A number of people - even those who claim to be Christians - say that they support the legalization of homosexual marriage because they simply want to protect "equal rights" for all. However, these same persons are decidedly quiet about espousing the "equal rights" of others, showing their professed noble intent to be nothing more than mere hypocrisy.
If such persons are so concerned about "equal rights", then why are they not fighting for the rights of felons to work anywhere they choose? Felons can be automatically disqualified from employment opportunities due to these previous convictions. Various state laws also limit where they can be hired, such as excluding them from the health care or education industries, preventing them from obtaining professional licenses, or from being hired in public employment. Why are these persons supporting homosexual marriage not up in arms about such employment discrimination? Why are they not concerned about these person's "equal rights"?
What about the "equal rights" of sex offenders? A number of states & local governments restrict where sex offenders can live and require them to be tracked via registration with local authorities. Shouldn't sex offenders have the right to stay, work, and go wherever they choose, even areas which are in close proximity to children? Why is it okay to practice residential discrimination against these persons and limit them in these ways? Isn't that a violation of the sex offenders' civil rights?
Why are children not allowed to work whenever and wherever they choose? Federal law - and various state laws - bar children from entering the workforce until they have reached a certain age and even prevent them from working in certain environments deemed too "hazardous". Is this not an example of age discrimination? Why aren't these same persons supporting homosexual marriage not waging a war against these unequal practices?
What those in support of the homosexual agenda have done here is the same as what has been done with the issue of abortion. They have redefined their argument by hiding it under the cloak of civil rights. This accomplishes two things. One, it removes focus from the perversions being espoused so as to sanitize it for public consumption. Two, it provides a broad brush by which you can paint anyone who stands against your position as a bigoted oppressor. Interestingly enough, many who support the "equal rights" of homosexuals to marry couldn't care less about the "right" to life of in utero babies being slaughtered in the womb; "equal rights" indeed.
Understand that when people tell you they support homosexuality due to a position of "equal rights", they are either lying or greatly misinformed. The truth of the matter is that - even in civil laws - all do not share rights equally, and never will. The basis of law determines what rights a person has, and those who commit infractions against the law - or who are deemed to be in need of additional protections by the law - can have these rights curtailed. Not only is the restriction of rights a commonly accepted practice, such is often deemed a moral necessity for the public good. Even now discussions are underway to restrict the "right" to bear arms amongst criminals and those who are mentally impaired. So you see, the banner of "equal rights" in relation to homosexuality is really a misnomer; it is an intentional red herring used to silence the opposition...but I will not be silenced.
God Himself established & defined the covenant of marriage in the beginning when He created man and woman (Genesis 2:22-24). His law specifically declares any other type of sexual union outside of this definition to be an abomination (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26-27).
I am against the legalization of homosexual marriage, not because I fear or hate homosexuals, but because I desire to honor the law of God. As such, I am not a supporter of sin nor of those who seek to validate sin (Isaiah 5:20). This is why I do not fight for the "rights" of criminals not to be incarcerated, nor the "rights" of felons to work wherever they please, nor the "rights" of sex offenders to live near/with children, nor the "rights" of children to work at the age of 7. I understand the principle that it can be not only fair, but just for an individual's rights to be limited based upon their violation of the law or vulnerability without the law. And no matter how much they may squawk about "equal rights", supporters of homosexual marriage understand these principles as well.
I expect the world to champion the ways of the world; they are after all led by the same god (II Corinthians 4:3-4). I even expect them to play name games as they attempt to pull the wool over people's eyes about the actual issues at hand. However, there is no such thing as a Christian who supports gay marriage, for the supreme law for those in Christ Jesus is the law of God. Those professing Christians who do support gay marriage have forsaken Jesus Christ in deference to being a friend of the world (James 4:4).
A Christian can stand firm in not supporting homosexuality because that very lifestyle is against the law of God, making such persons ineligible to participate in the "right" of marriage. Such a decree is fair. It is just. It is righteous. While the laws of man may be capricious or evil, we know that the laws of God are always good, for He is good (Mark 10:18). Even the decree itself outlawing homosexuality is for our good, so that we can be reconciled to God, coming to know Him and His love.
Now, I am not politically motivated. I am not holding up picket signs, attending marches, or advocating that people become political activists. I am merely stating the truth of the situation at hand. It is written that the whole world will be given over to the mind of the beast prior to Jesus' return, and such is the mind of a sodomite (whether homosexual or heterosexual). This is in fact the only reason anyone supports homosexuality: they share in the same nature as the sodomite. Instead of being born again and having the spirit of their minds renewed to reflect the mind of Christ (Romans 15:6; Ephesians 4:23; I Corinthians 2:16; Philippians 2:5), they not only commit such acts of sodomy themselves, but they take pleasure in those who do (Romans 1:32).
My reason for posting this is to help you keep your eyes on the truth and not be swayed by worldly wisdom & carnal platitudes appealing for you to partake in some pseudo form of world tolerance or peace. As a Christian, we are to stand for the Lord and His righteousness alone...that is if we are truly His.