Monday, May 30, 2011

The Incarnation of Satan

Will There Be A Man of Sin?

Someone contacted us last week advising that Min. G. Craig Lewis of EX Ministries is teaching there will be no one "man of sin", known as the Anti-Christ.  Instead, he asserts that there are simply many anti-christs as seen by the false prophets in the church throughout the age.  As a result, Min. Lewis says that the second coming of Christ can be any day now because that Wicked referred to in II Thessalonians has already been revealed.

I have often referred to Min. Lewis' teachings here and do believe that God has called him as a minister, in particular as it relates to edifying and liberating the church from the satanic influence in music.  However, while there are indeed many anti-christs as Min. Lewis states, the teaching denying the person of the Anti-Christ is not supported in Scripture.

In order to examine what the Scriptures say in this regard, I am posting below a message from the Omega Church & Ministries Center called "The Incarnation of Satan" which goes into this in some detail.

Satan's Looking for a Body

The word incarnate means to enflesh; to put something in flesh that was not previously in that form. Jesus Christ was a spirit being without a physical body before he was put in flesh. He came from the spirit world into the physical world to inhabit a physical body; He was incarnate.

Satan also is looking to be incarnate. He wants to get inside of a physical body so that he can be worshiped and receive all of the adulation and reverence due to a god on the physical plain.

He has been waiting on a man who will actually be the epitome of himself, so that he may indwell him: one who is proud, self-absorbed, etc. After all, no two beings can walk together unless they are agreed. I believe that the Antichrist is alive and well; being shaped, forged, and prepared for his time of manifestation on earth.

Down through time we have seen forerunners of this antichrist spirit. I John 2:18 states, “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

The antichrist is the antithesis of Jesus Christ. Christ gave himself for the world. The antichrist can only be something at the expense of everyone else, and this trait can be seen in all who carry that spirit. They seek to dominate others and be the object of their worship.

There have been many illustrations of this spirit throughout time. However, there is a difference between having the antichrist spirit and being the antichrist. There will be a literal antichrist, representing the incarnation of Satan in man. The one who I believe came closest to this in history is Hitler. Hitler referred to his regime as the Third Reich, which means the third “empire” in German. So, logically thinking, if his was the third empire, then there must have been a first and second empire. These may be identified by looking back at history.

Leading Up to the Fourth Reich

The first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire, and there are facts about this empire that you might not realize until you research it.

For example, the Holy Roman Empire was not centrally focused in Rome nor was it centered under an Italian Caesar. The center of that empire was in Germany, and the full name for it was the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

This empire began when Charlemagne (Charles the Great) was crowned emperor by Pope Leo III in Rome and spanned from about 800 – 1806.  The Encyclopedia Britannica says:
"Traditionally believed to have been established by Charlemagne, who was crowned emperor by Pope Leo III in 800, the empire lasted until the renunciation of the imperial title by Francis II in 1806. The reign of the German Otto I (the Great; r. 962–973), who revived the imperial title after Carolingian decline, is also sometimes regarded as the beginning of the empire. The name Holy Roman Empire (not adopted until the reign of Frederick I Barbarossa) reflected Charlemagne's claim that his empire was the successor to the Roman Empire and that this temporal power was augmented by his status as God's principal vicar in the temporal realm (parallel to the pope's in the spiritual realm). These were successive dynasties of German kings from the mid 10th century until the abolition of the empire."

The title of Holy Roman Emperor was born from successive dynasties of German kings. One common thread among these emperors is that they gave their allegiance to the Catholic church and were in fact set up by that church to be secular arms of the church’s authority.  Before being crowed emperor by the Pope, these German emperors were often referred to as the “King of the Romans”; this term was also used to refer to the emperor’s heir designate. It was in fact the King of the Romans who killed Jesus.  Remember, before Jesus was sentenced to death, the Jews cried, “We have no king but Caesar.” (John 19:15Jesus was killed under Roman rulership and He is coming back to judge the Romans.

Although originally allied with the papacy, the Holy Roman empire eventually got into a struggle with the Pope over the leadership of Christian Europe. The 17th century reformation furthered this schism as some German princes aligned themselves with the Protestants against the Catholic Emperor. The climax to this turmoil was the Thirty Years War, which devastated Germany and left the Emperor with nominal authority over a loose collection of semi- independent Germanic states. The second Reich is marked by the proclamation of Wilhelm I of Prussia as emperor of Germany. It lasted from (1870 - 1919).

Baptized and raised a Roman Catholic, Hitler came to power in 1921 as the Fuhrer of Germany’s National Socialist Party.  Hitler's primary political aspiration was the establishment of the Roman Empire’s third Reich. Hitler was really another Roman Emperor.  If you trace the facts, the Germans – under Hitler’s regime - were marching on Rome. He had a pact with Mussolini, but his objective was to become Caesar in Rome and thereby rule the world.

The Beast of Iron

Throughout history, the Roman empire has ebbed and flowed in power. It is the legs of iron seen by Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel Chapter 2; the beast which was strong as iron in the last days vision mentioned in Daniel Chapter 7.

We live under the auspices of a hidden Roman empire even now. It has never been done away with and now we are headed towards the fourth Reich, which I personally believe will be the reign of the Antichrist. We are not told his name, what he will look like, or where he will come from. However if history is any indicator, he may be of German descent. I am speaking of his bloodline, not necessarily the country he will be from. In the fourth Reich, there will be a global harlot church crowning a master of the global government.

Americans must wake up out of a deep sleep. For example, we did not invade Iraq to defend democracy. They try to brainwash our soldiers (and the people) into believing that we are fighting to defend God, Mom, apple pie, hot dogs, and baseball. We marched over there - flags raised - to free the Iraqis from tyrannical oppression. This could not be further from the truth.

There are tyrants all over the world. Why would we go halfway around the world to oppose tyranny when Castro is sitting 90 miles off of our coast in Cuba? The United States is in Iraq because we need a military presence dispatched around the globe to facilitate control and enforce the dictates of the new world order.

Wars are no longer fought based on the interests of one particular country, but on the desires of the Roman Empire. Standing armies are no longer dedicated to the countries they represent, but are global forces being manipulated by master chess players whom we don’t see. Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc. these are just figureheads and are of no consequence.

You may have cast your ballot, but who counts the votes? You saw how they put a stop to counting votes down in Florida in the 2000 election and simply dictated who won when it got too close. They must attempt to maintain control so that things do not get out of hand. Every so often, they take a pulse on society to see just how much influence they exert. A good example of this was the “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast in 1938 where they simulated a Martian invasion which confused and scared many, even causing some to commit suicide. Another great example? 9-11.

A Great Deception

Terrorists were allowed to crash planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon so that we would have an excuse to invade Iraq. Those who believe the Mickey Mouse terrorists acted alone are deceived; too many balls had to be dropped for this to happen.

How many planes were off course during that day? Four. How many planes did we intercept or stop? Zero. In spite of the fact that there is an air defense system in this country that continuously monitors the airways.  The United States has the following to say about this monitoring on the NORAD site:
"The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a bi-national United States and Canadian organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning and aerospace control for North America. Aerospace warning includes the monitoring of man-made objects in space, and the detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles, utilizing mutual support arrangements with other commands. Aerospace control includes ensuring air sovereignty and air defense of the airspace of Canada and the United States."

The charter of this organization is to ensure air sovereignty and defense, yet in this case they failed in 3 separate attacks. Before a plane ever takes off the ground it has to file a flight plan. Resources are set-up throughout this country - from local air traffic control up to NORAD - to allow for immediate detection and response when a plane is off course. In such case, there are a number of options including contacting the pilots, scrambling the controls, using jets to redirect the plane, and even shooting down the threat. Yet we could not stop 1 of those planes that day? In truth, the U.S. government needed a trigger to affect the minds of Americans which would lower resistance to the idea of invading Iraq.

Some might say that these comments are unpatriotic, but since when did Christianity become defined by patriotism?  A German in 1940 following Hitler was a good patriot; he was serving his country and his government faithfully.

People have been brainwashed to believe that this is a Christian country and their eyes well with tears when they see the flag. Why? Where in the Bible does it instruct us to be so caught up in our countries?  I am not condoning lawlessness; I am asking you to be thoughtful about what your allegiance should be if your country becomes unrighteous? What if the rule of law (or republic) to which you pledge loyalty legalizes the wholesale murder of over 1 million babies a year?  Such is not a nation under God. Yet saying these things marks me as an enemy of the state.

If the system stood against what was wrong, then I could stand with it. Those who believe that allegiance to this country is their Christian duty have fallen prey to the lying, anti-christ spirit.  Yes, we should pray for our country, for our leadership, but our allegiance must be to God first, foremost, and exclusively.

Of course, God is ultimately in control of all - directing things as He sees fit. Whether you are dealing with the Republican and Democratic party, both are evil.  Yet, one may move things in a particular direction faster than the other.  So if God wants to slow down the end time sequences, He will let one person win and if He wants to speed things up, He may let another win.

The world is headed in the same direction and towards the same end no matter who gets in office. In the meantime, the mystery of iniquity continues to work leading up to the time when that “Wicked” is revealed.

That Wicked Revealed

"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." II Thessalonians 2:1- 4

The word for “falling away” here is the Greek word apostacia meaning a walking away from revealed, absolute truth. The truth must be told absolutely and the person has to turn their back and walk away from it. The “man of sin” is an anthropos or physical man of sin; a man that is the embodiment of wickedness and is the son of destruction.

“Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.” II Thessalonians 2:5-7

A better understanding of what is written in Greek is only he who now holds back will continue to hold back until he is removed from out of the middle. There is some force standing between the revelation of this man of sin and the world.  People wonder about whether this is the church, the Holy Spirit, Michael the archangel, etc.  The bottom line is it is God. God has a presence that does not let the Anti-christ come forth until it is time.

“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” II Thessalonians 2:8-10

The word “Wicked” is presented as a proper noun letting us know that this is a specific, unique, personal entity. That “Wicked” - Satan enfleshed - presents a very different kind of human; not one coming from the natural world, but a fallen spirit being that is transferred into a human.

Satan didn’t come from down here so his mind is light years ahead of the human mind. This will enable the Antichrist to be a master manipulator. The Antichrist will be a vessel who has abdicated his own mind to allow Satan’s mind to merge and takeover. The incarnation of Satan will be a reflection of absolute evil; a fallen angel in a man.

This text also tells you that the love of the truth saves. Contrarily, unbelief of the truth damns. Why?

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” II Thessalonians 2:11-12

Those who do not have a love of the truth are damned because God will send a strong delusion that those who hate the truth will be what the Greek refers to as “the” lie. What is “the” lie? The same original lie told in the beginning, that you are a god yourself. You do not need God because you are your own god; make your own decisions, do what you want to do, etc. How can you identify those who have bought into this delusion? They have pleasure in, or exalt that which is, unrighteous. They protect, glory in, and cannot stand against all that is perverse and ungodly.

Forerunners of the Anti-Christ

The forerunners for the Antichrist are the unclean spirits that are indwelling people, preparing them to receive their master. Whether society is being dumbed down through music, puffed up with worldly academics, distracted with political jostling, or lulled to sleep in a religious stupor - every worldly arena is being formatted to receive Satan as its master.

What is the push seen around the world to facilitate this manifestation? Globalization. Global trade. Global economies. Global courts. Global armies. Global religion. Who are the terrorists in this new global world? Those who resist these mergers.

This is why the focus is on Islam currently. Any one who stands against this merger must be exterminated. If they can get the three monolithic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) to come on one accord, then all other religions will be easy. Who will be next on the radar screen? The Christians.

Shortly after obtaining her position on “The View”, Rosie O’Donnell stated, “Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have separation of church and state.” What is “radical” Christianity? Those who stand up to say that Jesus Christ is the only way, that there is no other name under Heaven by which we must be saved. The stage is being set to unite the world in one mind and whatever steps are necessary to protect this new world order will be taken; including exterminating those who stand against this new world order.

Leading pundits claim that we are living on a flat earth because the power of technology has enabled us to create one large village.  We are now able to transcend geographic/ethnic/economic barriers unlike any time before and be placed on a level playing field united in one global village, by global thinking, to support a new world order. There is even a book about this topic entitled “The World is Flat”.

This is the new academic trend being taught in universities across the nation. The goal? To produce generations who have been formatted to be world citizens. This is why Hillary Clinton says that it takes a village to raise a child. On its surface it sounds lovely, but this is a stealth movement designed to restructure the individual mind and society at large. Why do they want us to depend on the global village to raise our children? Because then we do not need the family unit. The dictates of the global empire must supplant the family; removing the child’s identification with, and allegiance to, the family so that he or she can be raised by and for the global government.

This is what Hitler did with his youth camps. He separated children from their families so that their sole allegiance would be to the Nazis Party. This is the foundation of a communist regime. They make you a working class person contributing to the common good of the government at the expense of yourself. In truth, the efforts of the working class only serve to promote a luxurious and extravagant lifestyle for the select few in power while the needs of the people are never met. Amazingly enough, people can see the wrong in that type of governmental system yet give themselves over wholeheartedly to the exact same antichrist spirit when it operates in a church.

Many a church has been built upon the prostitution of its members as they claim that the tithe is for the church, when it is really so that the pastor/master can drive a Bentley. I was speaking to a young teenage girl and she said, “I attend New Birth South and we live in Eagles Landing right next door to the pastor.” In other words, she was trying to tell me that her family had cash just like their pastor.

How blind can you get? What condition would your mind have to be in to even care about something like that? I don’t fault the young girl; she is just a product of her upbringing. The most that many of these ministers can do is turn out clones of themselves who can bring the money of the masses back to the mother (harlot) church. Just as Scripture says, this type of system is a mother of harlots; banking on the fact that the greed in the people will make a perverted, worldly gospel appealing.

The church should be the watchmen crying out to people in the world, telling them, “Turn. Turn away from the world. Turn away from sin. Come out! Prepare to meet your maker. This worldly mess is wrapping up. It is over.” God says that He is going to fold up this world like a vesture, and that is just what is preparing to happen. Yet, church folks just sit there dormant, caught up in worldly appearances. It does not matter whether you are deceived through academics, government, or religion. If you are sold out to this system in any format, then you will give the same allegiance over to the Antichrist, because it is the same spirit at work.

Unless you have been saved and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb to offset this indoctrination, you will buy into this thinking. You must keep your wits about you, understanding what is needed to live and being able to data dump that which is extraneous. It takes the power of God to be in the world and not be tainted with the delusions of this present evil world being propagated by the Father of lies. Satan waits in the second heavenlies until his day of manifestation as the king of the world, becoming incarnate as he steps across into the man - and for the people - prepared to receive him.

The Rebirth of Rome

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Revelation 13:1

This is the revived Roman Empire coming alive. I believe that these ten horns are ten economic zones with ten kings ruling over them.

“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2

Back in Daniel’s day we can see that the leopard, bear, and lion represent the Greek, Medo-Persian, and Babylonian empires. It is a conglomeration of former empires now merging together into one empire. Notice also that the beast reflects earthly images, but the dragon is a mythical or supernatural creature. This combined empire that is an amalgamation of these former empires gets its power from a supernatural source.

Yet you will notice that Rome is not mentioned, and there is a reason for this. One attribute unique to Rome was that when it conquered territories, it assimilated into the existing culture. The Roman Empire is the one entity that was “like unto” these other empires because it allowed them to retain their identity. He is describing the Roman Empire.

You saw how during Jesus’ day Rome had not eliminated the Jewish hierarchy?  Rome knew that they did not have to destroy the existing culture of the people it conquered, only absorb it into the Roman structure.  This was a military stroke of genius because it circumvented rebellion.  They let you keep your identity and set-up people from within the assimilated cultures to control the people.  This is why the religious leaders were concerned that if they did not deal with Jesus, Caesar would take from them their seats of power.  It is the same today.

This is why these most pastors cannot reveal the truth of what is going on. They have been given the power of the dragon to keep the people dumbed down and in subjection to the Roman Empire.

Christians – The Next Terrorists?

Stand against the Roman Empire and you become a marked man because they will come after you. This is why the power of the Holy Spirit is given.

Jesus said that we would be witnesses, which in the Greek is the word martus from which we get the word martyr.  The Bible says that those who have died standing for God were attaining to a better resurrection (Hebrews 11:32-40).  Your mind has to be radically reconditioned in order to sustain that kind of pressure. Most folks cannot handle the hardships of war, but this war we are in is more vicious than any that has been fought with a physical weapon. You have to be prepared to fight it.

“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3

This multi-headed creature is referred to as the beast and one of its heads is wounded. The beast is not made up of only one head as being singular in nature. It is a monolithic, conglomerate with multiple crowns; this beast is a governmental system. I personally believe that the head which was fatally wounded and healed is the Anti-christ. This is the notable horn or what Daniel refers to as the little horn (Daniel 7:8; Daniel 8:5-9).

There will likely be some traumatic, violent, unparalleled world event which ushers in this world leader who comes with a solution of peace. This event will be so devastating that the whole world will be looking for a savior, someone who can return normalcy back to their lives. What is normalcy? For the world it is a life filled with personal comforts and pleasures; the ability to live my life the way I want without concern for anyone else, the glorification of self.

This is the motivation that Hitler used to rally the Germans into obeying his every command. In the midst of a great depression, he convinced them that they were a master race and in ten years was able to turn that society into a pack of raving animals. Under his leadership, they performed the most inhumane, unconscionable acts against mankind. Man in his natural state can be brought so low where he will do anything to protect himself, including torturing and murdering anyone who stands in their way. In such a condition, he will gladly welcome the man of sin. When this happens, Christians will be seen as individuals against the state who will not conform to the status quo and are a threat to world peace. Why? Because they won’t shut their mouths about this Jesus being the only way to God.

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Revelation 13:4-8

The beast was able to continue for 3 ½ years, which is the equivalent of 42 months. Now look closely at what is said. It was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. In the midst of all this, there will be people who will not worship the beast. God does not say that these individuals will be raptured in a pre-tribulation escape.

People have been lulled to sleep in this country. The Bible speaks of divinations, witchcraft, sorceries, spells, hexes, curses, etc.  The warfare we fight is spiritual.  Folks outside of this country understand that the supernatural power is real: changelings, human sacrifices, demonic rituals, etc.  It is not like we think and, as Christians, we had better get ready to face some heavy-duty warfare. You have to traumatize your own soul to wake yourself up; deny it, buffet it, fast it - because we will soon be looking at Satan incarnate. In order to stand, you need to ensure that every vestige of Satan’s nature which you may possess has been removed. If not, then when he comes, you will bow down to him and turn on everyone else who serves God.

All it takes is a little pride, a little self - and you will deny Christ...and go to Hell for it.  Everyone hearing that would be the first to say that this would not happen to them.  This is the same motivation that prompted Peter to proclaim that he was ready to die for Jesus, but he didn’t know what he had in his soul.  This is why Jesus told him that he needed to be converted before he could heal his brethren.  You can make all the affirmations and declarations you want, but under pressure you will seek to save your own temporal life unless you have been made over by God to stand.

Like a Lamb

“If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:9-12

Here we see the emergence of false religion turning the affections of the people towards the dragon by engendering them to worship the first beast. This is why Jesus said that they would deliver you up to the councils and scourge you in their synagogues (Matthew 10:17). Even now we have reached a time where men will not endure sound doctrine - not in the world, in the churches!

A few years ago, I went to Elizabeth Baptist Church in Atlanta to hear visiting minister G. Craige Lewis teach a 2-day message about the evils of Hip Hop. In what could only be described as the church’s opening act to this message, there was a “holy” hip hop artist - Canton Jones - who performed his hit "Stay Saved".

Jones invited the people to come down to the “dance floor” (which was really the church altar) and led them through every kind of worldly, lascivious, club-style dance while he rapped. When it came time for Bro. Lewis to speak, he revealed the true spirit that was in operation during that performance. He led a thorough examination of the Scriptures and imparted knowledge about the religious, anti-christ nature of hip hop.  Calling for repentance and renewal, he encouraged the people to bring their hip hop paraphernalia to the altar the next day when he would conclude his message and offer prayers of cleansing for those affected.

Unfortunately, that day would not come as the church pastor - Craig Oliver - refused to let Min. Lewis return. Although he could not dispute the Scriptural evidence provided, the pastor stated that the message had caused too much confusion. He told the people to take the cursed items back home and indicated that he was keeping his hip hop wear as well. This is the type of environment God is describing in RevelationA religious system more conformed to the image of the world than to the image of God; which purports to be a lamb (representing Jesus), but speaks as a dragon. Just as in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, when the music plays the people are expected to fall down in worship of the anti-christ image. Those who do not will be seen as the problem and will be reported by the false religious system just as the Chaldeans accused the Jews in that day. What awaits those who refuse to bow? A fiery furnace. Yet, think it not strange concerning this fiery trial which will try us. Christ is with us through it all.

In a Good Morning America interview touching on the best way to raise Christian children, Diane Sawyer and Chris Cuomo pondered, “Talking about dying for God, can this be good for kids? As somebody who has raised Christians, you always think that the message to the kids is about love. Jesus’ message is love. Part of the message of course in Christianity is tolerance.” What were the two anchors questioning? The idea that children should be raised with the understanding that we are in a spiritual war; that they should be taught to pray and intercede about the sin in our country. Are these concepts from Sawyer & Cuomo unbiblical?  No, but people are so drunk with the wine of the fornication of this harlot with the world, that a new Christianity having nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus Christ has been defined.  In fact, it is based on another Jesus altogether; one who accepts all beliefs and ignores all sin.

Haven't you noticed how many of today's professing Christians are not even familiar with what is in Scripture? Further, to many proclaiming Christians, what the Bible says simply does not matter.

“And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:13-18

How does this beast deceive the people? By the lying signs and wonders it performs. It caters to a churchworld in search of a circus act, a show, a miracle, a blessing, a megafest, etc. Instead of being prepared in these end times to represent Christ at the expense of themselves, they are still seeking something for “me”.

Again, this religious beast causes those who will not submit to this system to be killed. The number of the beast (666) is a reference to the Adamic nature (fallen man). In Scripture, the number 6 often refers to the number of man since he was created on the 6th day. The number of the beast then indicates a man whose entire being (his soul, spirit, and body) is focused on and in love with himself.

This is the nature that is going to take over the human race and drive them to worship the beast. These will be a colony of selfish people as illustrated by greed, lust, fatherlessness, pleasure-seeking, pride, and a tendency for fantasy. The perfect description for such individuals: they will be a colony of sodomites.

A Colony of Sodomites

The one prerequisite for becoming a homosexual is to be in love with one's self. Sodomites are so consumed by self-love, they can only relate to those who are like themselves.

The very fallen nature we are born with is the nature of a sodomite and it will work itself out in you over the course of your life until you are fully manifested as one.  If you had sex outside of marriage, then you were on the road to becoming a full-blown sodomite.  People don't fornicate because they are attracted to someone else; they fornicate because they are sodomites.  Illicit sex is evidence of that fallen nature vying for control, trying to express itself, to feed itself, to grow.  Left unchecked, your behavior becomes more perverse as the sodomite nature takes hold.

One of the biggest misconceptions in the church today is that only homosexuals are sodomitesAnyone who participates in oral or anal sex is a sodomite by definition. You are catering to that same spirit, even if the act is with a member of the opposite sex. Why? Because you are conditioning your mind to adopt a genderless view of sex. For example, everyone has a mouth. Once the mouth becomes your source of sexual satisfaction, the body appended to the mouth becomes insignificant. This is the process of reprobation outlined in Romans Chapter 1. We have a world of masquerading churchfolk who are actually living as sodomites while the younger generations openly revel in this lifestyle.

When the Bible says “Even the women..” in Romans 1:26, God is letting us know how extreme such a lifestyle is for women.  Yet, we have never seen so many women turned over to lesbianism.  Girls as young as 11 years old turning to this perversion by the thousands.  This is not just a random occurrence.  It is a plague.  It is one of the evidences that this current age is wrapping up, for even the women have succumbed to this reprobation.  It is nothing these days for young people to "hook-up" with each other in casual sexual interactions, regardless of gender.  Any type of distinction in genders is being completely eroded away.

We are dealing with the incarnation of the king of the sodomites. Satan is going to get into a sodomite so that he may be enthroned as king and worshipped by sodomites. A sodomite is the physical manifestation of Satan’s character. Why do you think there are so many sissy preachers in the churches? They rob the people of their money so they can ride around in Bentleys, buy thousand dollar suits, etc. They are conditioning the people to get used to an effeminate presentation of a man so that the congregations will gladly receive their king when he comes.

If we understand Satan's plan to disempower the church through an influx of sodomites, then when we will not be surprised when we hear of situations like that of Ted Haggard (former pastor of New Life Church). Believe me, he is not the only one living this double life. Yet, the people are unable to see the sodomite in the pulpit because they are operating in the same spirit themselves. As God continues to expose this spirit in the churches, it will become clear that the day of preachers being in a pulpit – squalling, acting a fool while saying nothing, espousing philosophies of how to be successful in life, and trying to head up mega churches - is ending.

Our Only Hope

Our only answer is to get to the Lord.  The last days will be driven by individual witnesses reaching people through personal interaction out in the streets just as in Acts.  There will be evidence of the truth of your words so that their faith will stand in the power of God.  The end of the age is approaching rapidly and things are changing daily.  The Bible says that men’s hearts will fail them looking after all the things coming to the earth.

This is why I am fasting. This is why I am praying. No one can prepare you for this, you have to spend the arduous time before the Lord to be transformed. Shake off any drag that may be on you so that you can hear directly from God and stand in these austere conditions.  This is not a group affair; you must be fortified to stand as an individual for you never know when you may be culled off by yourself.  What if God calls you to say something on your job that gets you arrested?  Will you be able to go through this alone?

You must be prepared in the inner man to represent Christ no matter who else does.  The battle is in the inner man, gaining possession of our souls, having our minds renewed, and being transformed to the image of Christ.  This is an internal, spiritual work.

So what does the devil do? Try to get you to focus on the physical. He has the church running around trying to unify. You hear people saying all the time, “The church just needs to get together.The church doesn’t need to get together, YOU need to get together. YOU need to be made whole.

If you start merging these churches together you will wind up with the worse mess in your life. There is no unity in people pretending that the differences which separate them do not exist. God has never said in His Word that the churches should get together. He says that the believers will come together in the unity of the faith.  Once individuals have been transformed, the faith of God imparted within will unify His Body all by itself.  That is true fellowship, not some ecumenical movement trying to unify religious organizations, which is the filthy plan of the anti-christ.  Being on one accord is not something we can “try” to do, but it is a natural manifestation of the organic life of Christ being birthed in us.

A fallen angel has been working all these eons towards a climax of settling down inside of a man. What will be the catalyst? A global church body which has entered into a warfare of fasting, praying and seeking God. This will empower Michael the archangel to take cast Satan down to the earth.  The Bible says Satan will come to earth as a madman knowing that his time is short.  He will become incarnate in a vessel and set-up a kingdom to make his last stand against God by attempting to exterminate the Jews.  One of the first things Satan told Hitler to do was to exterminate the Jews.  Satan knows that the Jews must be engrafted in for the church to be complete.  So he believes that if he can eradicate the Jews, God’s word becomes null and void.  This is why Jesus’ last visitation is not to North America or Antarctica; He returns to Israel to stop the extermination of the Jews.

What is it about this one little nation that engenders so much hatred from the world? It is all about getting rid of the people who actually brought forth Jesus Christ. This is the same venom that will be unleashed against Christians who represent Christ in the end.

The anti-christ will have charisma, masterful intellect, and an ability to resolve seemingly unsolvable world situations. The fourth reich will not be like the others. It will be a global harlot church crowning a global leader of the world. We are not talking about something that is far off down the road; it is already happening. The only question you need to answer is, "When my number comes up, what will my response be?" It is not enough to try and make it through these times.  You must know what spirit you are of.

It is time to wake-up and be prepared to deal with Satan incarnate.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Whom the Son Sets Free

The Truth Will Make You Free

The following series from Pastor Zac Poonen is one of the most important topics in the church: liberty. I wrote on this before in an article called "You Are Free", but Pastor Poonen goes into this topic in more detail.

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1

God compels us to stand in His liberty because there are forces in the world, especially in religion, which desire to bring us back into bondage after we have been set free in Christ. 

While all messages below are recommended, I have highlighted ones which I believe are extremely important in case you cannot listen to them all.

There are several videos in the series (summarized below) and you may navigate to each particular topic by using the navigation arrows at each side of the video screen.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:8

Many people refer to this verse or use the words "grace, faith, and saved"; but what do they really mean?

Three Important Words: Grace
  • The truth of God's word sets us free (John 8:32).  Anything that brings us into bondage or condemnation is then by default not the truth.
  • Jesus sets people free from sin and human traditions.
  • For example, the Sabbath was not given to bind man, but to impress upon man the importance of resting in God.  Yet, this became so perverted and misunderstood that the Pharisees even tried to use it to constrain the very works of God (Mark 3:2-4; Luke 6:1-9)
  • The reason they killed Jesus is because He spoke the truth.  The truth not only makes us free, but it also makes many professing Christians angry because it exposes their sin and their traditions.
  • Grace is the most important thing in God's kingdom.  It is the "currency" of Heaven.
  • God is not looking for cleverness, but sincerity.  If you are sincere, then God will show you the truth.
  • The Spirit of Grace is the Holy Spirit and will reveal to you Jesus Christ.
  • Not everyone can get grace, but everyone can get grace if they want to! (I Peter 5:5)
  • There is only one way to get spiritual riches: humility.
  • The number one work of grace is forgiveness of sin (Ephesians 1:7).

Three Important Words: Faith
  • One must have a correct understanding of faith in order to be secure in Christ.
  •  The example of faith is not for us the tremendous faith of Old Testament figures, but a better example which is found in Christ (Hebrews 11:1-40)
  •  For example, people will often quote John 10:28-29 saying that "no man can pluck" them out of God's hand and they base their eternal security on this verse.  However, they don't realize that verse 28 is a continuation of the sentence in verse 27.  The promise of not being plucked out of God's hand is conditioned upon those who obey - hear and follow - Christ (verse 27).
  • If the demons believe, and such a belief does not save them, then how does our belief differ from that (James 2:19)?  Much of what many Christians consider "faith" could be echoed by demons.
  • Saving faith is a personal confidence in God as our Father and Jesus as our Savior based upon receiving the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9-17).  
  • An intellectual knowledge of Scripture does not mean one has been born again.  There is a big difference between head faith and heart faith.
  • Repentance and faith go together.  You cannot have true faith without turning from your sins.
  • It is never our responsibility to tell others that they are the son of God.  This is something only the Holy Spirit has the right to confirm.
  • Saving faith is a total dependence upon the Lord for everything (John 15:1-8).
  • There is a difference between struggling to bear witness to the life of Christ in the flesh versus resting in Christ to let His life flow through us.
  • You cannot be betrothed to Christ and still do your own thing.  In a wedding ceremony, a bride verbalizes her trust in her husband and gives herself completely to her groom.  Everything changes from that day forward, for the rest of her life.  She changes her name and gives up her plans in order to fit in with her husband's plans.
  • Saving faith always produces the works of faith (James 2:18).  Just like in a marriage, children are produced; so are works produced from those who have true faith.

*Three Important Words: Salvation (This message is highly recommended)
  • In our lives, there is a past, present, and future.  Similarly, salvation also has a past, present, and future.
  • There is a salvation we can experience which was finished in the past.  There is a salvation which we must keep on experiencing in our present.  And there is a salvation we can only experience in the future.  All three are mentioned in Scripture!
  • God's word gives us a clear understanding of truth.
  • Salvation in the past is that we have been justified by Jesus' blood so that we will be saved from the wrath of God (Romans 5:9).  Salvation from the punishment which is due from our sins.  Every sin is a crime against God.  Being born again means we have been justified.
  • God wants to give man the gift of forgiveness of sins, but there are two things we have to do (not works) to receive it.  God has extended His hand to mankind and is offering a gift of forgiveness; this is what the Scriptures call grace.  However, all human beings are born with their backs turned to God.  The first thing I have to do is turn around and face Him; this is what the Scriptures call repentance.  Repentance doesn't mean one is sinless, but it means one has turned from an attitude of loving sin.  The second thing I have to do is stretch out my hand to take the gift that God is offering to me; this is what the Scriptures call believing
  • We must have a willingness to set right matters with others we have hurt or defrauded in any way (Matthew 5:23; Luke 19:8-9).  If there is unconfessed sin in our hearts, God will not hear us (Psalm 66:18; John 9:31).
  • There is a curse on money that is kept which is unrighteously earned; a curse that will even extend to your own children and grandchildren.  The obstacle for many to their own salvation is a love of money.
  • Jesus could not forgive the Pharisees because they always sought to justify themselves (Luke 16:15).  Such persons cannot receive the forgiveness of God; they cannot be saved from the wrath of God.
  • There are no works we need to do to be forgiven, to receive salvation.  Yet, after salvation, there are many works God has for us to do (Ephesians 2:9-10).
  • Salvation in the present is that - after we are reconciled to God by Christ's death - we are being saved every day by His life (Romans 5:10).  Many know about salvation through the death of Jesus Christ, but how many know about salvation through His life?  Jesus not only died, but He rose again!  He is living!  His death saves me from the sins of my past; His life saves me from the sins in my nature. 
  • The Christian life is one of education, where God gives us light on the different areas of our life where we are not like Christ; and as we turn from each area, God shows us more.  This is the process of sanctification.
  • God's blessing is not money and health; even unbelievers get that.  The mark of God's blessing is that He helps us to be free form the unChristlike areas of our lives.
  • Salvation of the future is when our whole bodies will be redeemed at Christ's second coming (Romans 13:11; I Corinthians 15:42-54; I Peter 1:4).
  • In the past, God saved me from the penalty of sin.  In the present, God saves me from the power of sin.  In the future, God saves me from the very presence of sin.  It is always a salvation from sin.
  • Those who have this hope of salvation in them will purify themselves (I John 3:3).  
  • "Saved" is a very big word.  If we are really being saved, then we will not be satisfied with simply being saved from the penalty of sin or hoping for a future salvation from the presence of sin.  But if we really have that hope, we will seek to be saved from the power of sin today.  You will cry out to God, "Lord, give me the power of your Holy Spirit.  Give me your life that will lift me up from the power of sin!"  God can do it for you.  He wants to do it for you!  He sent Jesus to do it for you!  Ask Him so that you might experience the fullness of salvation.
God's Way of Giving Us Freedom
  • In every Christian denomination, believers are in bondage and the devil has made them think that they are free, when they are not free. Hundreds of Christian churches claim to have the truth.  So how do we find out whether we really have the truth?
  • The answer is in John 8:23, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  Verses 34-36 are clear that Jesus is speaking of being free from sin.
  • In the first sermon Jesus preached, He said that He was anointed to preach the Gospel to the poor [in spirit] so that the brokenhearted can be healed, captives would be released, the blind can recover sight, and free those who are downtrodden (Luke 4:18). 
  • Most professing Christians are captives.  It is more important to be free from sin than to be a great preacher.
  • Many Christians also remain blind, even while reading the Scriptures because there is a veil the devil can place over the mind.  David prayed for God to give him sight so that he could behold the wonders of God's word (Psalm 119:18). 
  • The devil has trodden many believers down with fears that their situations can never be overcome.  Yet, there is no problem God cannot handle!
  • God's way of defeating Satan is completely different than man's ways.  He is not so quick or in such a hurry to do things or else He could have crushed Satan under His heel immediately when sin occurred in the Garden of Eden.  He could have sent His Son the next day, but He did not.
  • God wants to set you free and answer your prayers, but He does it slowly and thoroughly. 
  • The reason why is seen in Exodus 23:23, 29 God says, "For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off...I will not drive them out from before thee in one year; lest the land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against thee."
  • If God were to deliver man from sin all at once, the spiritual forces against us would be multiplied.  A primary trait that these beasts use to gain this advantage is through pride.  God reveals His plans to us as we are able to bear them (John 16:12).
  • Every earthly burden is supposed to be cast upon the Lord.  I am not supposed to carry one earthly worry or anxiety.  When such things come, share them with the Lord, not man, so that we can be freed through Him.
  • When we are born again, it is like we have a little baby inside, a spiritual baby called a "new man".  That new man has spiritual ears.  In Isaiah 50:4-5, it says the prophet of God obtained a word from the Lord for those who are weary because they seek daily to have their ears opened to hear Him.

Why God Waits to Set Us Free

  • If God desires for us to be free, then why are so many Christians not free?  In Malachi 3:6a says, "For I am the LORD, I change not."  God never changes, but the way He deals with man has changed.
  • If you don't repent, God looks at you one way, but when you truly repent, God looks at you another way.
  • There is a difference between being sorry for being caught in sin versus being sorrowful for being in sin.   There is no partiality with God, but He distinguishes between those who are genuinely sorry for their sin and those who are simply sorry for being caught.  This is why some people don't get free and others do.
  • Even the ungodly person knows the truth, but that truth does not set them free because they have no Godly sorrow about their sin (II Corinthians 7:10).  Ahab is a clear depiction of this in how he interacted with Jezebel to steal the inheritance of Naboth (I Kings 1:27).  
  • If the extent to which you are concerned about sin is only related to how "honorable" you appear before men, then all of your weeping and fasting is nonsense; you are as ungodly as Ahab.
  • We must be completely honest before God about our sin, understanding that sin is an offense to God.  
  • Is our fear of man and his opinions of us?  Is our fear of Satan and his demons, that they might have some power to harm us?  Or, are we fearful of dishonoring God?
  • People can turn and become evil, even after starting well with Christ.  Scripture says in Luke 6:16 that Judas "became" a traitor, even after having initially been chosen by Jesus as an Apostle.
  • Our yielding to or resisting God's work in us can hasten or delay our freedom.  God's work to break a leader of a church can even delay the blessings He has planned for that ministry.  The bigger the ministry He has for you, the more He has to break you.  God can use many things in life to create brokenness in you; financial difficulties, family opposition, court cases, etc.
  • Freedom can also be delayed because God's people are not desperate to be free!  They do not cry out for freedom and as a result, they do not receive an answer to prayer.  
  • One can die a defeated Christian when they could have received victory had they cried out to God more about their condition.

*Freedom Through Being a Servant (This message is highly recommended)
  • God longs to set us free from every bondage.  God has called you to be a ruler and not a slave.  Jesus makes us kings and priests.  Not kings externally, but spiritually because they were not slaves to people or sin.
  • Only those who have not been filed with the Holy Spirit are concerned with appearing more "spiritual" than other men.  
  • The first thing you are filled with when you receive the Holy Spirit is humility.  The first thing Jesus does is make you into a servant of all (Luke 22:24-27). 
  • If the praise of people puffs you up, then you do not have the Spirit of Christ.  A Spirit-filled man cares nothing for the opinion of men, but he will consider Godly discernment spoken by true men of God.
  • Most people remain in bondage because they do not know that no man is called to be a king over the people, but is to be a servant (John 13:13-15; I Peter 5:3).  He is to be a king inside, ruling over his own passions, ruling over the devil, and ruling over the influence of the world. A true man of God is to be a servant until the end of His life.
  • The reason why you may not have freedom in certain areas is because you desire a little bit the honor of men; you want to be a little king in the eyes of others.
  • Philippians 2:3 says, "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."  You don't have to pretend that others are more spiritual than you; such is false humility. However, we should consider others as more important than ourselves.  Only such a person is fit to be a leader of God's people.
  • A man being a servant does not mean he isn't the head of a home or an elder in the church.  Jesus was both a servant and the Head of the church.  Being a servant does not mean ignoring the authority God has called you to walk in.
  • Jesus was a leader, but He didn't have the spirit of a dictator.  He didn't make demands on others or insist that people listen to him.
  • Being a servant also doesn't mean becoming a slave to others in trying to fulfill religious perspectives about what they feel you are so supposed to do.  
  • There must be a balance in order to be a leader and a servant.  It can only be done by the Spirit of Christ.
  • Only those who are enslaved within and not secure in Christ need to lord over others.  It is the spirit of an orphan.
  • A true servant of God is content with what he has (Luke 3:14; I Timothy 6:8; Philippians 4:11; Hebrews 13:5).
  • We don't need to be worried about the support of men or others agreeing with us.  Our testimony at the end of our lives should be, "This was a man God really loved." (Revelation 3:8).  God supports the humble - and when He does - we become completely free!

*Freedom Through Praising God (This message is highly recommended)
  • One of the great truths that we must always be sure of is that God is on our side against the devil, even when we fall.  At such times, we can become discouraged and think that God is against us.
  • God is only against proud people (James 4:6).
  • When you look for support in your church from people, that shows that you are not very sure whether God will support you.
  • Christianity is not about getting the support of others or trying to be popular.  Others may not always understand what God calls you to do.  If we are right with God, then that should be all that matters.
  • John 16:32 lets us know that even when others have forsaken us, we are still not alone if the Father is with us.
  • We are not be place our trust in man; it is a curse (Jeremiah 17:5-8).
  • When Jesus faced a problem, He prayed, but He never sought sympathy from man.  Always make sure that God will support you.
  • II Chronicles 20:6-12 gives us a great pattern for how to pray when we are in trouble:

    And said, O LORD God of our fathers, art not thou God in heaven? And rulest not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen? And in thine hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand thee?  Art not thou our God, who didst drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel, and gavest it to the seed of Abraham thy friend for ever? And they dwelt therein, and have built thee a sanctuary therein for thy name, saying, If, when evil cometh upon us, as the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we stand before this house, and in thy presence, (for thy name is in this house,) and cry unto thee in our affliction, then thou wilt hear and help. And now, behold, the children of Ammon and Moab and mount Seir, whom thou wouldest not let Israel invade, when they came out of the land of Egypt, but they turned from them, and destroyed them not; Behold, I say, how they reward us, to come to cast us out of thy possession, which thou hast given us to inherit. O our God, wilt thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee.
  • And we are in a better position to appeal to our Father in Heaven then even Jehoshaphat was, but we must first acknowledge that He is the sovereign ruler of the universe.  There is nothing too big for God!  And once you have committed the matter to the Lord, PRAISE Him (Psalm 50:23)!
  • Even if the whole world is against you, it ought to be enough to have the Lord on your side.
  • Remember also the lovingkindess God has shown to us throughout our lives. 
  • We also must learn the promises of God so that we can claim them (II Corinthians 1:20).  The word Amen means so be it; it will be so.  When we add our amen to God's word, we are expressing our faith in what God has proclaimed which is how we receive His promises.
  • Thanksgiving is being grateful for what God has done for us.  Praise is recognizing Him as Almighty God.  Worship is falling down before Him and saying, "You are our God."  We get freedom by learning to praise God.

Setting God's People Free
  •  James 4:2 says that we often do not have because we do not ask.
  • As an earthly father, we give many things to our children even without them asking, food, clothing, shelter, education etc.  God gives these earthly things to all, even those who are not His children.   
  • Yet, God cannot make you holy unless you ask for it.  That is why God gives us free will.  
  • Obedience alone does not make one holy.  The planets, the stars, the oceans...they all obey God, but they are not holy because they have no freedom to choose.
  • When God made man, He didn't force him to do anything; He gave him the freedom to choose...and He never takes that freedom away, even after salvation.
  • When the devil possesses a person, the demons control them completely.  That is why the Bible speaks of demons possessing a person whereas the Holy Spirit fills people. Only demons control people.
  • Whenever someone forces you to do something, that is not of God.  If the pastor forces you to pay your tithe, that is not of God.  Such a pastor is acting like a demon trying to control you.  When an elder brother tries to control you by punishing you if you don't come to a meeting, won't smile at you because you offended him in some way, or treats you differently because you don't do what they say...such a person is acting like the devil.    
  • A Godly man will never try to control you.  Even when he thinks something is good for you, he will tell you, but leave you free to choose.   This is the only type of person you are called to submit to because that is how God is.
  • In addition to having free will, one must also have a conscience in order to be holy.  We must ask ourselves, "Are we listening to our consciences?"  Is our conscience convicting us about something which we try to justify ourselves instead of confessing?
  • Not only can we fail to receive from God because we don't ask, but also because we ask with the wrong motives.
  • God will not deny victory over sin to anyone who asks for it.  He sent His Son with the express purpose of saving me from my sins...all of them.
  • Most people are defeated in areas of sin because they do not cry out to God day and night for deliverance.
  • The devil may be causing confusion in your home.  Your children may be in bondage to Satan.  Is this God's will?  No!  He wants them to be free, but He is waiting for someone to cry out.
  • In teaching us to pray, Jesus' first instruction was to say "hallowed be thy name" (Matthew 6:9).  Praying for deliverance from evil was at the end of the prayer.  In coming to God in prayer, we need to have a profound awareness of, and sensitivity to, how we are dishonoring God's name by living in sin. 
  • God gives us a promise in Ezekiel 36:23-28, "And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. " God will do these things, not primarily for our sakes, but for His names' sake (verse 32); yet only for those who ask Him to (verse 37).
  • Sin not only harms us, but sin dishonors God's name.  The primary reason for seeking deliverance from sin is that we want to honor God's name.
  • God allows difficulties and pressures in our lives so that we can cry out to Him for deliverance.
  • How do you know whether your church is part of Zion or part of Babylon?  Jeremiah 3:13-14 says, "Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."
  • There is one proof that you have come out of Babylon and into Zion: You have a shepherd after God's own heart; one who is not a dictator, but is a servant, and a father.  If you don't have that, then that church is Babylon.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Enter the Most Holy Place

"Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David, which is Zion. 

And all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto king Solomon at the feast in the month Ethanim, which is the seventh month. And all the elders of Israel came, and the priests took up the ark. And they brought up the ark of the LORD, and the tabernacle of the congregation, and all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle, even those did the priests and the Levites bring up. And king Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel, that were assembled unto him, were with him before the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen, that could not be told nor numbered for multitude. 

And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place, into the oracle of the house, to the most holy place, even under the wings of the cherubims. For the cherubims spread forth their two wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof above. And they drew out the staves, that the ends of the staves were seen out in the holy place before the oracle, and they were not seen without: and there they are unto this day. There was nothing in the ark save the two tables of stone, which Moses put there at Horeb, when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt. 

And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the LORD, So that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of the LORD." I Kings 8:1-11

Through the blood of Jesus Christ, we are able to enter into the holy of holies, into the very presence of God (Hebrews 9:6-15).  The veil has been rent so that we may all experience intimate fellowship with God, that we might truly know Him (Mark 15:38). We are now the temple of the Lord.

God's call is for us to come from the outer court (a place of separation from God), through the inner court (a place of offerings and cleansings) into the holy place (a place of enlightenment by His Holy Spirit as we feed on the bread of His word and have Christ revealed within) and then go on to the most holy place where we personally behold His presence (the place of His glory).  What is it that divides the holy place from the holy of holies?  Unending praise & worship!  An altar of continually billowing incense (Exodus 30:8).

This is where we need to remain, each day, every day.  Don't be content to just commune with God a few times a day or a few times a week.  He is inviting us to live in this place with Him; a place where we have turned from our own ways, denied the flesh, and have become totally consumed with Him alone.  To walk with Him daily.  To meditate on Him continually.  To speak to and hear from Him always.  What a precious gift and opportunity which we often fail to appreciate.  Yet we can determine today to enter into - and stay in - that holy place, in His very presence.

May the glory of the Lord overshadow and fill you as you dwell with Him in the most holy place.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Letting Man Have His Way

As a child, you may have once told your parents, "Just let me do what I want to do!"  You might have felt that your parents stood in your way and were obstacles to your right of free expression.  If only they would realize that you were your own person and just let you have your own way, things would be fine.  In our ignorance, we did not understand that the actions of our parents were actions of LOVE, meant to protect us from our crazy selves.

It is the same with God.  The commands He gives us to obey are for our protection, for our good.  Yet, the rebellious nature frequently misinterprets the loving arms of protection as bondage or restriction.

This is why, oftentimes, all that God has to do to judge man is to leave man to himself.  When God is convicting us of sin, correcting us, chastening us...this is all His mercy in our lives.  It is when He "gives us up" to our own ways that we need to be worried (Acts 7:42; Romans 1:24, 26, 28; II Thessalonians 2:11-12).  More on God "giving up" man to himself can be read in the article, "The Three Give Ups of God" from Pastor Gary C. Price at Omega Church & Ministries Center.

Below is a video from Dr. Helen Caldicott about the current nuclear fallout in Japan.  The purpose of sharing this is not to be an alarmist, as we know that God's hand is always on His people. However, it does highlight the depravity of the mind of man.  Even in our intellectual brilliance, the fallen nature of man can only eventually bring about his own destruction.

Without the omniscient and omnipotent hand of God covering mankind, the type of destruction outlined in this video - as a result of man's own devices - is inevitable.

The BBC recently reported that the severity rating for the nuclear crisis in Japan has been raised to Chernobyl levels.  In the article, it is reported:
"We have upgraded the severity level to seven as the impact of radiation leaks has been widespread from the air, vegetables, tap water and the ocean," said Minoru Oogoda of Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (Nisa), the government's nuclear watchdog.
In fact, as echoed in the video, the article confirms that the situation in Fukishima is likely to exceed the leaks at Chernobyl. 

However, those who heed the voice of the Lord will be safe from evil, even while in the midst of utter chaos and decay.  This is God's promise to us.  We need not fear, simply set your face like a flint to hear and obey God's word as we proclaim His righteousness as a light in the midst of a dark and damned world.

Decades ago, there was a collaborative rap song called "Self destruction" which appealed to man's common decency and sense of reason.  It called for young people to rise up and turn from the road of self-destruction.  The answer for man - according to this song - was for men to come together and work towards a better tomorrow.  This is a refrain we continue to hear even today.  The answer to the world's ills is for man to "come together" in unity.  Yet I tell you that it is man who has gotten us to this point.  What we need now is not more wisdom of men, but to place complete trust in the God of Heaven...if we have not already done so.

Man's own ingenuity has resulted in an apocalyptic situation in this earth that is beyond man's ability to reverse.  This is what happens when God begins to let man have his own way; yet who will heed the call to turn?

"Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof

Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. 

But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil."  Proverbs 1:20- 33