desired to understand God's word, Philip didn't say, "Let me bring you to the assembly." He preached Jesus to the man right then and there.  Each and every Christian is called to be a witness, to proclaim the Good News, to bear about the testimony of Christ, and to DO the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12). Do you know your calling? How is God using you to minister to His people?

Jesus poured out His soul unto death to save those who were lost, and our testimony as Christians must be just that personal. How much are we willing to invest of ourselves (and divest from ourselves) in order to preach this Good News? Let's not let the convenience of technology lull us away from the zeal and on-going personal commitment needed to represent Christ, for what happens when those avenues are no longer available?

Even now Congress is working on approving legislation which would allow the government to shut down private sector access to the internet when deemed necessary. This past Friday, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced to its employees that it will start blocking access to certain websites, including those sites with "Controversial opinions".

A world "community" is being formed as the kings of the earth give their power over to the beast (Revelation 17:12-13, 17). If you stand with Christ then you are automatically an outsider to that community. You are the one violating the "community guidelines" by stating that Jesus Christ is the only way to God. You are the ones with the "controversial opinions" claiming that God's word is the standard of truth. You are the ones causing trouble with a message to forsake this world and seek the Kingdom of Heaven.  And you will be the ones targeted for silence.

Some will say, "Let's fight for our right to free speech! This is after all America!".

Instead, I say, "Get prepared spiritually to engage in the fight and be used by Him to reach people around you - right where you are."

Many of us have created a network of virtual friends and acquaintances, and thank God for that fellowship! However, our standing for Christ will often result in us standing alone with Christ. There will not be a host of emoticon smileys, "Like" votes, "hearts" and "Amens" to show support. We may not have an Internet search handy whereby we can quickly check out the Scriptures in order to answer questions.  We will not be able to just turn off the person in need standing before us like we shut down a computer. We will need to be living testimonies with the law of God written in our hearts and His very Spirit within.  Will we be able to stand and represent the Gospel to the lost under such circumstances?  When there is more at stake than some of our computer time, are we willing to disciple others in the faith?  Let's use these things while we can, but be ever ready and available to have our feet be sent as personal witnesses to His glory.

May we each be built up in the inner man to be prepared for the days to come and to win souls with power.

"...he that winneth souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30b

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