I also highly recommend the following for all young ladies: Set Apart Femininity.
Someone recently shared with me the following:
We need to teach our daughters to distinguish between a man who flatters her versus a man who compliments her.And if I were to add to that, I would say:
A man who spends money on her versus a man who invests in her.
A man who views her as property versus a man who views her properly.
A man who lusts after her versus a man who loves her.
A man who believes he is God's gift to women versus a man who remembers a woman was God's gift to man...
We need to teach our sons to distinguish between a woman who has a pretty face versus a woman who has a meek & quiet spirit.Never settle for less than the best God has for you...in any area. As a loving Father, we can truly say with confidence that our Father knows best.
A woman who compliments him versus a woman who complements him.
A woman who pursues & seduces him versus a woman who exudes virtue & discretion.
A woman who puffs him up versus a woman who builds him up.
A woman who wants to lead him versus a woman who wants to be a help meet for him.
A woman who seeks to be glorified versus a woman who seeks to be a reflection of his glory.
May God bless you all and give you the strength and desire daily to walk in His will.