Sex MagickThis post may be a little "deep" in that it goes into some things which are not light conversation. However, these are things our young people are being exposed to daily and I feel they - and we - need to know what is going on (
II Corinthians 2:11).
A week ago, a college student contacted me to share frustrations about what was being taught in class. Here is just a sampling of how the professors are "educating" the students over the course of several classes:
- They encouraged the students to discuss their most memorable sexual experiences in class;
- They had the students study nudity and sexual perversion depicted as "art";
- They gave the students an assignment to visit an adult pornography store and make a purchase;
- They had them watch - in class - pornographic materials depicting masturbation, sodomy, and homosexuality;
- They led the students in meditation and advised them to imagine that they are opening their third eye.
You might ask, "
What type of university is this?" I tell you that this is not some roadside dive of an institution. According to the
University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) research laboratory, the education being offered at this
particular university is one among
the best in the
entire world (among the Top 50 to be exact)!
This student, however, could not understand what all of this sexual perversion had to do with getting an I explained it to them.
We must understand that the world is brainwashing people to believe that we are on the verge of a great spiritual evolution. This "spiritual evolution" is a time when man will become extremely enlightened, even to the point of having
supernatural abilities. We will be able to read minds; know the past, present, and future; see "auras" around people, and basically become divine. We will become gods (this is of course the first lie Satan used in the Garden and the main lie he still uses today).
Intricately tied to this
spiritual evolution is
sexual perversion.
In other words, in order to evolve we must get past these traditional perspectives about sex and gender. The
more we turn away from those ideas (and begin to accept masturbation, homosexuality, androgyny, etc.), the
more enlightened we become. In that context, the school
must get the students to accept a perverted view of sex as part of their "education". To hold on to traditional [Biblical] views about gender/sex merely makes one intellectually deficient (in the world's mind).
Do not think that this is limited just to college. A few years ago, I did a video series entitled "Train Up A Child: A Review of Education In America" and one part of that examined mandatory gay education.
In that segment of the video, we see teachers discussing
their role in getting Kindergarten students to accept homosexuality:
Teacher #1: "I don't know what to do about this, but as a school are we saying that kids have to support this? That's what it sounds like to me, that we are saying. If a child comes from a background that says that homosexuality is not correct, are we telling that child that they are supposed to...that this is what you are supposed to do?"
Teacher #2: "I don't know if this works for you, but I think that we are asking kids to believe that this is right. Not as a matter of moral principle, but as a matter of...we are educating them and this is part of what we consider to be a healthy education."
Please let this sink in.
Teachers are being instructed that it is part of a "
healthy" education to get students to accept homosexuality as "
right". Education systems in general are not about increasing knowledge to become smarter and better skilled (although this is what people falsely believe). Satan is the god of this world and the "education" system is but one of
many systems he uses to
train people to become citizens of this world (which means becoming a servant to the god of this world). The professors in this world-class university are doing
exactly what they are supposed to do: pervert the students' minds away from what is Godly - although in the world they call that giving you a "good education". We do not need to adopt the world's standards of what is "good" in order to prosper in life. In fact, doing so is one way to ensure that we never please God.
At the top of this article, I posted two images; one depicting man's
spiritual enlightenment into godhood and the other showing the Baphomet (an image of Satan). Notice that in the process of enlightenment,
the Kundalini spirit (which looks like serpents in the form of DNA) starts in the
groin and ends up at the Pineal Gland, with us achieving godhood. Notice as well that in the picture of the Baphomet, we see the same serpentine DNA structure, again starting at the groin. This shows that - according to this Satanic belief - man's '
starts with
sexual perversion. It is the
means by which we "
evolve". If you are not familiar with this, please see "
The Mother of All Secrets" by Pastor Mike Hoggard.
Remember, Satan is the father of lies. What he says is man's
spiritual awakening is really man being put to
spiritual sleep or death (hence the stimulation
of the Pineal Gland). What he says is man's
evolution into godhood is really man's
devolution into reprobation (
Romans Chapter 1).
Pastor Gary Price touched on these things in a recent sermon.
Below is an excerpt from a new age video called "DMT - The Spirit Molecule" where
Dr. Rick Strassman discusses his research into the pineal gland and its ability to serve as a portal in tapping into spiritual life.
This is why
Satanist Aleister Crowley taught that the "secret" to his magick was
sex. It was a form of sorcery by which sexual rituals were used to tap into the
supernatural, including incest, bestiality, pedophilia, homosexuality, rape, sodomy...In essence, Crowley sought to become
more possessed with unclean spirits the more he delved into sexual perversion, and this is what the world is trying to get to happen to man
One author has the following to say about sex magick:
"...there is more to this magick then just utilizing the sex energy to reach higher states of consciousness. There is also a method of sorcery in which the genital secretions of the partners of this rite are co-mingled and imbibed as a sacrament. This sacrament can grant the magician almost unlimited powers."
Crowley himself said:
"To me, every dirty act was simply a sacrament of sin, a passionately religious protest against Christianity, which was for me the symbol of all vileness, meanness, treachery, falsehood and oppression." (Satanic Extracts)
It is not about the systems of this world. It is not even about Satan's lies of sexual evolution.
It is all about Christ. Satan can only inspire that which is
anti-Christ. The target of these perversions is to come
against Christ.
The point of this article is not to get into the details of the occult or sex magick. It is to hopefully get people to understand how Satan is waging a war against man
to initiate him into these rites. Our previous writing on
the Worship of Baal-Peor is one example of this. It is in the schools, in the music, in the media, in the government, in the false church and in
every aspect of life influenced by Satan.
And it is working!How do we know that it is working? Because those who the world considers most "enlightened" (those who are being lifted up to advise the rest of us) are
increasingly those who are open practitioners of sexual perversion. They counsel us on how to loose weight and have a healthy lifestyle, how to manage finances, how to dress, how to decorate our homes, and even how to live and raise our children. Such are also the ones who we gravitate to for enter-tainment.
This is why everything is so sexual these days. The more depraved Satan can get man to be in the realm of sex, the more he is leading man down the road to "enlightenment"/reprobation (
Romans Chapter 1). The world will tell you that you are getting free, but in truth you are being bound by all types of demonic spirits.
The following message is by Pastor Maclin of The Warriors' Temple entitled "
Enter-Curse (Intercourse)" as he discusses how Satan uses sexual perversion to bind us and our children. The message of deliverance to those bound by sexual perversion is that Jesus died for
all of us to be set free! The blood of Jesus Christ IS able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I pray this message is a blessing to you.
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."
I Corinthians 6:18